Israel's War Against Hamas - Updates

[Bravo. About time. Stop these protests which are only incitements to attack and kill Jews. Enough with disrupting people's lives and not giving a darn about the lives of Ukrainians, Sudanese, Syrians, and all others who are experiencing massacres in their countries ]

There is no more important subplot to the war in Gaza than the corruption of international institutions. Today, the United Nations essentially acknowledged that some of its Gaza-based employees participated in the Oct. 7 Hamas attacks.

The UN also said that it fired employees over their alleged participation in the deadliest attack on Jews since the Holocaust. But this is virtually guaranteed to be the absolute least of what they will find when investigators open up that can of worms.

First, the details. The employees were part of the agency assigned to Palestinian refugees and their descendants, UNRWA. “The Israeli Authorities have provided UNRWA with information about the alleged involvement of several UNRWA employees in the horrific attacks on Israel on 7 October,” reads a statement from UNRWA director Philippe Lazzarini. “To protect the Agency’s ability to deliver humanitarian assistance, I have taken the decision to immediately terminate the contracts of these staff members and launch an investigation in order to establish the truth without delay.”

In other words, the agency that exists to perpetuate war against Israel, and thus is disinclined to believe a word the Israelis say, has been given evidence of such a convincing nature that it had to act immediately.

In response, State Department spokesman Matthew Miller announced that the U.S. “has temporarily paused additional funding for UNRWA while we review these allegations and the steps the United Nations is taking to address them.”

Even the European Union was “extremely concerned by allegations of UNRWA staff involvement in the 7th October terrorist attacks in Israel.”

None of this should be terribly surprising. As I wrote a few weeks ago, there is no such thing as an “international” organization in Gaza, because everything becomes an extension of the group once there. The bulk of UNRWA’s money is spent on “education,” and its schools are rife with bald anti-Semitic incitement and grievance farming. UNRWA teachers have been using a Telegram channel to celebrate the Oct. 7 attacks. And at least one Israeli hostage in Gaza has notified authorities that he was held by an UNRWA teacher.

Then there is the revolving door between UNRWA and the International Committee of the Red Cross. Lazzarini, who runs UNRWA now, had previously worked for the ICRC in Gaza. The incoming director of the Red Cross, Pierre Krahenbuhl, spent years running UNRWA during the time when the schools became regular storage centers for Hamas weapons. UNRWA is inseverable from Hamas as long as Hamas rules Gaza, it’s just that simple.

This is not just some random NGO. It’s the United Nations. Also today, the UN’s kangaroo court, the International Court of Justice (sic), denied Israel’s motion to dismiss the current case against Israel at the ICJ: a charge of genocide brought by South Africa. Tomorrow is International Holocaust Remembrance Day, by the way.

Just yesterday, I wrote about the World Health Organization’s hesitation to bring in American infectious disease experts over worries that they’d be seen as pro-Israel. This comes after revelations that freelance journalists, who have worked for high-profile U.S. publications and wire services, rode into battle with Hamas terrorists.

The timing of this disclosure is interesting for another reason. On Tuesday, the House Foreign Affairs Committee is scheduled to hold a hearing titled “UNRWA Exposed: Examining the Agency’s Mission and Failures.” Foundation for Defense of Democracy’s Richard Goldberg and UN Watch’s Hillel Neuer are two of the planned witnesses.

Last night, an administration official told Israel Hayom that “UNRWA continues to deliver critical assistance in Gaza and remains a trusted US partner. UNRWA will be a central pillar of stability in post-war Gaza, and we strongly support it.”

Perhaps that assessment, like U.S. funding to the agency, will come under some much needed reconsideration by the Biden White House. As it is, President Biden had restored U.S. funding to UNRWA after President Trump put a stop to it. Like the removal of the Houthis from the list of foreign terrorist groups, re-funding UNRWA looks to be another case of the president’s desire to undo the vestiges of Trump’s foreign policy without giving thought to whether those policies were correct. That’s a shoddy way for a superpower to act, and it ought to change.

UNRWA is not just corrupt; its existence is a corruption of international laws and norms. It has created its own definition of “refugee” only for Palestinians, because its goal is to keep the conflict unsolved so it can act as a vanguard of the war on the Jewish state. It is a cash conduit to one of the world’s major terrorist groups, which also happens to be an Iranian catspaw. May this be the beginning of a thorough investigation and the end of our complicity in UNRWA’s reign of terror.

The UNRWA compound in question was allegedly built without a proper permit for its current usage. The land, spanning 21 acres, is located near the Qalandiya checkpoint and was purchased at the beginning of the 20th century by Jewish philanthropists abroad, who donated it to a special fund for developing Jewish settlement in the Jerusalem area. UNRWA-affiliated people took over the land and built on it, among other things, a school and a memorial for terrorists who were involved in terror activities in Jerusalem.

On January 14, the ILA sent the letter to UNRWA in Jerusalem, demanding retroactive payment of the fee due to the illegal construction and usage "You are hereby required to immediately cease all unlawful use, demolish everything you have built illegally, evacuate the land of all persons and/or objects and restore the situation to its previous state, within 30 days of the date of this letter," the letter reads.

Deputy Mayor of Jerusalem Arieh King, sent a letter to Chairwoman of KKL-JNF Ifat Ovadia Luski, noting that the organization should act to reclaim the place that it rightfully owned. King wrote: "The school in Kafr Aqab sits on a plot purchased 100 years ago by overseas donors, who transferred ownership to KKL-JNF for the purpose of reclaiming land." King added that "in the past, part of the land contained a KKL-JNF forest called Qalandiya; UNRWA personnel uprooted most of the trees."

(full article online)


During his tenure at UNRWA, Krähenbühl blatantly ignored the rampant antisemitism of UNRWA teachers and allowed the indoctrination of a generation of Palestinian children into radical Islam.

In November 2019, Krähenbühl was forced to resign from UNRWA over allegations that he and others were engaged in corruption, abuse of power and ethics violations. The scandal was so damning that Switzerland, Belgium, the Netherlands and New Zealand at the time suspended their funding for UNRWA.

It is abhorrent that ICRC is planning to hire this corrupt and biased man to lead its administration. Please spread this petition far and wide.

Demand that ICRC rescind his appointment.
[ People in Gaza are not refugees. There are but about 3000 original people who fled Israel, told by their Arab leaders to do so, or were kicked out for fighting against Israel, left still living. This label of "refugees" needs to end]

According to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA), as of 2023, the Gaza Strip includes eight refugee camps, the largest of which is Jabalia in the northern part of the Strip, where 116,000 Palestinians are registered as refugees.[1]

Palestinian statistics show that prior to the current war, virtually nobody in any mukhayam - "refugee camp," from kheyma, "tent" - in the Gaza Strip was actually living in a tent. Prior to October 7, the average housing density in Gaza was 1.7 persons per room; 21.2% of the population lived in a house or a villa while the rest (77.8%) lived in apartments. Most residents (78%) owned their homes or apartments.[2]

In 2021, 100% of Gaza's residents had access to electricity.[3] Daily per capita consumption of water in Gaza was 86.6 liters per day – four liters more than average daily consumption in the West Bank,[4] and in Jordan the average person has access to only 61 liters of water daily.[5]

The following photos show the difference between Jabalia in the Gaza Strip and other "refugee tent camps" in the Middle East.

Jabalia refugee camp in the northern Gaza Strip


In contrast to the Al-Hawl refugee camp in Syria


And the A-Zaatari refugee camp in Jordan.


[1] The Arabic word for "refugee camp" is mukhayam (مخيم), from the Arabic kheyma (خيمة) which means "a tent." Hence, the term "refugee camp" literally means "a tent camp." In refugee camps in the Middle East and North Africa, refugees live in camps – for example in the Al-Hawl refugee camp in Syria, and the A-Za'atari refugee camp in Jordan. Both of these will, in this report, serve as a basis for comparison. As for Palestinian refugee camps in general, and Gaza Strip refugee camps in particular, their definition as mukhayamat (the plural of mukhayam) was a distant reminder of what these towns used to be, before they became densely crowded urbanized areas. Yet UNRWA uses a tent icon to represent Palestinian refugee camps. However, as noted in this report, prior to October 7, 100% of Palestinian refugees in the Gaza Strip lived in houses and apartments.

[ Perpetual refugees. Or at least, until Israel is destroyed. They were supposed to leave for two weeks, told by their Arab leaders, it became a permanent move. But a move they cannot get out of ]


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