Israel's War Against Hamas - Updates

Orders from the Hamas leadership, acquisition of UAVs, and use of criminal elements – this is how the terrorist organization’s senior operatives advanced attacks against innocents around the world.

This is a flowchart of Hamas’s command structure for terrorism abroad:

A flowchart of Hamas’s command structure for terrorism abroad. / GPO

The Hamas terrorist organization is working to advance attacks against targets in the Middle East, Africa, and Europe under the command of senior organization leaders. On December 14, 2023, the Danish and German security and enforcement authorities announced the widespread arrest of suspects in Europe who are now the subject of judicial proceedings.

In a continuing intelligence effort, considerable information has been uncovered that proves how the Hamas terrorist organization has acted to expand its violent activity abroad to attack innocents around the world.

Thanks to combined inter-organizational forces in Israel and abroad, a comprehensive and in-depth picture of Hamas’s terrorist activities has been revealed, including details of areas of action, targets for attacks, and those involved in implementing the activity – from Hamas commanders in Lebanon to the last attackers in the operational infrastructure, as well as information on the intention to attack the Israeli Embassy in Sweden, the acquisition of UAVs and the use of elements from criminal organizations in Europe.

Hamas draws inspiration from the terrorist activity of the Iranian regime, and like it, aspires to attack Israeli, Jewish, and Western targets at any price.

The Mossad, the Shin Bet, and the IDF, in conjunction with the international security and enforcement bodies, will continue their efforts to thwart the terrorist intentions of Hamas and all terrorist organizations and to settle accounts with them everywhere in the world, on behalf of the security of the State of Israel and the Jewish people.

Photo Credit: Twitter screenshot
The late Dr. Sahar Tibi.

News12 reporter Muhammed Majadla on January 13 posted on Twitter that three relatives of MK Ahmad Tibi (Hadash-Ta’al) have been killed by the IDF in Gaza: Dr. Sahar Tibi, an education lecturer, Faisal Tibi, a Student of Computer Science, and Ahmad Tibi, a 10-year-old boy. As was to be expected, the post started left vs. right skirmishes between the usual suspects.

On Sunday, Hakol Hayehudi revealedthat Sahar Tibi was a female Hamas officer who was in charge of the terror group’s women’s division whose mission was to integrate the Hamas ideology into Hamas policewomen and in schoolchildren in the central Gaza Strip.

According to the report, Tibi’s relative was a Major in the Hamas apparatus, who ran the “Political and Moral Guidance” department in the central Strip.

Dr. Sahar Tibi has been photographed over the years giving lectures to Hamas female police and military officers and awarding their certificates. The department where she worked was in continuous contact with senior Hamas officials who closely monitored the assigned training. She was photographed in a meeting with Hamas chief Ismail Haniyeh, and just before October 7, with Mahmoud al-Zahar, a co-founder of Hamas and a member of the Hamas leadership in the Gaza Strip, who spoke with Tibi’s department’s staff.

After October 7, the Political and Moral Guidance Department posted daily messages to Gaza residents supporting the Hamas atrocities. It also posted instructions on “preventing the Zionist enemy from reaching the hostages,” to hold on to the “gains of the resistance.”

Incidentally, according to a post by Sahar Tibi’s son on Facebook, she was killed with several other relatives on November 18. It isn’t clear why the Arab News12 reporter decided to announce MK Tibi’s mourning this week.

An IDF officer in Gaza discovered a wooden sign with a family name on it belonging to an Israeli soldier whose family was forced to leave the area 19 years ago during disengagement, as reported by Ynet.

The sign said “Yarhi Family” and the officer asked a friend he knew who also grew up in the region.

They found the rightful owners, Amiel Yarhi who along with his brother is fighting in Gaza not far from the place his family used to live before the government ordered them to leave along with the almost 8,000 other Jews in the Gaza Strip in 2005.

Amiel Yarhi said, “I cried with excitement, it was a powerful moment of reflection. Each of us has a picture with this sign.”

The sign is being sent back to the Yarhi family who at first couldn’t believe that the sign was still in the Gaza Strip after all of these years.

Amiel Yarhi, who is 27, was only eight years old when his family were forced to leave their home in Netzarim.

“I cried with excitement and was in shock. It was almost unreal.”

“I hadn’t seen this sign for almost 19 years, and it took me a moment to process. It’s a throwback to a home that we loved very much.”

Amiel described the complex emotions of fighting so close to the area where he spent his early childhood.

“We left Gush Katif, and now I have come here to fight. There is a feeling of homecoming to the place where you grew up. I had a fantasy or hope to come in and maybe identify that there was something here.”

Opposition leader Yair Lapid admitted early in January that Israel’s 2005 policy of disengagement that displaced 8,000 Israelis from the Gaza Strip and left the area open for Hamas to eventually take over was a mistake.

Lapid said, “Today there is no debate, the Disengagement should not have been done without reaching some kind of agreement.

Since October 7, the Palestinian Authority has added thousands of Palestinians to its list of people who qualify to receive controversial terror stipends, an Israeli watchdog reported on Wednesday. The findings sparked outrage among Israeli residents of communities devastated by Hamas’s massacre.

The Jerusalem-based Palestine Media Watch said that Palestinian officials announced that 3,550 terrorists imprisoned in Israel would receive payouts, as would the families of 23,210 “martyrs.” The figure for the prisoners was announced on the Telegram channel of the PA-funded Prisoners’ Club. The number of martyrs — which includes terrorists killed while carrying out attacks — was reported in Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, the official PA daily newspaper on Jan. 10.

“This is important because the PLO Commission of Prisoners pays the salaries. It means that the Gaza terrorists are recognized officially and are going to receive salaries,” PMW director Itamar Marcus told the Tazpit Press Service regarding the prisoners.

(full article online)

Speaking through the mouth of a young boy from the Gaza Strip, Hamas sent this message to Palestinians:

Boy: “We are the generation of the future. We’ll wave the flags of Jihad in Palestine and liberate it. We stand firm on our land and remain in the Bureij refugee camp despite the Israeli occupation’s threats (i.e., Israeli warnings to evacuate combat zones in Gaza). We’ll not leave our land, we’re remaining in our homes… We stand firm on our land, and if the occupation (i.e., Israel) approaches us, we’ll resist. We want to resist, even if they shoot us. We want to die as Martyrs. I’m not afraid, I want to die as a Martyr, that’s fine. We salute the resistance in Palestine.”
[“The Palestinian Center for Information” (Hamas), X (Twitter) account, Dec. 26, 2023]​
The PA message is not different, as Palestinian Media Watch has exposed for decades. In this recent PA TV broadcast, two fathers express appreciation and happiness with their sons’ Martyrdom-deaths. One even says that more will follow, because when one dies as a Martyr, “10 grow [in his place]”:

Click to play

Samer Jaber, father of terrorist Mahmoud Jaber: “Praise Allah, of course he [my son Mahmoud] asked for Martyrdom, and praise Allah he received it.”
Fathi Abu Zahra, father of terrorist As’ad Abu Zahra:
“Let the Zionist entity always know: They kill one, 10 grow [in his place]. We are all a sacrifice for Palestine, everything is for my homeland. Palestine is very precious to us and we will give for it, we need to give for it, and we want to give for it so that it will be liberated, Almighty Allah willing.”
[Official PA TV News, Dec. 17, 2023]​
Mahmoud Jaber, Walid Abu Zahra, Ghaith Shehadeh, Jihad Amarna, and As’ad Abu Zahra – Palestinian terrorists aged 22, 22, 25, 25, and 33 respectively, who shot and threw explosives at Israeli forces conducting a counter-terror operation in the Nour Shams refugee camp, east of Tulkarem, on Dec. 17, 2023. An Israeli drone strike killed the terrorists, thereby ending their attack.

A thread by ShipofTheseus:

Israel journalist @Roi_Yanovsky just published an amazing piece in Hebrew about what Gaza is really like, based on his personal observations there. Here is an English translation that you need to read🧵

100 reserve days officially ended yesterday. Some initial insights:

1. Gaza is seen as a backward area, the "most densely populated in the world" which has been under Israeli "siege" for years. There is no bigger lie than this. Gaza is a modern, beautiful, developed city, with large modern houses, wide boulevards, public spaces, a promenade by the sea and parks. Looks much better than any other Arab city from the Jordan to the sea, much more similar to Tel Aviv than to Kfar Qasim or Umm Al Fahem. And of course it is very far from being "the densest in the world".

2. If it's a siege, let me live in a siege. The houses are bursting with goods and food from all countries of the Middle East, latest furniture, electronics and whatnot. There are also luxurious mansions that wouldn’t embarrass Savion and Kfar Shemariahu (rich areas in Israel)

There is absolutely no shortage of wealth in Gaza. In general, most of the houses I've been in were much bigger than the apartment I live in in Tel Aviv. The sentence "If only they had a chance for a good life, they wouldn't fight in Israel" is simply not relevant to Gaza.

3. The most common thing in the houses of the Gaza Strip: a map of the Land of Israel the heading "Map of Palestine". There is no mention of Israel or Israeli towns in general.
And it is found in almost every home, in every school and in every public institution, the goal of
erasing the State of Israel is neither hidden nor suppressed, it is almost everywhere. The historical distortion of this map which is taught from age 0 is a topic for another discussion that only emphasizes the distorted perception of reality by the residents of Gaza.

4. In all the neighborhoods we were in, there are ready-made Hamas combat complexes - weapons, tunnels, charges, launching complexes, all inside residential houses, some of which are also prepared with openings in the walls for passing between buildings and what not.

The residents of the Gaza Strip who live in the combat zones know this, they have received countless notices to evacuate. Long before the IDF entered. IDF announcements are still there everywhere. Those who decided to stay in the fighting areas are either Hamas members in various positions or people who consciously decided to stay in the areas used by Hamas for fighting, for their own reasons.

5. Hamas members rarely walk around armed. They are neither stupid nor suckers. They know they won't be shot if they go in "civilian" guise.

They prepare the weaponry ahead of time at the entrances to the buildings and arm themselves just a moment before they attack. That’s why the fighting is much more complex than any other arena. those judge from the outside why soldiers shot X or didn’t shoot Y - enter Gaza for a week or 2 and you’ll return with insights.

6. The circle enabling Hamas is much larger than its tens of thousands of terrorists. The ideology of Hamas is found in almost every home, in pictures, in propaganda materials. Hamas in Gaza is like Messi in Argentina.

7. The strengthening of Hamas at this level requires active assistance of a population. There is no way that the residents of the compounds where we located rockets and weapons did not know that the place is used as a launching complex where they try to massacre Israelis daily.

And I find it hard to believe that the parents in the kindergarten where there was a tunnel shaft do not know this. Who chooses to send their children to a kindergarten that serves as a terrorist infrastructure?

8. Hamas's strongest weapon is lies and propaganda. It's their fuel. This is how you will maintain the "siege" lie for years, this is how they are doing now with the photos of the innocent victims and the killing of the "journalists" who turn out to be terrorist operatives.

Gaza is the only place in the world where 500 deaths are reported half an hour after an explosion. Even in earthquakes and heavy disasters it takes the rescue forces a few days to identify and estimate the number of dead, but the Palestinian Ministry of Health already knows a minute after the explosion what the damage is. This is ridiculous and the world media quoting the numbers as living words of God is pathetic. I would attribute the same level of credibility to the reports this week about "hunger" in Rafah.

For months, the UN OCHA unit faithfully reported Hamas' statistics saying that 70% of Gaza's deaths were women and children.

This is from their January 2 report:

For a week or so after this report, they maintained the steady "70% women and children" figure but without the specific count, which Hamas seems to have had ended December 11 but the UN kept reporting. Here is their January 11 report:

A few days ago, they even dropped the "70%" figure fromtheir daily statistics:

But it isn't as if the Hamas-run Gaza ministry of health dropped their claims that 70% of the fatalities were women and children. They still say so to this day.

Apparently, quietly, even the UN no longer believes the Hamas' obviously inflated statistics on women and children killed which they eagerly rubber stamped for over three months. This is even though there was plenty of evidence that Hamas would sometimes pretend that the number of "women and children" killed was higher than the total reported fatality rate for the day - clearly aiming at arriving at and maintaining this fictional 70% figure.

While the UN won't say out loud that they no longer trust Hamas civilian casualty figures, they are no longer reporting them as assumed true.

Not to say that the UN suddenly believes what Israel says. Even though Israel has released estimates of the number of members of terror groups killed - today it says that it has killed 9000, making the "70% women and children" claim impossible - UN-OCHA has never mentioned the Israeli estimates, which is what it would do if it actually cared about the truth.

Despite South Africa coming out against Israel and accusing it of genocide, it seems the people of South Africa feel a different way.

Hundreds of people gathered and denounced the government for taking Hamas’s side and pledged Christian support for Israel.

Speakers took to the stage blasting the world’s and the church’s response to Oct. 7th and vowed an everlasting connection with Israel and its shared bright future ahead.


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