Israel's War Against Hamas - Updates

When I first saw this video I immediately identified the ambulances that appear to belong to the
, and the role they played in the attack.The ambulances were part and parcel of the attack, the medical staff were part of the operational plan to attack, and the terrorists rode in ambulances on their approach to the massacre. I served at Erez Coordination and Liaison Administration as a senior humanitarian liaison officer in
, there I engaged with



and many others, to secure aid to Gaza, coordinate development needs, and facilitate humanitarian and medical access in times of crisis. These images shake me to my core. The systematic abuse and subordination of the medical mission in Gaza by Hamas is a stain on the organizations that continue to excuse Hamas from its responsibilities and permit them to continue to hide in hospitals, ride in ambulances and butcher, massacre, and abduct Israelis.

Hamas’ strategy is a testament to how Israel acts. Hamas KNOW we don’t attack hospitals, so they hide and act from hospitals. Hamas KNOW we don’t attack UN facilities, so they dig tunnels beneath and conceal their intelligence capabilities beneath. Hamas KNOWS we don’t attack ambulances, so they ride in ambulances. #HamasMustGo
Israeli troops apprehended several Hamas terrorists in Khan Yunis’s Nasser Hospital on Thursday as a military spokesman disclosed that 85% of the Strips medical facilities have been used by Hamas.

“We have credible intelligence from a number of sources, including from released hostages, indicating that Hamas held hostages at the Nasser Hospital in Khan Yunis and that there may be bodies of our hostages in the Nasser Hospital facility,” Israel Defense Forces Spokesperson Rear Adm. Daniel Hagari said.

“As was proven with the Shifa Hospital; Rantisi Hospital; Al Amal Hospital; and many other hospitals across Gaza, Hamas systematically uses hospitals as terror hubs. According to intelligence assessments and information we gathered on the ground, over 85% of major medical facilities in Gaza have been used by Hamas for terror operations.”

(full article online)

You aren’t capable of thinking intelligently. You emote the establishment line.

This guy is a thinker. Can you comprehend his comments?

So tell us genius, when will Hamas subhuman animals release the hostages?
[ There were the Muslims who conquered the land of Israel/Judea and had been renamed Syria Palestina by the Romans in the 2nd century CE. There were the Arab clans from Arabia who had migrated into the conquered areas. They never called the area their Nation, as they knew that the Jews were the indigenous people of the land and even allowed Jerusalem to be reopened to them.
There is not Muslim or Arab "Historic Palestine" and the Palestinian Nationality is brand new from 1964 devised by Arafat and the Russian KGB after failed attempts to destroy Israel. Please stop calling a region, named by a Greek after the Greeks who had an Empire thousands of years before Islam came to be "Historic Palestine", as the only history in the books before the Muslim Invasion was that of the Jews and the Monarchies they had on the land ]

Terrible mistakes, horrible leaders: Why wasn’t a Palestinian State established between 1948 and 1967 in the West Bank and Gaza, which were controlled by Jordan and Egypt, respectively? There were no settlements, and East Jerusalem was under Arab control. Even if the Palestinian national movement/leadership or Arab nations thought they could supposedly liberate all of Palestine, why wasn’t a provisional Palestinian state declared in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip instead of the Egyptian and Jordanian administrations? Decades later, the aspirations nowadays are to go back to something that the Palestinians could have had over 60 years ago. That this is not regularly evaluated as an epic failure and a disastrous error is truly scandalous. The point isn’t could have, would have, should have; but this trend/tendency unfortunately continues to be a foolish mistake that elements of Palestinian leadership in the Palestinian national project for statehood and self-determination keep making. Take Hamas, for example, which vehemently opposed the Oslo peace process of the 1990s: 30 years later, and after thousands of Palestinian and Israeli casualties, in part due to the group’s terrorism and lack of political vision, Hamas nowadays wants a Palestinian state along parameters that the Palestinian people would have gotten if the group hadn’t interfered with the imperfect yet viable Oslo peace process. Take another example, which is Hamas’s demands for a ceasefire/hostage deal: the group is insisting on the full reconstruction and redevelopment of Gaza to what it was before October 7. Why launch a destructive war that annihilates your people and destroys your territories only to demand that Gaza be back to what it was before you dragged Gazans along with your suicidal adventures? You could have had what you want simply by not launching a war that you knew would be disastrous.

Since 1948, the Palestinians have been repeatedly undermined by multiple players, movements, and ideologies that claimed to care about establishing a Palestinian homeland and an independent nation-state. Nasser’s Pan-Arabism, the PLO’s nationalism, and Hamas’s Islamism have all set the Palestinians back by decades. Imagine how different history would be if a Palestinian state had been quickly declared in the West Bank and Gaza soon after the Arab defeat of 1948. Imagine if instead of letting displaced Palestinians from the Nakba languish in refugee camps as second-class citizens in Lebanon, Syria, and Jordan, they were all resettled in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip, which could have accommodated the 800 thousand refugees. Imagine if, instead of all the useless wars, insurgencies, and militant resistance, those efforts had been focused on building a robustly capable Palestinian state and investing in the development of an economy, state institutions, new urban centers and cities, and world-class education, tourism, health care, and art hubs and systems. Instead of doing that, the PLO went on to act as thugs in Jordan, causing the Black September crisis, and in Lebanon, contributing to the Lebanese Civil War and Israel’s deadly invasion. As if that wasn’t damaging enough, meddling in Arab countries’ affairs became a PLO staple. This includes the infamous decision to back Saddam Hussein’s criminal invasion of Kuwait, which had for decades hosted a large number of Palestinians and had spent huge sums supporting the Palestinian cause. Once again, the goal isn’t to wallow in the mistakes of Palestinian history, but there is a seriously scandalous lack of self-evaluation and self-assessment, opting instead to deny any role, agency, or responsibility and blame everything on Israel and the occupation.

Of course, the Palestinian people have experienced grave injustices at the hands of Israel and due to the Jewish State’s existence coming at the expense of large segments of the Palestinian community. However, the Palestinians are equally victims of incompetent and unskillful leadership, empty slogans, short-sighted decisions, unrealistic expectations, and, most importantly, decades of delusions that are so difficult to challenge and dispel.

The Palestinian people desperately need pragmatic and realistic leaders who courageously tell their people uncomfortable and inconvenient truths: there will be no "right of return" to the entirety of historic Palestine; custody over holy sites must be shared; refugees must return to developed Palestinian Territories or be given options to become citizens in their current countries; armed resistance is detrimental/futile and must be abandoned; and Jews have an undeniable connection to the land regardless of how that connection was expressed and how it negatively impacted the Palestinian people. Time is running out for Palestinian leaders to help their people make the most of the land and resources they have and to focus on who they want to be as a people within realistic constraints of today’s shifting and evolving landscape. I am nevertheless hopeful that many Palestinians, particularly in Gaza, are finally realizing that Hamas’s martyrdom is but an illusion and will not bring about a liberated Palestine, concluding that life and peace are the only path forward.

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