Israel's War Against Hamas - Updates

I see this a lot, Pro-Palestine are claiming that Israelis are surprised that Israel is losing many soldiers in Gaza.

As someone who speaks Arabic (culturally) I read between the lines here:

-This rhetoric is implying that Israel didn't expect the war to difficult, and they think that Israel thought that it's going in just to shoot civilians uninterrupted.

Their way of thinking is so twisted, they really believed this is what Israel was expecting. and why it is surprised there are fierce battles in Gaza.

Lets then make it clear, in western language: Israel knew this war will be costly in soldiers' lives. Some Hamas leaders brag that Israel was scared to carry a ground invasion - well, yes. Because we know how dangerous it is, and we, the Israelis, are people who love our lives, love the lives of our sons in the army, and long for peace.

Add to that that we have a lousy leadership that prefers the status quo over any change. They'd do anything (and they did) to appease Hamas, all while Hamas is holding hostages and bodies of dead soldiers long before October 7th.

But now, even when Israel knew it'll lose many soldiers, it felt there is no other choice but to accept the invitation and go for a full war.

Hamas supporters also miss another point: The fact that IDF soldiers are dying in face to face combat proves that Israel doesn't "commit genocide" by targeting from air, aiming randomly, but has a plan, knows its positions and is strategically working for a goal that it wants to achieve. If Israel wanted to just randomly bomb Gaza, it has the technology to do so. But the fact it didn't says a lot about Israel's moral values and respect for international law.
Hila Rotem-Shoshani, who was a hostage in Gaza, recounted the conditions and experiences in Hamas captivity in an interview with The New York Times on Wednesday.

"I heard the voices of kids outside, and we were kept with other people living inside the house. I forced myself to drink the little water that they gave me," were the first things she recounted. Her captors told her, "Don't try to escape, they hate you. If you go outside, they will hurt you."

Hila was kidnapped from her house in Kibbutz Be'eri, along with Emily Hand, who was staying at her house for a pajama party. When Hamas arrived and began raizing the Kibbutz, Hila and Emily, along with Raya Rotem, hid in the bomb shelter of her house. They were there for six hours. Eventually, the Hamas terrorists broke into the shelter with pistols and knives and took the three captive. They were forced into a car and had to witness burnt bodies and buildings along the way. One of the terrorists noticed Hila holding a doll, so he ripped it from her hands and threw it to the side of the road.

(full article online)

[ Arab World? You actually mean "Arab/Muslim conquered world outside of Arabia, no different from English and Spain's conquered lands/world ]

88% of the Arab world supports the 10/7 massacre as "a legitimate operation"

The Arab Center for Research and Policy Studies released the results of a survey of the Arab world last week, and it shows that the overwhelming majority of Arabs consider the 10/7 pogrom to be "legitimate."

A total of 88% considered the attack legitimate, while only 5% considered it illegitimate. 67% considered it entirely legitimate, 19% say it was legitimate but Hamas made some mistakes, and 2% admitted that it included heinous or criminal acts - but was still legitimate.

Among Palestinians surveyed in the West Bank, 0% - yes, statistically nobody - considered 10/7 illegitimate. 11% said some mistakes were made and 4% admitted it included heinous acts, but was legitimate anyway.

Libya and Jordan supported the attack even more than Palestinians in the West Bank d0, although a tiny percentage considered it criminal.

Citizens of Arab countries across the board considered the terror attack to be legitimate. But the UAE and Bahrain were not included in this survey.

Even though this survey showing near unanimous support for the October 7 terror attack among Arabs was released a week ago, major media ignored the survey. Because telling the world how supportive the Arab world is of attacking civilian is not something the media wants the world to know.

51% of Arabs say that the United States is the biggest threat to the security of the Middle East - far higher than Israel, for which 26% considered the most dangerous. Iran got only 7%.

The survey also found that the vast majority of the Arab world - 84% - felt a great deal of psychological stress as a result of the war. The respondents that showed the least stress over the war were - Palestinians from the West Bank!

69% of Arabs support Gazans and Hamas, while 23% say they support the people of Gaza but oppose Hamas.

Again, the huge support for Hamas by the Arab world at large contradicts the conventional wisdom that the media and Western politicians have been carefully cultivating of a moderate and peace-loving Arab majority. Killing and raping Jews is very, very popular in the Arab world.

People ignore the facts at their own peril.

[ Daring to tell the truth ]

Ahmed Majdalani, a member of the Executive Committee of the PLO and the current social affairs minister in the Palestinian government, is being heavily criticized by Palestinian activists for calling Hamas a "terrorist organization."

Speaking on Al Arabiya's Al-Hadath channel, Majdalani said, “Hamas is a terrorist organization in its current form, its current program, and its current political discourse, and it may be part of the solution [only] if it abandons armed resistance.”

Majdalani said Hamas should "rely on a solution based on international legitimacy resolutions and international law,” saying that if this happens, it will be a “fundamental change” in Hamas’s doctrine.

All of these are entirely consistent with what the PA has been telling the West for years. But Majdalani apparently didn't get the memo that with Hamas' huge popularity among Palestinians since October 7, he must not say anything negative about them or their actions, in the name of "Palestinian unity."

The Palestinian National and Islamic Forces issued a statement saying, “We condemn in the strongest terms the statements that depart from the national consensusmade by the minister in the Shtayyeh government, Ahmed Majdalani, to Al-Arabiya channel, in which he speaks with the mouth of the occupation, describing the Hamas movement as a terrorist!”

The statement continued, "These statements are unpatriotic and represent a departure from the national consensus, and they are an instrument to serve the occupation and its agenda aimed at striking the national unity and steadfastness of the Palestinian people who are facing a war of genocide and torture in Gaza and the West Bank."

(full article online)


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