Israel's War Against Hamas - Updates

You condemn Hamas for their atrocities, yet support Israel for it’s far greater atrocities.

Are you stupid?
[ From pigs and apes to dogs. Islam's culture on Jews]

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A man in his 50s was seriously wounded in a terror stabbing attack in southern Israel. Two others were also injured.

The terrorist who carried out the stabbing attack has been identified as Fadi Abu Latif, a 22-year-old Israeli citizen who is originally from Gaza. He grew up in Gaza and was given Israeli citizenship in 2019 after getting married.

There is a ton of discussion about what makes them so evil, but the bottom line is that there is a commandment in the Torah to wipe out Amalek in its entirety.

Now, it’s worth mentioning that this commandment doesn’t apply today because we don’t know who Amalek is today.

But that is confusing to me.

The Torah, in the section that discusses this commandment, says two very unique words, Midor Dor, which means that the commandment transcends generations and it is a mitzvah that is forever.

But aren’t all mitzvahs forever? Besides; isn’t it strange that this is the commandment about which the Torah says that it’s forever and now we don’t know who they are and can’t fulfill it?

I mean, not to get too philosophical but didn’t God know that at some point, we will lose that knowledge of who Amalek is? Didn’t God Himself create that reality that we don’t know who they are?

So what are those words, Midor Dor supposed to teach us if not that the commandment itself will always apply?

The verse I’m referring to says “He said, "It means, 'Hand upon the throne of '! Hashemwill be at war with Amalek throughout the ages."

Throughout the ages. What does that mean? It can’t mean that the commandment is throughout the ages because again, it doesn’t apply today, so then what is it that applies throughout the ages?

The answer is, and this is just my thought, haven’t read it anywhere, is that it’s not the physical nation of Amalek and our commandment to eliminate them that applies throughout the ages.

What applies throughout the ages is the lesson that Amalek teaches us. They had no reason to go to war with us. They came after us when we were weak and tired. They symbolize pure evil in this world.

That is the lesson that transcends generations, that pure evil exists in this world.

Of course, today, woke culture would have you believe that there is no good and evil, there’s just different. There is no pure evil. It doesn’t exist. There are just oppressed people who are “resisting”

.But no, there is evil and that evil needs to be eradicated with zero compromises.

That is what Midor Dor means, that throughout the generations, despite what the world might believe, there is such a thing as pure evil.

The Nazis were evil. Haman whose demise we celebrate on the upcoming holiday of Purim was evil. ISIS is evil.

Hamas is evil.

Radical Islam is evil.

We might not know who the physical Amalek is today but we sure as heck know who their descendants are, not in terms of genealogy but in terms of ideology.

Hamas is the new Amalek and Amalek needs to be eradicated in its entirety. Anything less than that is a moral failure and when morality goes out the window, bad things tend to happen.

There is no negotiating with evil. There is no compromising with evil. There is no showing compassion to the evil.

Pure evil needs to be eradicated and totally eliminated from the world. That’s what we learn from Amalek and that lesson applies forever.

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