Israel's War Against Hamas - Updates

"Palestinian leadership has sold out its people since the beginning of the last century—even as the Jews tried again and again to offer us a state."

"The history of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict regarding a two-state solution reveals a harsh reality: Israel has consistently made genuine efforts toward peace, only to be met with rejection, treachery, and blood-curdling violence by the Palestinian side. This pattern of refusal, particularly epitomized by groups like Hamas, has been the real obstacle to peace."
Arab-Islamist controlled UN crimes against humanity

UNRWA school councilor abducted woman, social worker handed out ammunition, report.
Intelligence provided by Israel to U.S. details crimes committed by at least a dozen employees of UN organization in Gaza resulting in suspension of funds.
Ynet | published: 01.29.24 00:54

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Japan pauses funding to UNRWA.
Elad Benari
Jan 29, 2024, 5:12 AM
Japan is "extremely concerned about the alleged involvement of UNRWA staff members in the terror attack on Israel" and has been "strongly urging UNRWA to conduct the investigation in a prompt and complete manner", the foreign ministry said in a statement quoted by Reuters.
Japan is the sixth biggest donor to the agency, according to the UNRWA's 2022 data, noted the news agency.

[Time to replace UNWRA and do away with it]

However, Germany says UNRWA is not the only source of humanitarian aid for Palestinians, and other avenues can be found.

“We continue to advocate for more humanitarian aid to be provided,” a German foreign ministry spokesperson tells a government press conference in Berlin.

The history of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict regarding a two-state solution reveals a harsh reality: Israel has consistently made genuine efforts toward peace, only to be met with rejection, treachery, and blood-curdling violence by the Palestinian side. This pattern of refusal, particularly epitomized by groups like Hamas, has been the real obstacle to peace.

It's time to acknowledge this truth bluntly. Those who claim to desire peace must confront and challenge the rejectionist elements within Palestinian society, including Hamas. We need to get rid of the Palestinian establishment who have ruled for 15 years without actually representing the Palestinian people. Only then can we hope to forge a path toward a peaceful, two-state future.

Eid is a Palestinian human rights activist. He lives in the West Bank.

(full article online)


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