Issa directed Treasury inspector general to ignore IRS treatment of liberal groups

It's always impressive when articles start with "A spokesman for .... said ...(blah blah blah).

Find me something that says, "The Inspector General said that Issa told him to concentrate on ...."

Libs and Cons alike will make up whatever argument they think supports their cause. I suspect this is a made up lie.

A spokesman for Russell George, Treasury’s inspector general for tax administration, said they were asked by House Oversight Chairman Darrell Issa (R-Calif.) “to narrowly focus on Tea Party organizations.”
Read what I posted.

Show me where THE INSPECTOR GENERAL said that Issa asked them to focus on ANYONE!

I don't want to read about what some goddamned SPOKESMAN (unidentified "witness") said.
He wouldn't be the spokesman if he didn't speak for him.

That's literally what 'spokesman' means, retard.
A spokesman for Russell George, Treasury’s inspector general for tax administration, said they were asked by House Oversight Chairman Darrell Issa (R-Calif.) “to narrowly focus on Tea Party organizations.”
Read what I posted.

Show me where THE INSPECTOR GENERAL said that Issa asked them to focus on ANYONE!

I don't want to read about what some goddamned SPOKESMAN (unidentified "witness") said.
He wouldn't be the spokesman if he didn't speak for him.

That's literally what 'spokesman' means, retard.

Unless, of course, it actually means "Fake source without a name so no one can double check me on facts."
Read what I posted.

Show me where THE INSPECTOR GENERAL said that Issa asked them to focus on ANYONE!

I don't want to read about what some goddamned SPOKESMAN (unidentified "witness") said.
He wouldn't be the spokesman if he didn't speak for him.

That's literally what 'spokesman' means, retard.

Unless, of course, it actually means "Fake source without a name so no one can double check me on facts."

you think they'd stand for a unnamed spokesman accusing Obama of having a affair?
just like the article of the Conservative Republican told the Irs to target the Tea Party

the lefties are desperate people today
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Read what I posted.

Show me where THE INSPECTOR GENERAL said that Issa asked them to focus on ANYONE!

I don't want to read about what some goddamned SPOKESMAN (unidentified "witness") said.
He wouldn't be the spokesman if he didn't speak for him.

That's literally what 'spokesman' means, retard.

Unless, of course, it actually means "Fake source without a name so no one can double check me on facts."
Exactly! That was my point.

Little Syntaholic doesn't understand logic enough to realize the meaning of what I said. Little Synthaholic gets peeved when Little Synthaholic loses in debate here. Little Synthaholic negs posters that shine a light on his underdeveloped mental skills. Maybe someday Little Synthaholic will grow up to be a sensible man....but I doubt it. Little Synthaholic is such a silly child.
He wouldn't be the spokesman if he didn't speak for him.

That's literally what 'spokesman' means, retard.

Unless, of course, it actually means "Fake source without a name so no one can double check me on facts."
Exactly! That was my point.

Little Syntaholic doesn't understand logic enough to realize the meaning of what I said. Little Synthaholic gets peeved when Little Synthaholic loses in debate here. Little Synthaholic negs posters that shine a light on his underdeveloped mental skills. Maybe someday Little Synthaholic will grow up to be a sensible man....but I doubt it. Little Synthaholic is such a silly child.

awww heck, shoots this thread all to hell..tsk tsk
links in article at site

by Michael Patrick Leahy 28 Jun 2013 47 post a comment
Inspector General: 'No Indication' IRS Targeted Progressives Like Tea Party

J. Russell George, the Treasury Department's inspector general for tax administration and author of the May 14 TIGTA report on Tea Party targeting by the IRS, sent a letter dated Wednesday to Congressman Sandy Levin (D-MI) in which he stated, "Our audit did not find evidence that the IRS used the ‘progressives’ identifier as selection criteria for potential political cases between May 2010 and May 2012."

According to George, "In total, 30 percent of the organizations we identified with the words 'progress' or 'progressive' in their names were processed as potential political cases. In comparison, our audit found that 100 percent of the tax-exempt applications with 'Tea Party,' 'Patriots,' or '9/12' in their names were processed as potential political cases during the timeframe of our audit."

George concluded, "While we have multiple sources of information corroborating the use of Tea Party and other related criteria we described in our report, including employee interviews, emails and other documents, we found no indication in any of these other materials that ‘progressives’ was a term used to refer cases for scrutiny for political campaign intervention."

George's letter was in response to a written request made by Congressman Levin on Tuesday. Levin asked that George "explain why he released an audit report on May 14 that omits vital information regarding the processing of tax-exemption applications by the IRS and why he subsequently failed to disclose this information in congressional hearings. "

Specifically, Levin asked, "Why did your report not identify that liberal organizations were also included among the 298 applications you reviewed?"

"TIGTA did not make any characterizations of any organizations in its audit report as conservative or liberal and believes it would be inappropriate for a nonpartisan Inspector General to make such judgments," George responded. "Instead, our audit focused on the testing of 296 of the 298 potential political cases (two case files were incomplete) to determine if they were selected using the actual criteria that should have been used by the IRS from the beginning to screen potential political cases."

all of here:
Inspector General: 'No Indication' IRS Targeted Progressives Like Tea Party
awww heck, shoots this thread all to hell..tsk tsk
links in article at site

by Michael Patrick Leahy 28 Jun 2013 47 post a comment
Inspector General: 'No Indication' IRS Targeted Progressives Like Tea Party

J. Russell George, the Treasury Department's inspector general for tax administration and author of the May 14 TIGTA report on Tea Party targeting by the IRS, sent a letter dated Wednesday to Congressman Sandy Levin (D-MI) in which he stated, "Our audit did not find evidence that the IRS used the ‘progressives’ identifier as selection criteria for potential political cases between May 2010 and May 2012."

According to George, "In total, 30 percent of the organizations we identified with the words 'progress' or 'progressive' in their names were processed as potential political cases. In comparison, our audit found that 100 percent of the tax-exempt applications with 'Tea Party,' 'Patriots,' or '9/12' in their names were processed as potential political cases during the timeframe of our audit."

George concluded, "While we have multiple sources of information corroborating the use of Tea Party and other related criteria we described in our report, including employee interviews, emails and other documents, we found no indication in any of these other materials that ‘progressives’ was a term used to refer cases for scrutiny for political campaign intervention."

George's letter was in response to a written request made by Congressman Levin on Tuesday. Levin asked that George "explain why he released an audit report on May 14 that omits vital information regarding the processing of tax-exemption applications by the IRS and why he subsequently failed to disclose this information in congressional hearings. "

Specifically, Levin asked, "Why did your report not identify that liberal organizations were also included among the 298 applications you reviewed?"

"TIGTA did not make any characterizations of any organizations in its audit report as conservative or liberal and believes it would be inappropriate for a nonpartisan Inspector General to make such judgments," George responded. "Instead, our audit focused on the testing of 296 of the 298 potential political cases (two case files were incomplete) to determine if they were selected using the actual criteria that should have been used by the IRS from the beginning to screen potential political cases."

all of here:
Inspector General: 'No Indication' IRS Targeted Progressives Like Tea Party
I suspected the OP was bullshit from the beginning. I watched the IG respond quite professionally to questions from Issa and others as it happened while at home for several days that week. Had Issa done what the OP claimed (what the anonymous spokesman is said to have said) George would have pointed that out during the hearing. I have no doubt whatsoever that he (the IG) is an honest, non-partisan investigator. We need more people like him to take the places of the dishonest ones that seem to occupy every corner of our federal and local governments.

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