Israel's War Against Hamas - Updates

The IDF on Sunday announced that it had concluded the active invasion stage of the war for now while leaving open the possibility of a future new invasion of Rafah in deep southern Gaza.

In terms of IDF soldiers, this means that the IDF has withdrawn all of Division 98 from Khan Yunis in southern Gaza while maintaining one plus brigades - the Nahal brigade and portions of Brigade 401 – in northern and central Gaza.

The world’s attention will likely now shift to whether the IDF will invade Rafah first, whether Hamas will cut a deal for the hostages to avoid such an invasion, or whether Israel will concede further to Hamas’s demands for returning more Palestinians to northern Gaza.

An IDF official tried to frame the withdrawal from Khan Yunis as opening up Rafah as a stronger possibility because now hundreds of thousands of Palestinians may return there.

The official said that if more Palestinians leave Rafah, evacuating the remaining civilians will be easier without needing to take active, aggressive measures to move them.

In addition, the IDF said that its operation taking over Shifa Hospital a second time shows that it can quickly penetrate and take down Hamas if it tries to reform military units.

(full article online)


1. Only those who have overcome radical Islamism will speak the truth about Oct 7.

2. Only those who have rejected the hatred of Jews and Christians, as dictated by certain texts and interpretations, can explain how Hamas justifies their Oct 7 atrocities in the name of Islam.

3. Only native Arabic speakers can reveal the truth that Hamas and Islamist extremists despise Jews simply for being Jews. This animosity isn't primarily about #Israel; it's driven by frustration that the first 'people of the book' possess profound knowledge.

4. Only those aware of the duplicity of radical Islamists, who preach hatred in their own countries and then seek asylum in America, Canada, and Europe, will warn you that you could be their next target. Despite their outward appearance of benevolence, unless they renounce hate, they pose a threat.

5. Only those unafraid to confront radical Islamists and take a stand against antisemitism are true allies in the quest for a more civilized world.Reflect deeply on each statement.
Six Months Later: IDF summarizes half a year of war.
IDF statistics show thousands of terrorists killed, targets destroyed, and operational hours logged on every front.
Israel National News, Apr 7, 2024, 8:52 AM (GMT+3)

The IDF has published statistics summarizing 6 months of operations since the October 7th massacre and the resultant Swords of Iron war.

A total of 300,000 reservists have been enlisted since the beginning of the war.

604 IDF soldiers have been killed in action since the beginning of the war, of which 260 fell during the ground offensive into Gaza.

Israel has sustained more than 10,000 rocket attacks, with 9,100 originating in Gaza, 3,100 in Lebanon, and 35 in Syria. Approximately 3,250 launchers and rockets have been seized or destroyed.

As part of the IDF's efforts to evacuate the civilian population of areas that were to come under attack, it disseminated 100,000 evacuation phone calls, 9.3 million evacuation leaflets, 15.5 million text messages, and 17 million voice recordings.

The IDF claims that the effort to evacuate Gaza's civilian population for its safety is a central part of the precautionary measures that the IDF takes to reduce harm to uninvolved civilians by encouraging them to temporarily evacuate from areas of intense combat, to less dangerous areas such as shelters and pre-defined places, to which humanitarian aid is routed.

Following the start of the war, the Medical Corps has set up an emergency hotline dedicated to mental health support, manned by professionals. Approximately 3,800 inquiries have been made to the support hotline since the beginning of the war.

There have been approximately 950 medical evacuations by helicopters, carrying 1,300 injured personnel. There have been approximately 2,360 evacuations by other vehicles.

Approximately 52,000 individuals have taken part in training during the war. Approximately 600 company and battalion-scale exercises have been conducted, including 140 different headquarters.

In Gaza, 3,600 targets have been marked as potential threats. Approximately 32,000 targets have been struck from the air. Approximately 4,250 pieces of terrorist infrastructure have been destroyed.

On the northern front, 3,300 ground targets have been struck since the beginning of the war. 1,400 of them were struck from the air.

IDF soldiers have logged 165,000 naval operational hours and 185,000 aerial operational hours.

In Gaza, 12,000 terrorists have been killed. Among them were 5 terrorist brigade commanders, 20 terrorist battalion commanders, and 100 terrorist company commanders eliminated.

On the northern front, 330 terrorists were killed, including 30 commanders.

Approximately 4,600 interrogations have been conducted by the IDF’s classified HUMINT department, Unit 504, since the beginning of the war. Individuals who were found not to be involved in terrorist activity are released as soon as possible into Gazan territory, to a location where they are not in danger. Individuals who reason is found to continue their detention in accordance with Israeli law were brought to a judicial review before a judge.

Approximately 3,000 packages of humanitarian aid have been airdropped to Gaza, through approximately 50 flights.

6 active field hospitals have been constructed.

19,776 trucks of aid were inspected at the Nitzana and Kerem Shalom Crossings, containing approximately 369,990 tons of aid:

12,197 trucks carrying 257,530 tons of food.
2,885 trucks carrying 41,470 tons of shelter equipment.
1,717 trucks carrying 19,950 tons of medical supplies
1,420 trucks carrying 28,320 tons of water.
1,557 trucks carrying 22,720 tons of assorted supplies.
461 tankers containing cooking gas and 225 tankers containing fuel.

In Judea and Samaria, Israeli forces have conducted 6,000 initiated operational activities. They have killed 420 enemies and apprehended 3,700 wanted individuals, of which approximately 1,600 are Hamas operatives.

This will enable the forces’ arrival at the front line in a short period of time for defensive and offensive missions.

An in-depth learning process took place based on lessons learned from the fighting in the south, as part of improving readiness for the day commands are received.

Israel is leading the world in the fight against Islamist terrorism which seeks to destroy the West. We do this so that hopefully you in the West never have to.

My message today is this: if you won’t stand with Israel, then at least get out of the way.

We will not stop until our hostages are home and Hamas is defeated.

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