Israel's War Against Hamas - Updates

If the Khan Yunis area is indicative of the rest of the Strip, Gaza is in ruins. The destruction is a testament to the folly of the territory’s ruling power, Hamas – a shameful waste of everything Palestinians and their supporters claim to hold dear.

In the heart of the Bani Suheila Municipality, looking through a rifle scope and a meurtrière (arrowslit) carved into a wall, I couldn’t fathom why anyone would invite such a disaster upon their people and country. I couldn’t see a single building left unmarred by Hamas and IDF operations.

Apartments are riddled with holes from bullets of every relevant caliber, with chains of dark spots from Negev, FN MAG, and RPK machine guns; pockmarks from micro-Tavor, M4, and Kalashnikov rifles; deep gouges from sniper fire. The interiors of homes were laid bare by tank shells, the remnants of their exterior faces scarred by shrapnel from grenades, IEDs, RPG-7s, and LAWs.

The roads have been torn into dirt wadis, shaped by the treads of Merkava tanks and armored personnel carriers. Periodic winter squalls have filled putrid pools where swarms of chickens, ducks, cats, and dogs sate their thirst when they cannot rely on the goodwill of soldiers. When hungry, the myriad of farm animals dine on the garbage strewn in alleyways – spoiled food from refrigerators, stores, and the leftovers of soldiers.

Among the garbage, I found a leaflet dropped by the IDF, urging residents to flee the area so they would not be caught in the exchange of fire. The danger of civilian collateral damage had been abated by the warnings, the city emptied and turned into a ghost town.

(full article online)


2. Gaza sacrificed a lot for Haniyeh, Mashal and Abu Marzouk to stay in hotels. Sacrificed a lot for the laser treatment of their beards and the blushing of Haniyeh's lips. Enough! It is enough!

3. We are slaughtered and killed and so are our children and our wives and our elders and our youth and our houses and our money and all for nothing...What is important is that the guys in Hamas are doing well... those who launched rockets from the north, these collaborators, made the tanks come back after they had already retreated. What do you want from us? You want to kill us all, annihilate us?

4. How long will the people wait for the war to end?

In practice, the "resistance" failed to prevent the explosion of the various areas and their destruction, failed to prevent the killing of the civilians and children, and the ground invasion anywhere in the Strip. It failed to prevent the abominations of the soldiers who shoot videos taunting us inside the houses, inside the schools, on the beach when they are carefree and relaxed.Apart from those who use drugs and talk about standing firm, respect, resistance and "give an interpretation ya Dwairi", the truth is that the "resistance" has failed to protect its people and the political echelon continues to wait until the last Gazan child is killed.

All this in honor of whom now, for what? So that Sinwar and his gang came out as heroes before the citizens of Jordan?

Those who know the truth - know and those who don't know are now sitting in a tunnel..."#TheGazaYouDontSee

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