Israel's War Against Hamas - Updates

In the letters, Hamas demands the head of the Education and Instruction Administration to schedule convenient timetables for teachers due to their roles in the Izz ad-Din al-Qassam Brigades. In the exposed letters, Hamas requests the release of teachers from their regular classes for training, emphasizing the inflexibility of the schedule.

"We request approval for brother Nur Al-Din Naim Mahmoud Siyam, who works at the Jinan high school as a mathematics teacher, as he is our mission coordinator," is written in one of the appeals from Hamas to the head of the Education Administration. In the other two letters, Hamas demands the release of two education personnel for a military exercise on 28.9.23 - just days before the surprise terror attack against Israel.

During the war, IDF soldiers discovered weapons and ammunition in schools, providing evidence of how Hamas also used Gazan children for military activities, manipulating them for terror. The IDF presented documentation of ways in which Hamas exploits children in the Gaza Strip, showing how they are taught to shoot and capture soldiers. Additionally, certificates of appreciation were presented to children who participated in the "summer camps" organized by the terrorist organization.

(full article online)

[ Christianity and Islam both teach that their religion supersedes Judaism. Judaism is therefore over and Jews should convert to either or suffer the consequences. Which is why neither can allow the rebuilding of the Jewish Nation on its OWN ancient Jewish Homeland ]

There are TWO BILLION Muslims in the world

They’re told they are superior to Jews and they’re told Islam is PERFECT

So it must be confusing and infuriating for them to lose to a handful of Jews in Israel again and again

Their stupid honour hurt over and over

The made up honour they’ve invested in their supernatural beliefs wounded again and again

Their sense of self hurt over and overDespite every racist war muslims have started against the Jews - they lose

They will lose this time tooThe question is:Will they actually do the impossible?

Can they engage in introspection?

Can they look at successful non-muslim societies - including Israel, America and Britain - which have eclipsed them in every arena - and consider whether maybe the Islamist world view isn’t going to be the king of the next century?

Or will they stubbornly double down and think “If we just Allahu Akbar a little bit louder we will turn things around?”
Deputy Head of Propaganda for terror organization Palestinian Islamic Jihad Wael Makin Abdallah Abu-Fanounah was targeted and killed by the IDF in an airstrike on Thursday, the military announced on Friday in a joint statement with the Israel Security Service (Shin Bet.)

Fanounah was originally arrested in Israel on December 12, 1989, and was sentenced to three life sentences for his terrorist activities, but was released in 2011 as part of the Gilad Schalit prisoner deal.

Fanounah then served as deputy to Khalil al-Hayya, the Northern Gaza Strip Commander of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad. Since 2017, before assuming his role as deputy head of the organization's Propaganda Unit, Fanounah was responsible for producing terror videos related to rocket attacks on Israeli territory and creating and disseminating documentation of Israeli captives as part of the psychological warfare conducted by terror groups in Gaza against Israeli residents.

(full article online)


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