Israel's War Against Hamas - Updates

Freed hostage Aviva Siegel recounts Hamasā€™s sexual abuse, violence toward captives. Siegel, whose husband Keith is still captive in Gaza, says terrorists dressed young female hostages as ā€˜dolls,ā€™ watched them bathe; world ā€˜missed lesson of the Holocaustā€™.

One woman was given such tight-fitting clothes that she couldnā€™t bend her knee.Siegel said that when ā€œthree particularly young girlsā€ took up the guardsā€™ offer of a shower, the condition was that they would bathe together, with an open door and the terrorists watching.

Siegel said that in another instance, a young female hostage was ordered at gunpoint to accompany a guard, who then pulled her by the hair, tossing her to the floor, as he and three other terrorists beat her with a stick.ā€œ

They hit her entire body, and she didnā€™t say a word,ā€ Siegel said. ā€œWhen she returned and I asked ā€˜how did you not scream?ā€™ she said, ā€˜I didnā€™t want to give them the satisfaction [of knowing] that they hurt me.'ā€

Commander of the Southern Command, Major General Yaron Finkelman to the fighters in Khan Yunis: "The operation in the heart of the city at the Nasser Hospital helped us capture dozens of terrorists".

IDF soldiers continue to operate in the Gaza Strip; Division 98 forces continue to operate in the Khan Yunis area and have so far arrested about 100 suspects of terrorist activity in the Nasser Hospital.

The IDF brought food supplies, baby food and water to the hospital, and the Gaza Coordination and Liaison Directorate even coordinated with the international aid organizations the supply of diesel fuel to continue the operation of the hospital.

President Yitzhak Herzog met secretly with the Prime Minister of Qatar.Medicine for hostages were found in Nasser Hospital.

The White House called for an investigation following the death in prison of Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny, one of Putin's biggest critics.

The International Court of Justice in The Hague (ICJ) published an interim ruling that states that no further orders will be imposed on Israel at this stage

The head of the political bureau of Hamas, Ismail Haniya: "We will accept nothing less than a complete cessation of 'aggression' (the end of the war), the withdrawal of the Israeli army from the Gaza Strip, the provision of safe shelter to the displaced, the return of the displaced to their homes, especially to the north of the Strip. It is impossible to skip the release of the prisoners The veterans and those with heavy penalties - as part of a deal."

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