Israel's War Against Hamas - Updates

Israeli journalist Amit Segal quotes IDF reservists coming out of Gaza:"

I learned that the population is not as dense as has been described, and I'm not just talking about the luxury Rimal neighborhood, where the standard of living is better than it seemed to us from the outside.""..

.there is an amazing phenomenon in Gaza. You enter luxury homes, luxury villas and apartments equipped in a way I will not be able to achieve in 50 years, and yet you find use of UNRWA equipment in them. In the kitchen, bags of flour from UNRWA and in the children's room UNRWA school notebooks. This is in every house in the Gaza Strip. In other words, 𝘢𝘭𝘭residents of the Gaza Strip used the organization every day, not necessarily because they had to, but because they got used to it. Getting close to and relying on this organization has become a comfortable thing.""When you are there you suddenly realize that it is a state for all intents and purposes, with the strength and power of a state, infrastructure, money, space. This is not just a city. It's a real country of 2 million people. A country that decided to invest a lot of state resources in terrorism and fighting. You can see the infrastructural state power everywhere. ⁠

The use of the term refugee is so cynical there. There are refugees there with luxury apartments (I saw the passports with my eyes) and understand there that this is a kind of use of a title emptied of its real content, like the title of Sir or Duke in Great Britain.

⁠The citizen in Gaza Strip learned to deal with the electricity problem in the Strip. The fact that a few hours of electricity are officially provided per day is not necessarily felt by everyone. The absolute majority of houses and shops have generators, batteries or solar panels on the houses. This is why letting in gasoline that activates the generator is so critical for them and therefore the insistence on it."
[ Are you telling us that the Red Cross cannot come up with more tents to house all of these displaced persons as they do with other displaced people?]

[Nothing like keeping millions of Arabs needy for your own good. No UNWRA, no jobs for all of these thieves and murderers ]

United Nations "relief" agency for " civilian" islamofascistic "palestine"

Countries suspending funds for BLOODY UNRWA:
  • US
  • Australia
  • France
  • Germany
  • Finland
  • The Netherlands
  • Italy
  • Australia

*Oct 8, 2023.
A day after the barbarian Iran/Hamas/PIJ led onslaught (massacre, rape, torture), which led to Swords of Iron, the "Palestinian" anti-Israel group rallied in NYC. There were chants of '700' to taunt Jews who mourned hundreds of innocent dead, one even displayed a swastika image. (It occurred days before the death toll of 1,200+ became known).

*Oct 9, 2023.
In Sydney, Australia, around 1,000 protesters gathered outside Sydney's iconic performing arts hall late Monday carrying flares and Palestinian flags and chanting “gas the Jews,” “f–k the Jews” and “Allahu Akbar.” (Mostly by Arabs Lebanese and "Palestinians").

*Oct 12, 2023.
Jordanian-Palestinian businessman and politician Talal Abu Ghazaleh: We welcome death; so far Gaza's losses haven't even been in the thousands, the Russians lost 27 Million in WWII; Hitler left some Jews alive (says Talal Abu Ghazaleh-) so we will know why (Talal Abu Ghazaleh -) he had to (- new Talal Abu Ghazaleh's phrasing) kill them.

*Oct 14, 2023.
In Glasgow, Scotland, draped in the Palestinian flag taunted Jews about concentration camps, Pro-Palestinian, telling Jews on the street, "Don’t forget where you went in 1940. Ha! Don’t forget where the Jews went in 1940."

*Oct 2023.
A woman who CNN & BBC gave airtime: Dunia Abu Rahma - "Palestinian" Gazan, turned out, had celebrated Hamas massacre & wished Hitler had finished the "job."

*Oct 2023:
Arab man of Abu Tor [ أبو طور or الثوري], nabbed for painting swastikas on Israeli flags in Jerusalem. Arrested for vandalizing on racist motive.

*Oct 2023.
Naaman Mashaikh, an Imam at a mosque in Balata in Shechem [Nablus] incites to murder Jews and even praises Hitler. In a recent post, he quoted a passage that many Arabs attribute to Hitler which says “I could have killed all the Jews in the world, but a left a few so you could...”

*Oct 2023.
Reported on Oct 24, 2023, for the second time in 10 days, swastikas were scrawled on a wall on the main road in Arab-Palestinian Huwara [حُوّارة].

*Oct 2023.
Caught on camera, an Arab, who lives in the Shuafat camp, worked as a delivery picker at the Shufersal network in Jerusalem. During his work, he placed notes showing the finger pointing to the state flag next to a swastika, inside the customers' deliveries. On Oct 29, 2023, he was arrested for questioning on threatening crimes, behavior that may violate public peace due to racism and hostility towards the public. behavior.
Caught on camera, an Arab, who lives in the Shuafat camp, worked as a delivery picker at the Shufersal network in Jerusalem. During his work, he placed notes showing the finger pointing to the state flag next to a swastika, inside the customers' deliveries. On Oct 29, 2023, he was arrested for questioning on threatening crimes, behavior that may violate public peace due to racism and hostility towards the public.

*Oct 2023.
A swastika, a Hamas flag and a gun were found in a suspicious house in Abu Tor, East Jerusalem. The Arab suspect was arrested after threatening a man who had the symbols of the State of Israel and the Border Guard affixed to his car window • After obtaining a search warrant from the court, the security forces raided the suspect's home in Tor and found a gun, a cartridge, a flag associated with the terrorist organization Hamas and an embroidered swastika.

* Oct 30, 2023.
Arab ‘Palestinian’ Ehad Tamimi to Jews: ‘We will slaughter you and you will say that what Hitler did to you was a joke. We will drink your blood and eat your skull.’ Days after her arrest, CAIR called on Biden to demand Israel release Ahed Tamimi.

* Oct-Dec 2023.
At Technion in Haifa, at the wave of Arab students praising the Oct 7 Hamas led atrocities, 4 Arabs arrested: "Another recently revealed event is the discovery of the book 'Mein Kampf' which Hitler wrote in one of the rooms of a student at the Technion. This is an event that happened a few months ago, but some students started spreading it recently.

*Nov 2023.
Israel's president Isaac Herzog revealed to the BBC that, days earlier, a copy of Hitler's book Mein Kampf was found at a children's room used as a Hamas terror base in the Gaza Strip. Showing that some in Hamas were researching Hitler's anti-semitic ideology. The "terrorist wrote notes, marked the sections, and studied again and again, the ideology of Adolf Hitler to hate the Jews, to kill the Jews, to burn and slaughter Jews wherever they are. This is the real war we are facing."

*2018- Nov 2023.
Rashida Tlaib, Palestinian-American, member of secret Facebook Group, Palestinian American Congress, where Hamas terrorists glorified, Holocaust denied. The group’s founder, Maher Abdel-qader, who has extensive ties to Tlaib and has also been linked to other liberal politicians, "has come under fire in the past for his antisemitic social media posts, including questioning if the Holocaust ever occurred."

*Nov 5 & Dec 11, 2023.
Former Palestinian Ambassador To India Osama Al-Ali: 'I Am Not Surprised Hitler Committed the Holocaust against the Jews; Israel Is Paving the Ground for a New Holocaust against Future Jews.'

*Dec 2023:
Support for Hamas and swastikas: the tomb of Yehoshua ben Nun in Samaria was vandalized by Arab Palestinian rioters.

*Oct 14, 2023.
In Glasgow, Scotland, draped in the Palestinian flag taunted Jews about concentration camps, Pro-Palestinian, telling Jews on the street, "Don’t forget where you went in 1940. Ha! Don’t forget where the Jews went in 1940."

*Jan 7, 2024.
Report: the combat fighters of the Yiftah Brigade raided terrorist infrastructures in the Shuja'iya area of Gaza with the aim of locating and destroying tunnel shafts belonging to the Palestinian Islamic Jihad terrorist organization. The raid was done in cooperation with the tanks, intelligence, and combat engineering corps. During the raid in the eastern part of the Shuja'iya area, they uncovered a shaft leading to a larger tunnel route and a missile launcher. The soldiers found numerous weapons, PIJ training booklets, a blueprint of the of the October 7 attack - "battle instructions,, and a book by Hitler in the house of Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) commander Ahmed Samarah.

*Oct 2023 - Jan 2024.
Revealed in Jan 2024, in a Zoom discussion, the rector - explaining why he suspended certain Arab students at Haifa University, following expressions of supporting Hamas' Oct 7 atrocities: "Hitler did not get to it - so we will burn you now." Most of the students suspended are being represented by Adalah, which describes itself as "an independent human rights organization and legal center," but which watchdog group NGO Monitor has documented as engaging in numerous anti-Israel legal activities. "We are starting to receive from social networks and from WhatsApp images of statements by students who upload photos [and] support Hamas and their actions," he says. "[We're not talking about] support for the Palestinian people or the Palestinian flag, but support for the shocking actions of Hamas," he adds, giving an example of one student who wrote, "Hitler did not have time to burn you in the Holocaust, and so we are burning you now."

*Jan 12, 2024.
Hamas says Germany defends Israel due to 'so-called (sic) Holocaust'. More Holocaust denial on Al Jazeera.

[01/27 Links: The UNâs Complicity in Terrorism; 10 Countries suspend funding to UNRWA; A hollow Holocaust Remembrance Day link]
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Palestinians want to build Jewish settlements. Jewish settlers prefer a freeze. Everything you think you know is wrong.

Right now, there is a settlement building freeze.

This freeze is far more extensive than any of the previous ones mandated by the Israeli government under pressure from the Americans to bring the Palestinians to the negotiating table.

Because since October 7, essentially zero construction has been done in any of the Jewish communities in Judea and Samaria.

At first, Israel blocked all Palestinians from working, because of the obvious security concerns brought about on October 7.

Then IDF Central Command published strict policies to allow Palestinian workers to enter construction sites and industrial areas. No phones are allowed on site and armed security guards must be at each construction site. But residents of the settlements are stopping anyone trying to bring in Palestinians even under these conditions, acutely aware that the workers in the communities near Gaza were often acting as spies for Hamas and they do not want their communities to be attacked the way those in the Gaza envelope are.

But meanwhile, Palestinians are not working. Their economy is tanking. They want to work.

So we have a bizarre situation where it is the Jewish residents of Judea and Samaria who prefer a settlement freeze because they refuse to have Palestinian potential terrorists in their communities, and the Palestinians themselves who want to work. And they have no problem building Jewish-owned houses in the territories.

Which brings up the other huge irony: this means that the Palestinians have always had the option of creating and enforcing a settlement freeze - and they preferred to work for the hated, evil Israeli Jewish "settlers."

This is the sort of thing the media is simply not reporting. Journalists are uncomfortable reporting things that contradict their narratives, and they'd rather keep something so big as a settlement freeze, and so ironic as Palestinians wanting to build Jewish houses, unreported.

(h/t Ahron)


There is a possible out-of-the-box solution, though.

A surprisingly large percentage of Latinos in the Americas have Jewish DNA, descended from crypto-Jews fleeing Spain during the Inquisition.

Many Mexicans are skilled laborers in construction.

As the USA is overrun with illegal immigrants, perhaps a program to identify (via DNA testing and interviews) any Mexicans who are interested in working in Israel who might also be interested in exploring their Jewish heritage, could be mounted. It should be done in Mexico itself.

Obviously there are a lot of logistics and halachic issues involved, but would it be better for Israel to import laborers who have an affinity with the Jewish people, even if only latent?

France said Sunday it was reconsidering its future funding to the UN Palestinian refugee agency, becoming the latest country to make such a move after accusations of staff involvement in the Hamas-led October 7 massacre, while Jordan warned that cutting financial support to UNRWA amounted to “collective punishment.”

“France has not planned a new payment for the first half of 2024 and will decide when the time comes on the action to take together with the United Nations and the main donors,” the French Foreign Ministry said, calling the allegations against UNRWA “exceptionally serious.”

(full article online)

Druze mother of four Nasreen Yousef helped to prevent a bloodbath in her community on the southern Gaza border on October 7 by using her native Arabic to convince terrorists that she would give them money and smuggle them out, while she gathered critical intelligence and passed it to the IDF.

Nasreen, her husband Eyad, and their four children live in the predominantly Jewish village of Moshav Yated, just four kilometers (2.5 miles) from the Israeli border with Gaza and the border with Egypt’s Sinai.

The Yousef home, the closest to Moshav Yated’s perimeter fence, was the first stop for Hamas terrorists ordered to attack the community in the early hours of October 7, she told Channel 12/Keshet TV, which first broke the story of her unlikely role in stopping the massacre.

(full article online)

Estonia and Japan joined nine other nations in suspending funds to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency in the wake of allegations that 12 of its staff members had participated in the Hamas-led October 7 massacre.

“Concerning the recent very serious allegations against @UNRWA, Estonia will not continue with the funding of the organization,” Estonian Foreign Minister Tsahkna wrote in a post on X on Sunday.Japan’s Foreign Ministry said it was “extremely concerned by the allegations” and that it was suspending any new funding to UNRWA pending completion of an investigation.

(full article online)


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