Issa directed Treasury inspector general to ignore IRS treatment of liberal groups

accusing someone is not necessarily lying. if that were the case, then every prosecutor in the country is guilty of lying in open court.


as to your racism claim , the race card is bankrupt.

Its obvious to everyone. The difference is the right sees Issa's racism as a good thing.

my gawd you're stupid and the biggest liar on this board
shut up, you don't know what people see..

You people want to destroy the IDEA of Obama. Not just the man himself.
Its obvious to everyone. The difference is the right sees Issa's racism as a good thing.

my gawd you're stupid and the biggest liar on this board
shut up, you don't know what people see..

You people want to destroy the IDEA of Obama. Not just the man himself.

just like YOU PEOPLE did BUSH and still DO BUSH TODAY

so go get a frikken box of tissues..and a picture of Obama to hang by your bed or something..
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Its obvious to everyone. The difference is the right sees Issa's racism as a good thing.

my gawd you're stupid and the biggest liar on this board
shut up, you don't know what people see..

You people want to destroy the IDEA of Obama. Not just the man himself.

what exactly is the "idea" of obama?

are you saying that democrats wanted to uplift the idea of romney?


my gawd you're stupid and the biggest liar on this board
shut up, you don't know what people see..

You people want to destroy the IDEA of Obama. Not just the man himself.

what exactly is the "idea" of obama?

are you saying that democrats wanted to uplift the idea of romney?



they don't THINK about what they're saying. they just spew their pitiful self..
here is the thing about most dems:

you can't bash romney for being a white guy

but you can't bash obama's skin color

seriously, why obsess over his skin color? the only people, 99%, that ever mention obama's skin color are dems
What is this crap? The left is dodging all over the map instead of doing the right thing and calling for the indictments of IRS officials. Issa has no power to order the Treasury inspector to do anything.
Seriously doesn't something click in the Repubs head that angers them for being lied to or does their hatred for liberals override being dupped

How many on the left who still believe a video was responsible for Benghazi have flipped that switch on in their head or does their blind devotion to Obama prevent that?

Well, there were 40 other protests at other ME American embassies at the same time, several earlier the same day, and THEY were ALL in reaction to the video. No one has been caught , bystanders were told the attack was in reaction to it. How is anyone sure it had nothing to do with it, hater dupe?

Why do viewers of Fox, Rush, Beck, the Examiner, Murdoch rags, etc etc etc etc have no idea about the most popular conservative muslim RW TV Pundit and host in Cairo, the center of the Muslim world, who for 2 days before the attacks ranted about the video and about the need to protest and attack US embassies, etc? Is it because they're functional morons at this point, only getting one bs spin on the news? You betcha!

Jeebus our media suqs. The worst obviously are the Pub Propaganda Machine, but also the cowardly LSM that reports both sides and are afraid of the loudmoth RW and refuse to practice journalism. The reporters may be Dems (since they know the facts), but the corporations aren't.
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It's always impressive when articles start with "A spokesman for .... said ...(blah blah blah).

Find me something that says, "The Inspector General said that Issa told him to concentrate on ...."

Libs and Cons alike will make up whatever argument they think supports their cause. I suspect this is a made up lie.
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When are democrats going to get off their dead asses and stop defending the IRS and try to do something about the corruption? When Obama leaves office and they can blame it on a republican?
assuming true, narrowly focus, does not mean ignore

another CC thread down the drain

Not true. Issa lied the whole time and he was blinded by hate for President Obama. That hate made him slip up. He should be arrested.

are you serious? narrowly focus means the same thing as ignore? you obviously are not smart enough to understand what narrowly focus means. let me point out the difference:

only focus: means focus only on one thing to the exclusion of other things

narrowly focus: means focus more strongly this, but do not ignore other things

what exactly did issa lie about?

So what does narrowly focus mean? You're trying really hard to go with this "This is what it's not.." defense but everyone knows what it's NOT...So clue everyone in
When are democrats going to get off their dead asses and stop defending the IRS and try to do something about the corruption? When Obama leaves office and they can blame it on a republican?

Funny thing, Dems are interestested in the truth. Considering the horrible record of Issa and Pubs, the Pub propaganda machine, and their hater dupes, the GOP ISN"T. See sig for what you don't know, the BS you do. Careless idiot dupes. lol. Poor USA...
Not true. Issa lied the whole time and he was blinded by hate for President Obama. That hate made him slip up. He should be arrested.

are you serious? narrowly focus means the same thing as ignore? you obviously are not smart enough to understand what narrowly focus means. let me point out the difference:

only focus: means focus only on one thing to the exclusion of other things

narrowly focus: means focus more strongly this, but do not ignore other things

what exactly did issa lie about?

So what does narrowly focus mean? You're trying really hard to go with this "This is what it's not.." defense but everyone knows what it's NOT...So clue everyone in

how can you ask me what it means when i just gave you a clear example?
Its easy enough. I wont do your work for you. If you could prove me wrong on this you would have done it by now. Checkmate.

you beat your dog. prove me wrong. checkmate.



He probably already has and knows the truth. If he would have found evidence that Im wrong he would have put it on here fast as he could instead of negg repping and name calling. My statement stands.

Its easy enough. I wont do your work for you. If you could prove me wrong on this you would have done it by now. Checkmate.

you beat your dog. prove me wrong. checkmate.



you make a claim, it is not my job to back it up.

why don't you back it up hotshit. come on big guy, show us where issa lied.

you won't be able to though, the way you and z are madly avoiding giving any proof says much about your claim he lied.
you beat your dog. prove me wrong. checkmate.



you make a claim, it is not my job to back it up.

why don't you back it up hotshit. come on big guy, show us where issa lied.

you won't be able to though, the way you and z are madly avoiding giving any proof says much about your claim he lied.
He said President Obama used the IRS to attack whiney Conservative groups. That was a lie. The person who gave the orders was a Romney voting Conservative. Then he lied because Liberal groups were also scrutinized. Lie #2.

Damn how many times do I have to keep checkmating you!:cuckoo:

you make a claim, it is not my job to back it up.

why don't you back it up hotshit. come on big guy, show us where issa lied.

you won't be able to though, the way you and z are madly avoiding giving any proof says much about your claim he lied.
He said President Obama used the IRS to attack whiney Conservative groups. That was a lie. The person who gave the orders was a Romney voting Conservative. Then he lied because Liberal groups were also scrutinized. Lie #2.

Damn how many times do I have to keep checkmating you!:cuckoo:

still waiting for a cite....

until you do, you just look like a foolish rube

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