Isreal? Children be damned?

Alright, so when you don't know if there are children but you do know if there are terrorists?
Last time IDF recalled a strike when children were nearby the rocket we got a severely injured kid.
No wait, you know very well about the geographic and demographics of Gaza, you are also a world known expert, so tell me if its possible to place your divine finger on the map of Gaza without touching 10 houses around.. its IMPOSSIBLE TO SURGICAL STRIKE.
Israel is not carpet bombing civilians or terrorists - only empty houses of Hamas leaders, Israel carried 3,500 AIRSTRIKES ALONE - I don't see 3,500 dead kids or even 3,500 dead terrorists, so cut your bullshit, we are not sacrificing the life of our men to kill children in Gaza.

Isreal is hiding behind Hammas who is hiding behind children while claiming the moral high ground.

Is that good enough for you?

Israel calls unilateral ceasefires, Hamas keeps firing. Yes, Israel must abide by cease fires, too many children have died, and the use of child victims by Hamas is drawing sympathy.The US must encourage Israel to start taking the high road, granted.
Israel calls unilateral ceasefires, Hamas keeps firing. Yes, Israel must abide by cease fires, too many children have died, and the use of child victims by Hamas is drawing sympathy.The US must encourage Israel to start taking the high road, granted.
In order to negotiate a ceasefire, both parties have to be at the table.

BTW, Israel has broken every ceasefire they've ever entered in to.
or over-reacting? Your post could be interpreted both ways;

TD - "It’s hard to figure out why Hamas would launch a missile attack against Israel. They can’t possibly win. Their missiles are useless, and seldom hit anything before the Israelis blow them up. If they wanted to, they could crush Hamas like a bug."

What Hamas does get is good PR. The visuals are golden: fleeing civilians, injured kids, apartment buildings bombed to rubble.

So are the lopsided statistics – hundreds of Palestinians dead but zero Israelis. European press coverage has been overwhelmingly sympathetic to the Palestinians. In the Guardian, one commentator called the conflict “as perverse as Mike Tyson punching a toddler.”

I've been a vocal supporter of Israel for over 30 years, but in the last 10 years I have been worried that Israel has adopted policies and tactics that are all too reminiscient of German "reprisal" crimes.The very recent (in historical terms) holocaust should invoke a sensitivity to the plight of innocent victims that their persecutors never had.

They are supposed to be the "adults" here. I think Rabin set the right tone when he said "We have to fight terror as if there were no peace talks, and we have to pursue peace as if there were no terror.” They've demonstrated they can fulfill the first part of that statement, unfortunately not the second.

Israel has now killed hundreds of innocent Palestinians in revenge for the death of three innocent Israelis. That is a classic example of collective punishment that the Germans were infamous for in both of the world wars.
Israel calls unilateral ceasefires, Hamas keeps firing. Yes, Israel must abide by cease fires, too many children have died, and the use of child victims by Hamas is drawing sympathy.The US must encourage Israel to start taking the high road, granted.
In order to negotiate a ceasefire, both parties have to be at the table.

BTW, Israel has broken every ceasefire they've ever entered in to.
Pathetic you, Israel accepted all ceasefire calls, except one, out of 8 proposals.
Hamas themselves agreed to the last ceasefire - WITHOUT sitting in the table - but with brokers from the UN/Egypt/Tukey/Qatar/US/EU and who else not.
Israel, Hamas Agree to 3-day Cease-fire - WSJ
And so far during the fucking ceasefire for humanitarian needs.
IDF: Hamas used ceasefire to kidnap soldier; ceasefire over - Israel News, Ynetnews
Alright, so when you don't know if there are children but you do know if there are terrorists?
No you don't know if they are terrorists. You just call them that.
The terrorists are all Gazans above 18 which vote for Hamas in the past, volunteer for Human Shield, provide hideouts, and basically firing rockets, fighting IDF, and attempting to infiltrate Israel, and yes, everyone calls them terrorists.
I think the best solution Gramps to this unending nightmare is for the world community to set up a force to police Gaza and stop Hamas from unleashing their rocket promo campaigns. International police force. The United Nations is useless. But if we as a people care truly what has been happening ever since Hamas became entrenched in the region, we would compel our leaders to do more than go "tchhh tchhh". It's at least worth a shot. Pun not intended. I mean at least by putting forth the idea it maybe just maybe would get some traction. And an idea costs nothing. Make the international force to be comprised of nations that Hamas chose. Why not?
And they'll merrily launch rockets together in their diversity celebrations. hehehe
They are supposed to be the "adults" here. I think Rabin set the right tone when he said "We have to fight terror as if there were no peace talks, and we have to pursue peace as if there were no terror.” They've demonstrated they can fulfill the first part of that statement, unfortunately not the second.
"Here"? Where?
Selective? Are you out of your fucking mind? I have called for the bombing of the sand to turn it ALL to glass. I have no love for the sand monkeys that want to kill us FOR ANY REASON. Having said that their children are not the enemy.
That doesn't excuse what's happening now.

if it weren't for people like you who suck this crap up like a sponge Hamas wouldn't be putting kids purposefully in the line of fire. it works for them which is obvious by your reaction to the propaganda machine

Isreal could invade on the ground and pinpoint their strikes.

Why don't they? We would

it case you hadn't heard, they are on the ground
Enough is enough. Droping warnings isn't enough. When you know the children are there DONT DROP YOUR FUCKING BOMBS.

When you prefer civilians of your enemy over your own, you know you're not worthy of fighting war to begin with.

Not targeting terror places caused our own to die.[/QUOTE [MENTION=36574]Lipush[/MENTION] your thoughts on this link
Gaza civilian death toll raises questions about Israeli military training | World news | The Guardian

Ps off topic are you pro-choice with regards to abortion.
Lipush is an IDF Reservist living within range of those rockets. I don't believe you would be interested in her "thoughts".
The problem is the world views the IDF as the ultimate army and certain parts of it are, the rest are poorly trained reservists and conscripts.
The history of IDF mistakes is legion and carries the same fear factor as "soldier rape".

The recent school shelling that killed 15 children was met with the usual "if it our fault we will apologise"
You fund this carnage America. Do you think the creation of martyrs makes you safer in your beds?

What do you know about IDF soldiers? Poorly trained my ass!
When you prefer civilians of your enemy over your own, you know you're not worthy of fighting war to begin with.

Not targeting terror places caused our own to die.[/QUOTE [MENTION=36574]Lipush[/MENTION] your thoughts on this link
Gaza civilian death toll raises questions about Israeli military training | World news | The Guardian

Ps off topic are you pro-choice with regards to abortion.
Lipush is an IDF Reservist living within range of those rockets. I don't believe you would be interested in her "thoughts".
why not Hess, I mean [MENTION=36574]Lipush[/MENTION] has brought us gems like "MARK MY WORDS" the Palestinian child who was tortured and burned to death was the result of his relatives performing an honor killing. When that lie could no longer be stood up it became the work of a gang of football thugs called La Familia:badgrin:
Enough is enough. Droping warnings isn't enough. When you know the children are there DONT DROP YOUR FUCKING BOMBS.

Tell that to Hamas. If they stop firing rockets then there wouldn't be any bombs dropped. If they stopped firing rockets and storing weapons in schools, apartment buildings, mosques, hospitals, UN government buildings etc, then they wouldn't be targets. By Hamas doing that they make those location targets.

Personally I think it's stupid to drop letters and place warning phone calls. If the so-called civilians allow weapons in their apartments or send their kid to schools where weapons are stored, then they have to realize they just made those locations legit military targets!

Israel must say no to the ceasefire, until, they decimate Hamas's military capability and destroy every last tunnel from Gaza to Egypt and Gaza to Israel!

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