Issa to Haul Lerner Back Before Committee


Gold Member
Apr 26, 2011
Rep. Issa is going to get to the bottom of this. Hell, he would have found out who was responsible for Fast and Furious, which to this day not one person has been fired or held accountable, had the Obama Administration not claim Executive Privilege.

There is no claiming Executive Privilege in this case.

Lerner lied to Congress in 2012. The acting commissioner lied about a "deluge" of applications in 2010, because it has been soundly proven that 2010 had less applications than the previous two years. The White House can not get its story straight over who knew what when--with the President of the United States claiming to be so incompetent as to have found out about it from watching the news (the same lie he was caught on during Fast and Furious).

Drip, drip, drip...
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She appeared before Issa’s committee this morning under the order of a subpoena and surprised many by reading a strong statement to the panel.

“I have not done anything wrong,” she said. “I have not broken any laws. I have not violated any IRS rules or regulations, and I have not provided false information to this or any other committee.”

Issa dismissed her from the committee room once it became clear she wouldn’t answer questions.

(Also on POLITICO: Lois Lerner pleads the Fifth)

Lerner’s decision to speak at all immediately triggered a dust-up among lawmakers who were confused about whether she gave up her Fifth Amendment protections when she made an opening statement.

Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-S.C.), a former federal prosecutor, said Lerner lost her rights the minute she started proclaiming her innocence, and that lawmakers therefore were entitled to question her. But Ranking Democrat Elijah Cummings of Maryland said hearing rules were not like those of a courtroom.

(POLITICO's full IRS coverage)

During the incident, Issa did not flat-out say whether or not Lerner had indeed waived her rights but instead tried to coax her into staying by offering to narrow the scope of questions.

By the afternoon, Issa was taking a harder stand.

“The precedents are clear that this is not something you can turn on and turn off,” he told POLITICO. “She made testimony after she was sworn in, asserted her innocence in a number of areas, even answered questions asserting that a document was true … So she gave partial testimony and then tried to revoke that.”

He said he was not expecting that.

“I understand from her counsel that there was a plan to assert her Fifth Amendment rights,” he continued. “She went ahead and made a statement, so counsel let her effectively under the precedent, waive — so we now have someone who no longer has that ability.”

Well this should be interesting...
Time for a special prosecutor.

Damn right. The motivations behind these actions are stunningly obvious, and the Internal Revenue Service has shown to be willing to mislead and lie to Congressional Committees. I don't believe for a minute that the White House wasn't aware or directing this activity.

I've must have said this a million times, but Obama's history isn't a secret--despite the best efforts of the media and the Obama Regime--and everyone that knows his history and his associations are not surprised at these developments.

This is the radical transformation, the flooding the system--the chickens are coming home to roost.
Rep. Issa is going to get to the bottom of this. Hell, he would have found out who was responsible for Fast and Furious, which to this day not one person has been fired or held accountable, had the Obama Administration not claim Executive Privilege.

There is no claiming Executive Privilege in this case.

Lerner lied to Congress in 2012. The acting commissioner lied about a "deluge" of applications in 2010, because it has been soundly proven that 2010 had less applications than the previous two years. The White House can not get its story straight over who knew what when--with the President of the United States claiming to be so incompetent as to have found out about it from watching the news (the same lie he was caught on during Fast and Furious).

Drip, drip, drip...

How crazy can this get? I just read this at politico.

Not that I feel one ounce of pity for this woman, but didn't her lawyer warn her not to give a statement?
Rep. Issa is going to get to the bottom of this. Hell, he would have found out who was responsible for Fast and Furious, which to this day not one person has been fired or held accountable, had the Obama Administration not claim Executive Privilege.

There is no claiming Executive Privilege in this case.

Lerner lied to Congress in 2012. The acting commissioner lied about a "deluge" of applications in 2010, because it has been soundly proven that 2010 had less applications than the previous two years. The White House can not get its story straight over who knew what when--with the President of the United States claiming to be so incompetent as to have found out about it from watching the news (the same lie he was caught on during Fast and Furious).

Drip, drip, drip...

How crazy can this get? I just read this at politico.

Not that I feel one ounce of pity for this woman, but didn't her lawyer warn her not to give a statement?

That would be a piss poor lawyer if he or she did not tell her not to say anything.
Rep. Issa is going to get to the bottom of this. Hell, he would have found out who was responsible for Fast and Furious, which to this day not one person has been fired or held accountable, had the Obama Administration not claim Executive Privilege.

There is no claiming Executive Privilege in this case.

Lerner lied to Congress in 2012. The acting commissioner lied about a "deluge" of applications in 2010, because it has been soundly proven that 2010 had less applications than the previous two years. The White House can not get its story straight over who knew what when--with the President of the United States claiming to be so incompetent as to have found out about it from watching the news (the same lie he was caught on during Fast and Furious).

Drip, drip, drip...

How crazy can this get? I just read this at politico.

Not that I feel one ounce of pity for this woman, but didn't her lawyer warn her not to give a statement?

Oh, I would love to hear the phone call. Poor choice of council, but she is incompetent to begin with so it really isn't that surprising she would choose the wrong law firm :razz:
Rep. Issa is going to get to the bottom of this. Hell, he would have found out who was responsible for Fast and Furious, which to this day not one person has been fired or held accountable, had the Obama Administration not claim Executive Privilege.

There is no claiming Executive Privilege in this case.

Lerner lied to Congress in 2012. The acting commissioner lied about a "deluge" of applications in 2010, because it has been soundly proven that 2010 had less applications than the previous two years. The White House can not get its story straight over who knew what when--with the President of the United States claiming to be so incompetent as to have found out about it from watching the news (the same lie he was caught on during Fast and Furious).

Drip, drip, drip...

How crazy can this get? I just read this at politico.

Not that I feel one ounce of pity for this woman, but didn't her lawyer warn her not to give a statement?

It was actually too late. She gave testimony in 2012 that opened the door for cross examination.
Man! The shear desire for justice that oozes from the pores of you nutters is startlingly impressive! You are all such stalwart truth seekers!

So I can get an understanding of what you believe the significance of the actions of the IRS, the illegal actions of the IRS--could you rate this on a scale of 1-10, 10 being a impeachment worthy if the White House was aware of this issue and decided to keep it hidden before and during a presidential election, and 1 being not even newsworthy, where would your delusional mind rate what the IRS has done?

Or how about the Dept. of Justice.

Oh, how I would love to hear the righteous, indignant calls for death to Bush if his Justice Dept. was caught spying on the reporters of Valerie Plame non-scandal, that they planned on prosecuting those reporters.

I think you are just ignorant, perhaps that's why you don't understand the significance of this.
I'm torn between thinking that Lerner is just plain STOOPID or high on the arrogance of government power. Of course, the two are not mutually exclusive.

She acted like she's untouchable. Well, she's not.
Rep. Issa is going to get to the bottom of this. Hell, he would have found out who was responsible for Fast and Furious, which to this day not one person has been fired or held accountable, had the Obama Administration not claim Executive Privilege.

There is no claiming Executive Privilege in this case.

Lerner lied to Congress in 2012. The acting commissioner lied about a "deluge" of applications in 2010, because it has been soundly proven that 2010 had less applications than the previous two years. The White House can not get its story straight over who knew what when--with the President of the United States claiming to be so incompetent as to have found out about it from watching the news (the same lie he was caught on during Fast and Furious).

Drip, drip, drip...

How crazy can this get? I just read this at politico.

Not that I feel one ounce of pity for this woman, but didn't her lawyer warn her not to give a statement?

what is odd is her husband is supposedly an attorney. Would have thought he would have warned her, as well as her counsel.
I'm torn between thinking that Lerner is just plain STOOPID or high on the arrogance of government power. Of course, the two are not mutually exclusive.

She acted like she's untouchable. Well, she's not.

That's why I think the White House is involved, the level of arrogance. To me, knowing everything I know about Obama the man, I have no doubt the White House is implicated, and that these employees acted on orders and promise of protection.
She should be found in contempt of Congress, all there is to it. You can't testify to your innocence then invoke the 5th. Your testimony is essentially you saying "I waive my 5th Amendment rights."
The government could make an offer of immunity and strip her of all 5th amendment rights.
Man! The shear desire for justice that oozes from the pores of you nutters is startlingly impressive! You are all such stalwart truth seekers!

So I can get an understanding of what you believe the significance of the actions of the IRS, the illegal actions of the IRS--could you rate this on a scale of 1-10, 10 being a impeachment worthy if the White House was aware of this issue and decided to keep it hidden before and during a presidential election, and 1 being not even newsworthy, where would your delusional mind rate what the IRS has done?

If it is proven that anything illegal was done, I would expect the perpetrators to be prosecuted.

If it is proven that the President was complicit in the illegal activity in any way, I would expect him to be impeached and would ask for his resignation.

If it is proven that the Obama administration knew about illegal activity but was not involved....but acted to conceal it from the press, then I would expect impeachment. I would not ask for resignation.

Or how about the Dept. of Justice.

Same as above.

Oh, how I would love to hear the righteous, indignant calls for death to Bush if his Justice Dept. was caught spying on the reporters of Valerie Plame non-scandal, that they planned on prosecuting those reporters.

Please.....refrain from silly deflection. Thank you.

I think you are just ignorant, perhaps that's why you don't understand the significance of this.

You think I am ignorant, huh? Cool.

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