Israel's War Against Hamas - Updates

Part 9

The only way to have an alternative to the repugnant Hamas and PA terror regimes is to organize one.

Responsible parties must be identified and supported to create a way out of this moral morass. They cannot resemble in any way the tyrannical, kleptocratic, antisemitic, anti-Christian and anti-American Hamas regime, which on October 7th, not only murdered and committed atrocities against Israelis, Americans and others, but also murders and oppresses its own people.

It begins with the Biden Administration stopping to circumvent the Taylor Force Act. By failing to cut off any support for Pay to Slay, the Administration is, in effect, financially rewarding the murder of over 30 Americans and kidnapping of others held hostage. We also must not forget that as recently as November 6, 2023, an Israeli-American policewoman in Jerusalem was murdered by a terrorist, as well as the other thousands of Israelis, Americans (like Taylor Force obā€m and Malki Roth zā€l) and others who have been murdered or injured by terrorists originating from the PA controlled areas, over the years.

There is a reason why the Taylor Force Act was adopted and the lack of a serious enforcement effort under the Act is inexplicable. In a time when an unequivocal demonstration of moral clarity is critical, the failure to enforce the relevant and most cogent provisions of the Taylor Force Act is inexcusable.

The Biden Administration must also desist from interfering with Israelā€™s sacred mission of eradicating the evil that is Hamas and its cohorts, in Gaza and elsewhere. Israel is conducting a just war and doing so in compliance with the laws of war.

Part 10

October 7th demonstrated in no uncertain terms that the status quo, delusions about a peace process and two-state solution and the Biden Administrationā€™s appeasement policies are an abject failure.

Thereā€™s a reality thatā€™s inescapable. Israel, Americaā€™s loyal and invaluable ally and friend, exists in a hostile environment made all the more dangerous by the current Administrationā€™s pandering to the terrorist regime in Iran and its proxies, as well as the PA. Virtue signaling for domestic consumption and mixed messaging only serves to embolden the terrorists. Itā€™s time to be clear and unequivocal not only in general support of Israel and its mission to eradicate evil Hamas, but also in detail so as to avoid any ambiguity or misunderstanding.

Hamasā€™ goal was not just to massacre 1,200 Israelis, Americans and others, but also to destroy Israel and massacre Jews. As noted above, the elimination of Israel is also the goal of Abbasā€™ PLO and by extension the PA. Itā€™s also the stated goal of the axis of evil, led by terrorist Iranian regime, backing Hamas, as well as its other proxies, as demonstrated by the Houthis firing ballistic missiles against Israel and the rockets fired by Hezbollah. They also threaten America, which they derogatorily refer to as the ā€˜Big Satanā€™ (Israelā€™s referred to as the ā€˜Little Satanā€™), Christians and other non-Muslims.

Peace is possible with a former enemy that wants peace; itā€™s not possible with a current enemy that doesnā€™t desire it. So long as the PA doesnā€™t truly recognize Israel in word and deed, insists on retaining Hamas and actually supports Israelā€™s destruction, it cannot be a true peace partner.

The Biden Administration must recognize that thereā€™s no chance for peace with the current PA regime or Hamas. A hybrid formulation or less than totally changed PA, under new leadership genuinely committed to pursuing and promoting peace with Israel is just a transparent artifice, a proverbial distinction without difference or merit. The US must accept that the PA is not the answer and move on and seek other real alternatives.

The major goal of this defensive war by Israel is to ensure that evil Hamas is totally defeated, free the hostages, assure there is no longer any threat of missiles or rockets being fired into Israel and enable the hundreds of thousands of Israelis evacuated from southern and northern Israel to be able to return safely to their homes. Gaza must be totally demilitarized and security protocols must be but in place that prevent rearming, rebuilding tunnels or the pursuit of any war or terrorism against Gazaā€™s neighbors, Egypt and Israel.

Until then there must not be any equivocation or ambiguity about the USā€™s support for Israel and its moral imperative to prosecute its defensive war against evil Hamas to conclusion and to achieve the legitimate war aims outlined above. May Israel succeed in its sacred mission and may the valiant solders of the IDF and the hostages be returned home safely.


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