Israel's War Against Hamas - Updates

Hamas intentionally echoed Holocaust in 10/7 massacre - burning, cyanide gas, oven.As opposed to Nazis who hid atrocities, Hamas genocidal terrorists proudly live-streamed theirs.Call for ‘humanitarian pause’/ceasefire = support for Hamas charter & war crimes waged to annihilate ; murder Jews. This is the entire process: Dehumanization, delegitimization & double standards, fuelled by & fuelling ever-mutating lethal #antisemitism.

[ Hamas is not a signatory of the Geneva Convention. So, why would anyone think that they would abide by any rules of war? AND they are not members of the UN. "Palestine" is an observer. It should be immediately kicked out of the UN. So should Iran ]

Babies are #NotATarget.
Children are #NotATarget.
Civilians are #NotATarget.
Hospitals are #NotATarget.
Health care workers are #NotATarget.
Schools are #NotATarget.
Humanitarians are #NotATarget.


UK Lawyers for Israel Charitable Trust Legal Director Natasha Hausdorff says “blatant misrepresentations” of international law have been spread throughout the coverage of the Israeli-Hamas conflict.

Ms Hausdorff says “very quickly” after the October 7th attacks the “narrative that Israel was breaking international law or committing war crimes or punishing ordinary Palestinians took hold”.

“Along with blatant misrepresentations of international law,” she said.“Unfortunately, it has been propagated throughout the coverage of the crisis that we’re witnessing.

“It means it’s so much more important that international lawyers and military experts – stand up and explain the realities of the situation and the law that applies.”

(more on the video)
Hamas intentionally echoed Holocaust in 10/7 massacre - burning, cyanide gas, oven.As opposed to Nazis who hid atrocities, Hamas genocidal terrorists proudly live-streamed theirs.Call for ‘humanitarian pause’/ceasefire = support for Hamas charter & war crimes waged to annihilate ; murder Jews. This is the entire process: Dehumanization, delegitimization & double standards, fuelled by & fuelling ever-mutating lethal #antisemitism.

This is nothing new. Genocide has always been the goal of the Arabs.

On September 15,[6] Azzam Pasha, who was held in high esteem by David Ben-Gurion,[2] met a Zionist delegation in London, consisting of Abba Eban, David Horowitz, both liaison officers with the Jewish Agency who were accompanied by the journalist Jon Kimche.[2] The emissaries stated that there was no doubt that a Jewish state would be established and requested that the Arab states accept the consequences and cooperate. They were willing to give cast-iron guarantees against any form of Jewish expansionism.[7] Azzam Pasha, in his capacity as Secretary General of the Arab League, suggested that the Zionist project be abandoned, and that the Jews could integrate themselves into Arab society on the basis of autonomous entities. He argued that it was pointless to appeal to political realism when the whole Zionist project demonstrated the efficacy of will-power. There was no option but war. The Zionists, he argued, would be thrown out in the future, just as the Crusaders had been. His Zionist interlocutors read this statement as a fascist declaration, unable, according to Henry Laurens, to see that, as with the Jews of Europe, emancipation from enslavement for the Arabs was seen as requiring recourse to force.[2][8]

In Horowitz's account, Azzam declared:

"We shall try to defeat you. I am not sure we'll succeed, but we'll try. We were able to drive out the Crusaders, but on the other hand we lost Spain and Persia. It may be that we shall lose Palestine. But it's too late to talk of peaceful solutions."[2]
Upon being informed of the meeting, Ben-Gurion, who had previously called Azzam the "most honest and humane among Arab leaders", and who had earlier ordered the Haganah to prepare for a war, summarized Azzam's position in a meeting with members of his political party:

"As we fought against the Crusaders, we will fight against you, and we will erase you from the earth."[2][9]
At the pan-Arab summit of 19 September 1947, which convened at Saoufar in Lebanon, the League decided to employ all available means to ensure the independence of Palestine as an Arab state.

On October 11, the editor of Akhbar al-Yom, Mustafa Amin, ran an interview he had obtained from Azzam Pasha to report on the outcome of the summit. The article was entitled, "A War of Extermination,"(Arabic transliteration required), and in one passage contained the following words.[1]

I personally wish that the Jews do not drive us to this war, as this will be a war of extermination and momentous massacre which will be spoken of like the Tartar massacre or the Crusader wars. I believe that the number of volunteers from outside Palestine will be larger than Palestine's Arab population, for I know that volunteers will be arriving to us from [as far as] India, Afghanistan, and China to win the honor of martyrdom for the sake of Palestine ... You might be surprised to learn that hundreds of Englishmen expressed their wish to volunteer in the Arab armies to fight the Jews.
— Mustafa Amin, "A War of Extermination", Akhbar al-Yom, October 11, 1947
In early December 1947 Azzam told a rally of students in Cairo that "The Arabs conquered the Tartars and the Crusaders and they are now ready to defeat the new enemy," echoing sentiments he had expressed to a journalist the previous day.[10]

[ Will they pass laws? ]

We are deeply concerned by the dramatic increase in antisemitic incidents around the world over the past three weeks.

Governments, law enforcement, and community groups in Europe, Latin America, Australia, South Africa, North America, Russia, and elsewhere have reported a sharp increase in antisemitic incidents, rhetoric, and incitement in the past three weeks.

Violent incidents throughout the world in October have included harassment of and attacks on Jewish individuals, and defacement of and attacks on Jewish sites. Targeting Jewish communities with hate, intimidation, or violence in relation to the conflict in the Middle East is intolerable and antisemitic — and without justification. Full stop.

Jewish people around the world should never be held responsible for the words and actions of the Israeli or any other government. While the United States fully supports freedom of expression and peaceful assembly, we condemn antisemitic imagery and rhetoric, which can lead to violence. We emphasize there is no place for hatred of Jews, Muslims, Arabs, Palestinians, Israelis, or anyone else.

Antisemitism and other forms of hatred do not promote peace or the rights of any group.

October 7th was the deadliest day for the Jewish people since the Holocaust. The targeting and mass murder of civilians has brought to the surface painful memories and scars left by millennia of antisemitism and the genocide of the Jewish people by the Nazis and their collaborators.

[ Fear this Muslims. There has been fear of Muslims, and rightly so, since 9/11. And by the looks of events like this, and all around the world, one should totally remain Fearful of Muslims ]

A plane was targeted at an airport in Dagestan by an anti-Semitic mob who demanded to see passengers' passports yesterday.

Israeli passengers onboard flight WZ4728 from Tel Aviv were caught in chaos at Makhachkala airport in the Russian republic after people stormed the airstrip.

The protesters, some carrying Palestinian flags, broke through doors in the terminal, with some running onto the runway while others broke barriers, aiming to check the cars leaving the airport for Israeli passengers, according to videos posted online.

Passengers were told to stay in their seats before riot police were called in to help them off the plane, according to Israeli television network Channel 12.

One witness said: 'There were hundreds of people at the airport. About 50 men approached the airplane and asked passengers if they were Jews. I said no. I'm Russian. They wanted to see my passport. I had a Russian passport.'

Many people in the crowd that stormed the Makhachkala airport were reportedly chanting 'Allahu Akbar' while others were shouting antisemitic slogans, according to Russsian news agencies.

Video on social media showed some in the crowd waving Palestinian flags, with one protester seen holding a sign reading 'Child killers have no place in Dagestan'.

Footage also showed protesters attempting to overturn a police car and others checking the passports of passengers who had arrived in Makhachkala, according to the AFP.

The majority of Dagestan residents are Muslim and the region is reportedly regarded as an important centre of Islam in the Caucasus and former Soviet Union.

Dagestan's Ministry of Health said more than 20 people were injured, with two in critical condition. It said the injured included police officers and civilians.

'As a result of the incident at Makhachkala airport there are injured (people), who are receiving medical help,' Dagestan's health ministry said on Telegram.

Russia's aviation authority Rosaviatsia reportedly closed the airport and said that all 'unauthorised citizens' had been removed as of 10:20pm local time (7:20pm GMT).

There were no immediate reports of injuries or arrests, according to PA.

Rosaviatsia added that the airport would tentatively remain closed to incoming aircraft until November 6.

[ Why are there no Jews living in Saudi Arabia, Jared? Because Mohammad saw to it to behead the male population of one tribe 1400 years ago, and send the rest into slavery. The other two Jewish tribes were expelled. No, Jews would not be safer in Saudi Arabia, or TransJordan which was taken over by an Arab Clan and the Jews were also expelled from there. Next? ]


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