Israel's War Against Hamas - Updates

Both Israel and my country, South Sudan, were born through jihad, one which began in 1948, the other in 1955. In 1948, the Arabs declared a jihad against the new State of Israel and tried to finish what Hitler had started. In 1955, the Black Christian people of southern Sudan revolted against the north because the Muslim government refused to give them autonomy or freedom of religion. In response, the government declared a jihad—but not on paper, as it would later in 1989. The Arabs killed possibly up to 1.5 million Black people in the south. Nobody knows the number they enslaved, since nobody really counted.

The Israelis, like the Black Sudanese, won the war but lost the peace, and the jihad continued. People in the West only learned about jihad and slavery in Sudan in the 1990s, during the Second Sudanese Civil War, which began in 1983, but it was going on throughout the first one, which ended in 1972. I was kidnapped in the 1960s, so this terror has been happening for my entire lifetime. All we know is that about 200,000 Black Christians like me were enslaved in the Second Civil War, which only stopped in 2005, and about 2 million were killed. Sadly, there are still many Africans owned as slaves today. Now I saw what was done to me and my people being done to Israelis.

Israel secretly helped the southern Sudanese fight the north. We would never have fought the Arabs to the negotiating table without them. Today, South Sudan is independent partially because Israel chose to help us win over our Arab colonizers—because that is what they are. The Jewish people, just like us, are native to our lands, which the Arabs conquered.
Recently, I went to Israel to show my solidarity with my Jewish brothers and sisters, and with the (enslaved) hostages. I walked twice from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem and back along the highway to show that we Africans love and care about Israel. I picked strawberries on a kibbutz and met with Jewish hero Natan Sharansky—a freedom fighter who went to prison, like Dr. King, for trying to free his people.

Living in New York, I see protests against Israel. These manifestations of sympathy for evil should disgust all decent people. They disgust me because Hamas is made up of the same people, acting on the same colonizing and imperial motivations, who enslaved me and murdered 4 million of my Black brothers and sisters. The Jewish people—who helped my people gain our freedom—were slaves in Egypt, just down the Nile from where I was a slave. Later, they were slaves in Auschwitz. Now they are slaves in Gaza. Our peoples have both survived slavery, and we will continue to survive it. We will triumph over the murderers who do their best to enslave and exterminate us.

True survivors are not victims. Both Africans and Israelis stand tall and will not rest until all of our people are free. And our Jewish brothers can count on us to be there for them.

(full article online)

[ This is a throwback to 1948, 1967 and 1973. To this day Arab and Muslim countries have learned nothing from losing those three. ]


The deal would have paused hostilities, allowed more aid and even release of Hamas terrorists. But Sinwar & Co still said No!

Remember this next time you think about laying blame for the destruction in Gaza. Hamas simply don't want to end this. They don't care about the people of Gaza, they just want the death and destruction to continue indefinitely.
[ Like all the Jews who defended and protected Israel since the 1936 to 1939 battles, the fallen will always be remembered ]

[They are nowhere for Ukrainians, Tibetans, Taiwanese, etc. But all in to destroy Israel and attack Jews ]

Yesterday in Brussels some saw “no hate”. We saw

--Flags of Yemen (!)
-Flags with terrorist’s portraits
-Screams “with souls, and blood we will redeem you Gaza”
-Hundreds chanting calls for Intifada and revolution
- Song about the killing of “the children of zion”.

All and photos curtesy of the social media of #Samidoun that is illegal in Germany, restricted in France and flourishing in Belgium.
Even before the Palestinian Authority and Hamas have formalized a unification that both sides are calling for but will certainly take time, the Palestinian Authority is already acting as a propaganda arm for Hamas, by demonizing Israel, defending Hamas’ actions as self-defense, and presenting Israel’s war against Hamas terrorists as a war of “genocide” against innocent civilians.

One prime example are the PA’s regular casualty announcements which are precise down to the single individual when it comes to PA/Hamas claims of civilian casualties, but according to the PA’s official announcements none of those killed by Israel were Hamas terrorists.

For example, on Monday the PA released a detailed list with 34 categories including killed, wounded, sick, and missing etc. The details are striking: 32,295 martyred and missing, of which 25,295 were martyrs who reached the hospitals, 11,000 child martyrs, 7,500 female martyrs, 337 medical staff martyrs, 119 journalist martyrs, and in all 34 categories with precise details. However, the PA does not list even one Hamas terrorist or even a member of Hamas among the killed, injured or captured. For the PA, they are all innocent martyrs.

This is consistent with the PA defense of Hamas since the start of the war, when on the very first day Mahmoud Abbas already declared the attack as justified attack of self-defense. Abbas’ advisor Mahmoud Al-Habbash said it more precisely: the war was justified because of the 7 decades of “occupation,” meaning since Israel was created.

The united front with Hamas that the PA has adopted during the war, will be helpful in establishing the PA-Hamas unity. Another call for unity came this week, by Fahmi Al-Za'arir - Secretary of the Palestinian National Council:
“Unity is the necessary transition to victory, and it is the law of victory for every revolution in the world. And any revolution in the world that has internal disputes during the stage of national liberation, its path is delayed… The Hamas movement and Islamic Jihad have not objected to being under the framework of the PLO since 1989 and not only now."
[Official PA TV, Jan. 2, 2024]
The following is the official PA government announcement of “the most important statistics of the genocidal war waged by the ‘Israeli’ occupation.” (Parenthetically it should be noted that the PA announcement put the word “Israeli” in quotation marks, as part of its non-recognition of Israel. In spite of its public statements to the international community, non-recognition of Israel remains a fundamental component of PA ideology.)

"The Government Media Office is publishing an update on the most important statistics of the genocidal war waged by the “Israeli” occupation on the Gaza Strip - Monday, January 22, 2024

(108) days of the genocidal war.
(2,119) massacres committed by the Israeli army.
(32,295) martyred and missing.
(25,295) martyrs who reached the hospitals.
(11,000) child martyrs.
(7,500) female martyrs.
(337) Martyrs from medical staff.
(45) martyr from civil defense.
(119) martyr of the journalists.
(7,000) are missing, 70% of them children and women.
(63,000) injured.
(11,000) wounded need to travel for "life-saving and dangerous" treatment.
(10,000) cancer patients face the risk of death.
(400,000) infected with infectious diseases as a result of displacement.
(8,000) cases of viral hepatitis infection due to displacement.
(60,000) pregnant women are at risk due to the lack of health care.
(350,000) chronic patients are at risk due to the lack of medication.
(99) cases of arrest among health workers.
(10) arrests of well-known journalists.
)2( million displaced people in the Gaza Strip.
(140) government headquarters destroyed by the occupation.
(99) schools and universities completely destroyed by the occupation.
(295) schools and universities partially destroyed by the occupation.
(161) mosques completely destroyed by the occupation.
(253) mosques partially destroyed by the occupation.
(3) churches targeted and destroyed by the occupation.
(70,000) housing units completely destroyed by the occupation.
(290,000) housing units partially destroyed by the occupation and uninhabitable.
(65,000) tons of explosives dropped by the occupation on Gaza.
(30) Hospitals taken out of service by the occupation.
(53) health centers that the occupation took out of service.
(150) health institutions were partially targeted by the occupation.
(122) An ambulance destroyed by the occupation army.
(200) archaeological and heritage sites destroyed by the occupation.

Government Media Office - Monday, January 22, 2024"


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