Israel's War Against Hamas - Updates

While Israelis are pitching in to help each other, Gazans are price gouging their neighbors

We've seen the stories about how Israelis are volunteering to do farm work that had been done by foreign workers, or spending whatever spare hours they have where they are needed, of Jews worldwide coming to Israel to volunteer to help, volunteering to or to give empty apartments to those who have had to evacuate their homes, or hotel operators providing free room and food for those who need during the war.

In Gaza, things are quite different.

Amad has an article and video showing how Gazans are price gouging their friends and neighbors,. Cheese has quintupled in price, medicines are being sold for stratospheric prices, people with cars are charging exorbitant rates for evacuees to move to safer areas. "The merchants have no compassion, mercy, or humanity for the condition of the people of the Strip," the article says as it details the huge price hikes Gazans are suffering from.

This besides what we've already seen - Egyptians promising they can get Gazans permits to leave, also for exorbitant prices.

In Israel, misery is shared and everyone pitches in. In Gaza and the Arab world, it is something to take advantage of.


Prime Minister's office:Among the absurd accusations hurled at Israel in The Hague was the claim that after the massacre on October 7 Prime Minister Netanyahu incited genocide by quoting the verse "Remember what Amalek did to you".
This false and ridiculous claim reveals deep historical ignorance.

Amalek brutally attacked the Israelites after the Exodus.

Over the generations the comparison to Amalek was meant to describe those who seek to destroy the Jewish people. In our generation, this comparison is primarily aimed at the Nazis. That's why the words that appear on the poster in Yad Vashem's permanent presentation call on the visitors to "Remember what Amalek did to you." This verse even appears in The Hague on a commemorative site for Dutch Jews who were murdered in the Holocaust.

It goes without saying that there is no incitement to the mass murder of the German people in any of these statements.

Likewise, Prime Minister Netanyahu's reference to Amalek had no intention of inciting genocide of the Palestinians, but to describe the terrible massacre committed by Hamas terrorists on October 7 and the need to fight them.
[ Lunatics for Hamas doing what they do best. Terrorize for the terrorists ]

Senior Israeli defense officials now assess that Hamas’s Gaza tunnel network is between 350 and 450 miles long, far longer than previously believed, according to a Tuesday report.

The estimate reported by The New York Times is markedly higher than an Israel Defense Forces’ assessment last month that there are some 250 miles of Hamas tunnels under the Gaza Strip, and an astounding figure given the enclave is only some 140 square miles in total size.

The newspaper quoted Israeli intelligence officials estimating there are around 100 miles of tunnels under Khan Younis in southern Gaza, where IDF troops are engaged in intensive fighting as they search for Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar and other terror commanders believed to be hiding underground.

Two Israeli defense officials who spoke anonymously said there were roughly 5,700 separate shafts leading down to the tunnels.

The report stressed that the estimates could not be independently confirmed and noted there are different assessments among Israeli officials on the extent of the subterranean passages.

The official said the IDF previously may have needed a year to detect a single tunnel, but is now able to do so much quicker as a result of the vast reams of intelligence gathered in Gaza during the ground campaign, finding details on the computers of Hamas operatives involved in the digging and discovering a list of families that “hosted” tunnel shafts in their homes, among other information.

The official said the IDF has also figured out about the “triangle” system, with troops likely to find tunnels below an area with a school, hospital or mosque.

(full article online )

Palestinian Islamic Jihad operatives were given military training in Iran, a captured commander in the terror group revealed in an interrogation, video excerpts of which were published by the Shin Bet security agency on Tuesday.

Basel Mahadi, an Islamic Jihad unit commander who was nabbed by troops in Gaza on December 20, detailed in the video how he left Gaza and was sent to Iran for military training. He was shown speaking in Arabic with an interrogator. The released video included an English translation of the conversation in subtitles.

Israel has repeatedly accused Iran of being a key force behind the devastating Hamas-led attack on October 7, which killed 1,200 people, mostly civilians. Attackers succeeded in disabling the high-tech Gaza border fence, allowing some 3,000 terrorists to stream across the boundary from Gaza and carry out massacres in southern Israeli regions.

(full article online)

The heroic battle at the Sufa outpost became one of the symbols of the war in Gaza after its fighters stopped the Hamas terrorists on October 7 in heroic battles from point-blank range.

It also became, to a large extent, a symbol of the story of all the borderline outposts in the Gaza Division, which suffered for long hours massive attacks by thousands of terrorists - attacks during which soldiers fell and were abducted into the Strip, and the outposts themselves suffered heavy damage and widespread destruction of infrastructure.

In the Technology and Logistics Division of the IDF, they managed to accomplish the unbelievable - rehabilitating 13 out of 14 outposts that were centers of destruction, shooting, arson, and looting on October 7.

(full article online)


First known casualty of Oct 7 massacre helped popularize the flower​

"The anemone is a perennial flower with a small bulb hidden in the ground," Balaban added. "The flower attracts pollinators, including bees, that collect pollen and mate, spreading the next generation."

The flowers became especially popular with the launch of the Darom Adom (Red South) festival, founded by Ofir and Vered Libstein in 2007. Ofir Libstein, head of the Sha'ar Hanegev Regional Council, was the first known victim of the October 7 massacre. He and his son, 19-year-old Nitzan Libstein, were murdered defending Kibbutz Kfar Aza, where they lived.

The Darom Adom festival was held each year from mid-Janaury until the end of February and welcomed visitors from across Israel. The festival included enjoying the red flowers, arts and crafts, and live performances.

A picture of Libstein on his Facebook page shows him lying in a field of red anemones, his hand behind his head, smiling.

This year, there will be no festival.

Just two days before the Hamas massacre, Libstein hosted a group of 700 Christian Zionists in the Negev and along the Gaza border fence to dedicate the "Christian Embassy Nature Park" land that had been rehabilitated through Christian gifts in partnership with Keren Kayemeth LeIsrael-Jewish National Fund. The Christians had chosen to rehabilitate a section of Be'eri Forest that had been burned over recent years by Gaza arsonists launching fire kites and balloons from Gaza.

On October 7, the park was trampled by terrorists and then by the IDF and its tanks as it rushed to defend Israel.

Solidarity from International Christian Embassy in Jerusalem​

International Christian Embassy in Jerusalem Vice President and Senior Spokesman David Parsons said that Christians worldwide hope to plant 1,200 vibrant red tulips in the area in remembrance of the 1,200 lives lost to Hamas as soon as they can go back to the area.

"This year, in the south, extensive flowering areas were affected due to the war, and we hope that part of the future restoration will also involve nature and the environment in full cooperation with the communities," Balaban said.

Seeing the first anemones "is a special and emotional sight that raises thoughts about the future," added Alon. "The rain and the renewed nature give a sense of hope.

(full article online)


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