Israel's War Against Hamas - Updates

Will they pay up before they are thrown out?

Knesset passes preliminary bill designating UNRWA terrorist organization​

A bill to designate UNRWA a terrorist organization, proposed by Israel Beytenu MK Yulia Malinovsky, passed a preliminary reading with a 42-6 majority in the Knesset on Wednesday. The same bill will abolish immunities and privileges for UNRWA employees.

If the bill passes the final reading, it will mean that the Anti-Terrorism Law will also apply to UNRWA. Israel will subsequently cease all ties with the agency, and the organization’s assets in Israeli territory will be closed.The abolition of privilege bill is formally called the “Bill to Abolish the Immunity and Privileges of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA).” The agency is a branch of the UN responsible for Palestinian refugees throughout the Middle East, including two million in the Gaza Strip.


Israel Land Authority orders UNRWA to evacuate Jerusalem premises within 30 days for lease violations​

The Israel Land Authority has informed UNRWA that it must vacate its East Jerusalem premises in Ma’alot Dafna within 30 days, following the approval of a demand from Housing Minister Yitzhak Goldknopf to evict the UN agency for Palestinian refugees from any state land it is currently occupying.

In a letter to UNRWA, the ILA writes that it owes them a sum of NIS 27,125,280 ($7,326,711.19) for operating on land belonging to Israel without consent for the last seven years.

In addition, it instructs UNRWA that it is “required to immediately stop any illegal use, destroy everything you have built in violation of the law, vacate the land of any people or items and return it to the Authority within 30 days from the date of this letter.”

Ynet reports that for several years, the ILA has turned a blind eye to UNRWA’s violation of the terms under which the land was leased to it, but has now decided to enforce the terms of the lease in light of tensions over the war in Gaza and the alleged involvement of several UNRWA employees in the October 7 massacre carried out by Hamas in southern Israel.


Today, Israeli Defense Minister @yoavgallant
conducted a situation assessment and spoke to IDF soldiers in the Northern Command.Gallant warned Nasrallah that Hezbollah will pay the price for its attacks on Israel, and highlighted nine senior Hezbollah commanders who have been eliminated by IDF strikes since October 8, noting that "this is a partial list — there are 320 terrorists killed, including senior operatives."

If Hezbollah continues to attack Israel, Gallant warned, Israel will accelerate its response.

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