Israel's War Against Hamas - Updates

Netanyahu Adviser to PBS: Stop Taking Hamas’ Figures at Face Value

[ Judeophobia a word invented by Christians, and it meant the fear of Jews, because of all the lies and evil invented about them, until that word was retired for Antisemitism.

Islamophobia was the word invented by Muslims while there were terrorist attacks on the West and elsewhere by Muslims, which created an actual fear on Muslims and non Muslims of suicide attacks and any other terroristic attack on civilians ]

Not surprised but here are three questions that
@amanpour didn’t ask the Queen

1) why is it that more than half the Jordanian population is Palestinian but the Palestinian citizens are forced to live under a Hashemite dictatorship?

2) why isn’t Jordan willing to accept a single Gazan refugee from the current conflict?

3) why do Palestinians who are Israeli citizens have an average income which is roughly 4x that of Jordanian Palestinians .Perhaps one day the Queen will grant an interview to a real journalist.

I search the news on the latest Gaza death toll, and come across this @CNN story.

Whoa, an aid group says 2000 children died! It’s not the Hamas-run Health Ministry! So I click on the link to the aid group, @SavetheChildren, which in turn cites a @dwnews story citing —

drumroll — the Hamas-run Health Ministry.So to recap:

avoided stating that the source was the Hamas MOH by burying it behind an aid group.This is journalistic malpractice and deliberate propaganda.

[ A million Muslim refugees imposed on the West all at once.....the result is more free for anyone- hatred of Jews ]

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