Israel's War Against Hamas - Updates

1,300 Gaza rockets have landed in Gaza since October, and other rocket statistics that no one is reporting

Since October 7, Hamas and Islamic Jihad have launched over 10,000 rockets towards Israel.

About 1,300 of them fell in Gaza.

I'm no expert, but that seems like a lot. Especially in "one of the most densely populated areas on Earth."

Outside the Al Ahli hospital incident, when have reporters even mentioned this? How many have investigated "airstrikes" on civilian areas and noted that they look more like Hamas rockets than Israeli airstrikes?

I have reported that it is likely that a terror rocket hit the Al Awda Hospital in November, an incident where three doctors died. The damage in the hospital is far more consistent with a rocket than with an airstrike. But every other report assumed it was Israel.

Because no one mentions the 1,300 Hamas rockets exploding in Gaza itself.

There are some other statistics of rocket fire that the media cannot be bothered to report (source: INSS).

Here is a graph of Code Red alerts in Israel over time since October 8.

It appears that military action can reduce rocket attacks! Who knew?

Jerusalem, which Hamas pretends to be protecting, has had 48 rocket alerts. Tel Aviv, 163.

Ashkelon has had the most rocket alerts of any town - 576.

Over 2,000 rockets have been fired at Israel from the north mostly from Lebanon.

This map lists the number of attacks on each community from the north.

Nearly 218,000 Israelis have been forced to leave their homes because of the threat of rocket attacks. 62,000 are from the northern communities, the rest from the Gaza area.


Egypt building a real open-air prison for Gazans in the Sinai, just in case

The NGO Sinai for Human Rights wrote on X:

Egypt to create a gated high-security area in the reception of Palestinian refugees from Gaza

The Sinai Foundation obtained information through a relevant source that indicates that the construction work currently taking place in eastern Sinai, is intended to create a high-security gated and isolated area near the borders with Gaza strip, in preparation for the reception of Palestinian refugees in the case of the mass exodus of the citizens of Gaza Strip.

The foundation interviewed two local contractors who said that local construction companies had been commissioned this construction work by Ibrahim Al-Arjani - A close businessman to the authorities - Abnaa Sinai For Construction & Building, who had been directly assigned the commission through the Egyptian Armed Forces Engineering Authority. The construction work is intended to build a gated area, surrounded by 7-meter-high walls. After the removal of the rubble of the houses of the indigenous people of Rafah, who were displaced forcibly and their houses demolished during the war against terrorism against ISIS. The area is expected to be levelled and ready in no more than 10 days. They said this information is being circulated in closed circuits to avoid publication, noting that the work is being done under the supervision of the Egyptian Armed Forces Engineering Authority under heavy security presence.
Here's a photo of the construction from their website.(Google autotranslated text.)

And here is a map showing the area being prepared depicted in white. It borders both Gaza and Israel.

That area is empty now.

I don't know if this is being built under pressure from the West, or if it is a "Plan B" in case desperate Gazans somehow manage to breach the existing wall.

Either way, it will be hard for Egypt to claim that it loves Palestinians when it is building a prison with 23-foot high walls.


Egypt building a real open-air prison for Gazans in the Sinai, just in case

The NGO Sinai for Human Rights wrote on X:

Here's a photo of the construction from their website.(Google autotranslated text.)

And here is a map showing the area being prepared depicted in white. It borders both Gaza and Israel.

That area is empty now.

I don't know if this is being built under pressure from the West, or if it is a "Plan B" in case desperate Gazans somehow manage to breach the existing wall.

Either way, it will be hard for Egypt to claim that it loves Palestinians when it is building a prison with 23-foot high walls.

You aren’t capable of thinking intelligently. You emote the establishment line.

This guy is a thinker. Can you comprehend his comments?

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