Israel's War Against Hamas - Updates

Monsters of the Middle East

The Israeli government’s website showing the horrors of the Hamas terror group’s Oct. 7 massacre in southern Israel has received significant online traffic in the week since its launch, according to the Israel Defense Forces (IDF).

The website — These videos are difficult to watch — has already garnered more than 43 million views, including around half a million that led to people exploring the site’s content about the Oct. 7 atrocities.

The site, which includes disturbing videos and pictures of the crimes committed, contains a warning: “Extreme viewer discretion is advised.”

(full article online)

According to the Shavei Israel organization, which has been working to bring members of the group to Israel for over 20 years, 215 men from the Bnei Menashe tribe were already serving in the IDF and taking part in fighting against Hamas and Hezbollah. According to the organization, 75 of them were active duty soldiers (most in combat units) and 140 in the reserves.

The organization also said that, as a general rule, the rate of recruits among the Indian immigrants was very high and stands at 99% among the boys. 10% of the girls enlist in the IDF and 90% do national service, for religious reasons.

"The members of the Bnei Menashe community are passionate Zionists and care deeply about the State of Israel, its citizens and their security. It is not by chance that many of them choose to serve in combat units in the IDF, and we are proud of their willingness to risk their lives like other IDF soldiers," said the founder and chairman Shavei Israel organization, Michael Freund.

"Since the outbreak of the war, we have received hundreds of requests from young community members in northeastern India who wish to immigrate to Israel and enlist immediately in the IDF to fight shoulder to shoulder with their brothers and sisters."

(full article online)

In early December, The Lancet published a peer-reviewed study that sought to prove that the Gaza Ministry of Health casualty counts were largely accurate.

Their methodology was to compare the number of deaths per thousand reported by the Gaza Ministry of Health with the number of deaths per thousand of UNRWA employees, which were counted independently by UNRWA and not the Hamas ministry.

They found that the two death rates were roughly the same (actually, UNRWA's was higher), indicating that the health ministry was not exaggerating the total number of deaths.

The methodology is flawed. It makes an assumption that everyone in Gaza has an equal chance of being killed, meaning that Israel is killing people randomly and indiscriminately. This is not only a false assumption, but an antisemitic one.

Indeed, one reason UNRWA workers could have been killed at a higher rate is because none of them are children - and more than half of them are males of fighting age. About two thirds of the first 101 killed were men, a higher percentage than the percentage of male employees at UNRWA (about 54% across UNRWA, not sure about Gaza itself.) Chances are that at least some of the UNRWA casualties were also legal combatants, either actively participating or acting as "spotters" or other support.

But there's another problem with this. If the Lancet methodology is correct, then it should be correct for every month of the war, not just the first month.

But over the past month, from December 15 to January 15, Hamas claims 5200 people were killed - 2.4 per thousand. But only 15 UNRWA employees were killed in that same timeframe - only 1.1 per thousand! (I'm assuming 13,500 UNRWA employees and 2.2 million total population of Gaza, which seems to be The Lancet's numbers.)

Using the Lancet's own methodology, even assuming the false assumption that UNRWA employees represent the entire population of Gaza rather than only adults and primarily males, the number of deaths claimed by Hamas is over double what their methodology would predict!

That's thousands of false Gaza deaths - using the methodology of this peer-reviewed paper.

Even if we accept that the Gaza health ministry had accurate information for the first month of the war, logic indicates that as Gaza infrastructure has deteriorated, the reliability of their figures has gone down as well. As we showed earlier, even the UN no longer parrots the Hamas claims that 70% of the deaths are women and children. There is no reason to believe the ministry of health figures over the past two months given that we know their "70% women and children" number is pure propaganda.

Which strongly indicates that Hamas is mandating how many deaths to claim, and the relationship with reality is increasingly tenuous as the war goes on and as Hamas sees its figures accepted as truth worldwide.

Beyond that, would the Lancet even consider publishing a paper using the exact same methodology for the time period of December 15-January 15 as I've shown here? I highly doubt it. Which shows how even "peer reviewed" papers can be biased, even when their numbers are accurate - the researchers and editors are looking only to publish papers that confirm their biases, and they won't even bother to look at anything that shows that disproves their biases.

But if any doctors and statisticians want to take this data and submit it to this formerly prestigious journal - data that thoroughly rebuts the first paper - it would be instructive to see whether they are honest enough to publish it.

(If you are wondering, the data for November 10-December 15 shows a 2.5/1000 death rate for UNRWA employees and 3.5/1000 for Hamas figures of Gaza' general population - also a significant difference, but not as striking as the most recent month.)

I mentioned yesterday that Gazan shopkeepers and drivers are charging exorbitant rates to take advantage of people's distress instead of working together to help each other as Israelis are doing during the war.

Another story in a similar vein was published in Sada News - this one about moneychangers.

Gaza workers who normally get their salaries from ATM machines are now at the mercy of moneychangers who are charging as much as 15%:

The banks are closed and the ATMs are destroyed, and until the employee gets the money in his hands, he will go through a journey of exploitation, from people who have “cash” in their hands, and they charge commissions ranging between 5-7-10-15% for the exchange!

This forces the employee to agree to the fees despite the clear exploitation of people's circumstances during the most difficult times they are going through.

The matter is not limited to moneychangers only, but Sada learned that commercial stores were able to partially open their doors recently, disbursing employees’ salaries in the same way, “transferring the value of the salary through banking applications, and when notification arrives of the completion of the transfer process, the employee is given his salary, minus a commission he specifies. He charges money as he pleases.”

This also affected remittances that reach citizens from abroad, for example via Western Union, in exchange for which they are disbursed with large commissions of up to 15%.

They are such wonderful people!


The dangerous rhetoric?
The scapegoating of Jews?
The blood libels?
Boycotting of Jewish businesses?
The verbal attacks in the streets?
The physical violence against Jews?
The political/diplomatic Jew hatred?
The cultural icons going anti Jewish?
Blatant discrimination against Jews?
Deafening silence from the world?

The list goes on, but to me, the saddest part of it all is that, just like in Europe, the Jews today are saying “It won’t happen here. It won’t happen to me.”

Here we go again…

Never again is now. Time to read the writings on the wall.

How tragic. Then and now.

The top picture? Germany, 1940.
The bottom? Rome last week.

Same hatred, same poison, same Nazi salute.

One thing, however, is not the same and that is the existence of the modern state of Israel and the ability to defend ourselves with one of the strongest armies in the world.

And so, in the most ironic way, those Nazi sympathizers? Those marching for the destruction of the Jewish state? Those very people are the biggest Zionists of all because while there are even some Jews who don’t agree Israel should exist, those ‘Anti Zionists’ remind us all why Israel MUST exist.

So to all you Jew haters out there, I would like to, on behalf of Jews and Zionists worldwide, thank you for the important reminder that Zionism is necessary and the war against those who want Israel’s destruction, is the most just war in modern history.

Antisemitism is the most effective reminder of why Zionism is necessary and why Israel must fight for its continued existence.

Here is a summary of some interesting data, which sheds some more light on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict:In the year of 2008:

144,838 Permissions to Palestinians for receiving treatment in Israeli hospitals were granted.

32 Israelis murdered and 224 wounded, by Palestinian terror attacks. Many other attacks were prevented.

In the year of 2011:

197,713 Permissions to Palestinians for receiving treatment in Israeli hospitals were granted.

24 Israelis murdered and 110 wounded, by Palestinian terror attacks. Many other attacks were prevented.

In the year of 2012:

219,464 Permissions to Palestinians for receiving treatment in Israeli hospitals were granted.

4 Israelis murdered and 38 wounded, by Palestinian terror attacks. Many other attacks were prevented.

In the year of 2016:

190,000+ Permissions to Palestinians and their companions for recieving treatment in Israeli hospitals were granted.

24 Israelis murdered and 110 wounded, by Palestinian terror attacks. Many other attacks were prevented.

In the year of 2018:

229,650 Permissions to Palestinians and their companions for receiving treatment in Israeli hospitals were granted.

14 Israelis were murdered and 184 wounded, by Palestinian terror attacks. Many other attacks were prevented.

In the year 2019:

229,496 Permissions to Palestinians and their companions for receiving treatment in Israeli hospitals were granted.

7 Israelis were murdered and 51 wounded, by Palestinian terror attacks. Many other attacks were prevented.

It can be clearly seen that instead of using the gigantic amount of aid money they received over the years to improve their own lives, the Palestinians prefer to heavily rely on Israel, while devoting the received aid to terrorism, and keep whining about "oppression" and "apartheid". The sources, as always, are attached below.

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