Issa to Haul Lerner Back Before Committee

Since when have you cared what government does with tax payer money?

Since I became a tax payer,why?
Then you'll be all for cutting the illicit spending going on in government right now and supporting a budget that returns spending to only that which is authorized by the Constitution.

After all, no where in the Constitution does it say that the government can take from one man to help another.

all taxes take from one man to help another.
Since I became a tax payer,why?
Then you'll be all for cutting the illicit spending going on in government right now and supporting a budget that returns spending to only that which is authorized by the Constitution.

After all, no where in the Constitution does it say that the government can take from one man to help another.

all taxes take from one man to help another.
So you don't care about waste. Good to know.
Since I became a tax payer,why?
Then you'll be all for cutting the illicit spending going on in government right now and supporting a budget that returns spending to only that which is authorized by the Constitution.

After all, no where in the Constitution does it say that the government can take from one man to help another.

all taxes take from one man to help another.

LOL yeah right, :cuckoo:
Rep. Issa is going to get to the bottom of this. Hell, he would have found out who was responsible for Fast and Furious, which to this day not one person has been fired or held accountable, had the Obama Administration not claim Executive Privilege.

There is no claiming Executive Privilege in this case.

Lerner lied to Congress in 2012. The acting commissioner lied about a "deluge" of applications in 2010, because it has been soundly proven that 2010 had less applications than the previous two years. The White House can not get its story straight over who knew what when--with the President of the United States claiming to be so incompetent as to have found out about it from watching the news (the same lie he was caught on during Fast and Furious).

Drip, drip, drip...

Yeah--the "I don't know's and or I didn't know excuses are getting real old. It's coming from everywhere--and the frustration is growing in Congress daily.

Lerner has a very bad attorney. She basically waived her right to plead the 5th in her opening comment to the committee. If she would have kept her mouth shut everything would have been O.K. But you can't plead you're innocent of any wrong doing while at the same time pleading the 5th which excuses you from answering questions from the committee.

We'll see if this holds up today--but certainly she has no intentions of answering the bi-partisan committee's questions regarding this scandal. I wonder if she could be held in contempt if she refuses to answer questions now?

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The point is that she waived her right when she testified the other day. Anyway, how can one incriminate oneself if one did nothing wrong?

That's preposterous.

Apparently her lawyers disagree. So what's Issa's next move?

Hmmm... not sure. If she stonewalls, there really isn't much he can do. Of course, he could just make her sit there for hours, pleading the fifth.. and looking like an ass. However, what it may prompt is further calls (from the left and right) for a special prosecutor... then she can be held in contempt and ultimately jailed.. if it really goes that far... unfortunately my crystal ball isn't working that well these days.

Have the Sergeant-at-Arms haul her scrawny ass off to jail for contempt of Congress.
Then you'll be all for cutting the illicit spending going on in government right now and supporting a budget that returns spending to only that which is authorized by the Constitution.

After all, no where in the Constitution does it say that the government can take from one man to help another.

all taxes take from one man to help another.

LOL yeah right, :cuckoo:


You guys don't live in the real world. It's like you live in a freaking John Wayne movie.

Turn off the tube once in a while.
Apparently her lawyers disagree. So what's Issa's next move?

Hmmm... not sure. If she stonewalls, there really isn't much he can do. Of course, he could just make her sit there for hours, pleading the fifth.. and looking like an ass. However, what it may prompt is further calls (from the left and right) for a special prosecutor... then she can be held in contempt and ultimately jailed.. if it really goes that far... unfortunately my crystal ball isn't working that well these days.

Have the Sergeant-at-Arms haul her scrawny ass off to jail for contempt of Congress.

Yeah..I am sure you were saying the same thing about Rove. Oh weren't.
Rep. Issa is going to get to the bottom of this. Hell, he would have found out who was responsible for Fast and Furious, which to this day not one person has been fired or held accountable, had the Obama Administration not claim Executive Privilege.

There is no claiming Executive Privilege in this case.

Lerner lied to Congress in 2012. The acting commissioner lied about a "deluge" of applications in 2010, because it has been soundly proven that 2010 had less applications than the previous two years. The White House can not get its story straight over who knew what when--with the President of the United States claiming to be so incompetent as to have found out about it from watching the news (the same lie he was caught on during Fast and Furious).

Drip, drip, drip...

Yeah--the "I don't know's and or I didn't know excuses are getting real old. It's coming from everywhere--and the frustration is growing in Congress daily.

Lerner has a very bad attorney. She basically waived her right to plead the 5th in her opening comment to the committee. If she would have kept her mouth shut everything would have been O.K. But you can't plead you're innocent of any wrong doing while at the same time pleading the 5th which excuses you from answering questions from the committee.

We'll see if this holds up today--but certainly she has no intentions of answering the bi-partisan committee's questions regarding this scandal. I wonder if she could be held in contempt if she refuses to answer questions now?


Bi Partisan. :lol:
Rep. Issa is going to get to the bottom of this. Hell, he would have found out who was responsible for Fast and Furious, which to this day not one person has been fired or held accountable, had the Obama Administration not claim Executive Privilege.

There is no claiming Executive Privilege in this case.

Lerner lied to Congress in 2012. The acting commissioner lied about a "deluge" of applications in 2010, because it has been soundly proven that 2010 had less applications than the previous two years. The White House can not get its story straight over who knew what when--with the President of the United States claiming to be so incompetent as to have found out about it from watching the news (the same lie he was caught on during Fast and Furious).

Drip, drip, drip...

How appropriate that your avatar has a pitch fork. Issa, I'm sure, has his own, as do all people on a witch hunt.

The IRS is waiting to see if Obama will slap an "Executive Privilege" stamp on them just like he did with Fast and Furious.

Obama cannot execute executive privilege for the simple fact that any disclosures would not adversely affect the executive branch. And I don't think Lerner would be considered a principle member of the executive branch.
all taxes take from one man to help another.

LOL yeah right, :cuckoo:


You guys don't live in the real world. It's like you live in a freaking John Wayne movie.

Turn off the tube once in a while.

your butt buddy said that all taxes TAKE from one man to HELP another. So I guess that you are OK with having taxes taken from you to help some evil defense company CEO?

I guess you are OK with YOUR tax money being GIVEN to the muslim brotherhood to HELP them?

are you?
Rep. Issa is going to get to the bottom of this. Hell, he would have found out who was responsible for Fast and Furious, which to this day not one person has been fired or held accountable, had the Obama Administration not claim Executive Privilege.

There is no claiming Executive Privilege in this case.

Lerner lied to Congress in 2012. The acting commissioner lied about a "deluge" of applications in 2010, because it has been soundly proven that 2010 had less applications than the previous two years. The White House can not get its story straight over who knew what when--with the President of the United States claiming to be so incompetent as to have found out about it from watching the news (the same lie he was caught on during Fast and Furious).

Drip, drip, drip...

How appropriate that your avatar has a pitch fork. Issa, I'm sure, has his own, as do all people on a witch hunt.

so seeking the truth is a witch hunt? did you say that about watergate? how about Iran contra?

Oh, I see, its only a witch hunt when republicans seek the truth.
Apparently her lawyers disagree. So what's Issa's next move?

Hmmm... not sure. If she stonewalls, there really isn't much he can do. Of course, he could just make her sit there for hours, pleading the fifth.. and looking like an ass. However, what it may prompt is further calls (from the left and right) for a special prosecutor... then she can be held in contempt and ultimately jailed.. if it really goes that far... unfortunately my crystal ball isn't working that well these days.

Have the Sergeant-at-Arms haul her scrawny ass off to jail for contempt of Congress.

I'm tempted to agree except for one thing:

It's clear from the Journolist cabal that the Obama Admin is looking to throw Lerner under the bus. She must know she is being set up...and may actually not be the ultimate guilty party. She definitely should be made to testify...I suspect she has something on somebody higher up that would embarrass Obama.
I have yet to find any law - and certainly any Constitutional provision - that says a person can be compelled to make statements incriminating themselves, "under certain conditions".

She can answer fifteen questions from Issa if she wants, and then if she feels the sixteenth question might incriminate her, she can plead the 5th on that question. Then answer three more, then plead the 5th on the next six, etc. etc.

Where in the Constitution does it say that if you answer one question, you must answer them all? It says pretty much the opposite if you ask me.

Or does it say that right after the section that says government can make 'reasonable restrictions" to your right to keep and bear arms?

However, if Congress grants her immunity from prosecution, then she cannot possibly make self-incriminating statements... so THEN she can be compelled to answer, on pain of getting tossed in the hoosegow for contempt of Congress if she doesn't.

Two professional attorneys disagree with you.
Alan Dershowitz: IRS Chief Lerner 'Can Be Held in Contempt'

When either of those two get around to pointing out the part in the Constitution that says "A person cannot be compelled to testify against himself unless he has spoken at least ___ words to the investigators, in which case he's dog meat", or anything similar to that, let me know.

Until then, I think we can safely assume that the Constitution's ban on compelling people to testify against themselves is 100%, and "opinions" to the contrary are merely wrong.

The concept is cross examination on the testimony that she did give. And, since her statement was all encompassing, that pretty well opens the door to cross examination of everything involved in the scandal. Not to mention the use of the 5th as a fraud, to protect others. Which, is most likely what she is attempting to do.
Issa couldn't pass a background check to get a post office job. I'm changing the subject? The subject is illegalities and the clowns that put bush in 2x are quite happy to have a car thief in charge of these hearings. Still, much ado about nothing compared to real criminal republican administrations of the past.
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Rep. Issa is going to get to the bottom of this. Hell, he would have found out who was responsible for Fast and Furious, which to this day not one person has been fired or held accountable, had the Obama Administration not claim Executive Privilege.

There is no claiming Executive Privilege in this case.

Lerner lied to Congress in 2012. The acting commissioner lied about a "deluge" of applications in 2010, because it has been soundly proven that 2010 had less applications than the previous two years. The White House can not get its story straight over who knew what when--with the President of the United States claiming to be so incompetent as to have found out about it from watching the news (the same lie he was caught on during Fast and Furious).

Drip, drip, drip...

How appropriate that your avatar has a pitch fork. Issa, I'm sure, has his own, as do all people on a witch hunt.

so seeking the truth is a witch hunt? did you say that about watergate? how about Iran contra?

Oh, I see, its only a witch hunt when republicans seek the truth.

I'm all for finding the truth. I'm just not convinced that the truth is even one of the top two objectives for Republicans if the truth didn't serve their purposes of either impeaching or discrediting the president in some way. In fact, I would go so far as to say that if the truth turned out to be much ado about nothing, I don't think Republicans would acknowledge that publicly. I think they would still grandstand with their usual over-the-top rhetoric mirroring the talk radio hosts who seem to be calling the plays in the GOP these days.
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Rep. Issa is going to get to the bottom of this. Hell, he would have found out who was responsible for Fast and Furious, which to this day not one person has been fired or held accountable, had the Obama Administration not claim Executive Privilege.

There is no claiming Executive Privilege in this case.

Lerner lied to Congress in 2012. The acting commissioner lied about a "deluge" of applications in 2010, because it has been soundly proven that 2010 had less applications than the previous two years. The White House can not get its story straight over who knew what when--with the President of the United States claiming to be so incompetent as to have found out about it from watching the news (the same lie he was caught on during Fast and Furious).

Drip, drip, drip...

Yeah--the "I don't know's and or I didn't know excuses are getting real old. It's coming from everywhere--and the frustration is growing in Congress daily.

Lerner has a very bad attorney. She basically waived her right to plead the 5th in her opening comment to the committee. If she would have kept her mouth shut everything would have been O.K. But you can't plead you're innocent of any wrong doing while at the same time pleading the 5th which excuses you from answering questions from the committee.

We'll see if this holds up today--but certainly she has no intentions of answering the bi-partisan committee's questions regarding this scandal. I wonder if she could be held in contempt if she refuses to answer questions now?



I wonder if she just went renegade and read that statement without the knowledge of her attorney. Hard to believe a lawyer worth their salt would sign off on a stunt like that.

She's fair game now, you'd think.

Rep. Issa is going to get to the bottom of this. Hell, he would have found out who was responsible for Fast and Furious, which to this day not one person has been fired or held accountable, had the Obama Administration not claim Executive Privilege.

There is no claiming Executive Privilege in this case.

Lerner lied to Congress in 2012. The acting commissioner lied about a "deluge" of applications in 2010, because it has been soundly proven that 2010 had less applications than the previous two years. The White House can not get its story straight over who knew what when--with the President of the United States claiming to be so incompetent as to have found out about it from watching the news (the same lie he was caught on during Fast and Furious).

Drip, drip, drip...

Yeah--the "I don't know's and or I didn't know excuses are getting real old. It's coming from everywhere--and the frustration is growing in Congress daily.

Lerner has a very bad attorney. She basically waived her right to plead the 5th in her opening comment to the committee. If she would have kept her mouth shut everything would have been O.K. But you can't plead you're innocent of any wrong doing while at the same time pleading the 5th which excuses you from answering questions from the committee.

We'll see if this holds up today--but certainly she has no intentions of answering the bi-partisan committee's questions regarding this scandal. I wonder if she could be held in contempt if she refuses to answer questions now?



I wonder if she just went renegade and read that statement without the knowledge of her attorney. Hard to believe a lawyer worth their salt would sign off on a stunt like that.

She's fair game now, you'd think.


She is, you can't state your case, then plead the fifth and refuse to be cross examined. It doesn't work that way.
Issa couldn't pass a background check to get a post office job. I'm changing the subject? The subject is illegalities and the clowns that put bush in 2x are quite happy to have a car thief in charge of these hearings. Still, much ado about nothing compared to real criminal republican administrations of the past.

Quit deflecting, you partisan asshole. Shall we start mentioning the Democrats i Congree with criminal records? Alcee Hastings, only federal judge impeached and removed in the last 30 years? Charlie Rangel, tax cheat? etc etc ad nauseam.

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