Israel's War Against Hamas - Updates

The Telegram channel of the Gaza health ministry releases a detailed, 40+ page document every few days to describe in detail all of their statistics.

As we've been reporting, they have kept three tallies of the deceased: the ones that they count directly who have been brought to hospitals they can verify, the ones that "trusted media sources" (meaning Hamas) tells them to count (which are over 90% women and children,) and the ones that they have received from relatives filling in an online form. Over the last few reports, they have been downplaying the Hamas numbers and giving detailed reports only of the other two categories, which add up to some 21,000 people.

That document no longer claims that 72% of the dead are women and children. Of the ones they count, about 54% are women and children.

Something interesting happened between the April 4 and April 7 reports: hundreds of supposedly verified "martyrs" from the online forms miraculously came back to life.

The total number of verified deceased went from 21,720 on Thursday to 21,317 on Sunday - 403 people were no longer dead.

The ministry claims to go through a verification process of the online forms, and they don't count any that do not have complete information including identity number, full name, gender, date of birth and date of death. The number that they counted from those forms went down from 2,786 to 2,367 - meaning they disqualified 419 of the forms that had been "verified" three days before.

Also significantly, the number of those they count in hospitals only went up by only 16 in those three days - from 18,934 to 18,950. That's a lot less than the increase in numbers they issue every day in their press releases. In those three days, they added 138 total dead, meaning that while they reduced the numbers they could count, they added 541 new dead from the unverifiable Hamas sources.

I am willing to be charitable and say that the people who work on these detailed reports are conscientious and really trying to do their jobs. It clearly take many hours to compile those reports. They researched more about those who were input by relatives and found duplicates or bogus entries and removed them.

Yet at the same time, their bosses at the ministry highlight the larger, unverified numbers that include the nearly 12,000 that only came from Hamas.

Significantly, even their daily totals no longer claim 72% of the "martyrs" are women and children, although various UN agencies still repeat those as if they are accurate.

[Remember what the Hamas Summer Camps are for ]

Adi, a mother of 3 children, was saved from the Hamas massacre on October 7th at the Nova music festival. She and her husband laid down, pretending to be dead, and saw how an ambush by the terrorists on Route 232 turned into a massive massacre.

She says that one of the terrorists was a boy, who looked no more than 12 years old, stood there with a Kalashnikov and simply massacred the young people who ran away.

Remember her testimony the next time you hear about those innocent children who claim that the IDF kills!

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