Issue 1 in Ohio

You do realize, don't you, that when you stake your position on whether or not a human being can become two or two can become one, that when that period is past, you no longer can avoid their humanity? IOW, if you want to stake your position on this, as soon as the fetus arrives at a state complex enough to prevent either fission or fusion, you've lost your prohibition on calling them human beings. You didn't really think that through, did you? Your desperate position remains that a human isn't a human until the Lawyer Fairy sprinkles his magic dust.

Are conjoined twins two people or one, if they are conjoined in such a way that neither can survive without the other?
You realize that by ignoring the science in your face you not only subvert your own arguments but look kind of silly.

Your side of this is purely philosophical.
Mine is purely scientific.
I have shown willingness to concede to your opinion once the fetus reaches viability but, as always then ideology becomes theology, you cannot. not because of the science but because of your religion.

Check the first amendment for a real effective discussion of your position.
Why am I not surprised you can't present actual factual information to support your theology?

"A zygote is capable of splitting to give rise to identical twins. Since the zygote cannot be identical with either human being it will become, it cannot already be a human being."

How many times has a human zygote split and formed anything other than a human?
You realize that by ignoring the science in your face you not only subvert your own arguments but look kind of silly.

Your side of this is purely philosophical.
Mine is purely scientific.
I have shown willingness to concede to your opinion once the fetus reaches viability but, as always then ideology becomes theology, you cannot. not because of the science but because of your religion.

Check the first amendment for a real effective discussion of your position.
By the standard you have laid down, once a developing baby reaches the point where he/she can no longer either divide or fuse, we have a human being. Congratulations, you've admitted that there are actual humans growing inside those pregnant ladies.
By the standard you have laid down, once a developing baby reaches the point where he/she can no longer either divide or fuse, we have a human being. Congratulations, you've admitted that there are actual humans growing inside those pregnant ladies.
Why do you lie?
Is your position so weak and factless that you must resort to lying?
I asked you to post proof that your zygote is a human being idea was supported by the science and you post lies?

Congratulations. By constantly lying you've lost whatever credibility you might have had on the topic and therefore the argument.
Here is the bottom line. There has been a huge surge of early voting. This spells bad news for Republicans. When turnout is strong, Republicans lose.
Issue 1 in Ohio that will be voted upon this Tuesday, is important for a myriad of reasons.

What is being attempted is to codify abortion into the Ohio Constitution via a mere majority. However, this Tuesday what is being attempted is to raise the bar for passing a Constitutional amendment to the state Constitution from a mere majority to 60% or higher. Only then will a mere majority of voters be prohibited from making such changes. This is key because most Ohio voters are being sold a lie about the abortion amendment, so obtaining a mere majority with a nation already divided using false propaganda should not be a problem for the Left.

With the nation divided on abortion, the Left seems confident they can obtain a majority to pass amending the Constitution this fall in November, by getting a majority to vote for abortion as a state Constitutional right. It is being sold as a return to Roe vs. Wade, but nothing could be further from the truth.

In 1973, the high court ruled that Texas was wrong. “The word ‘person,’ as used in the Fourteenth Amendment, does not include the unborn,” wrote Justice Harry Blackmun in his landmark opinion. The Supreme Court held that personhood could not be granted to a fetus before “viability”—the point around 24 weeks of pregnancy when a fetus can survive outside the womb—and established a constitutional right to abortion access.

However, the new abortion laws to be codified into state Constitutions like Ohio will have no such verbiage.

Instead, the amendment prohibits the state of Ohio from banning abortion when, in the professional judgment of a physician, an abortion "is necessary to protect the pregnant patient’s life or health."

So, let's say the physician says that the woman needs to have the abortion because she is depressed about being pregnant. Then the woman will be allowed to have the abortion even if the unborn is viable, all in the interest of maintaining the woman's health.

For those who support pro-life, this is worse than what we had under Roe vs. Wade as women can obtain an abortion up to a partial birth abortion.

But millions of dollars are being pumped into Ohio from outside Ohio to convince everyone that it is a return to Roe vs. Wade. The problem is, most of the money is being pumped from outside the state into Ohio to get voters to vote on a lie.

Proabortion advocates outside Ohio have raised $14.8 million, compared to $4.8 million raised to pass issue one.

This appears to be the future of democracy, that is, to get a simple majority to codify things into state constitutional law as the Left outspends their opponents with propaganda and outright lies, but then, the Left is made up of mostly rich folk, like Soros and Gates.

But they won't stop with abortion. They will continue to turn the constitutions of red states into blue constitutions, as the states slowly turn purple using the same techniques.

So, what is next? Gun rights? The sky is the limit.
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The Founding Fathers took it upon themselves to not pass a Constitutional amendment with a mere majority so why are states allowing it?

For the states to pass a Constitutional Amendment to the Federal law, 3/4 of them have to agree, not 26 states which is one over half of them.

And if the Federal Congress adopts an amendment, it is not based on a mere majority either as both houses have to have 2/3 agreement.

Again, the Federal government does not change its Constitution by a mere majority, so why should states do it? There is wisdom in making such permanent and profound changes to a system somewhat difficult.

Also, many of the groups, such as the NAACP, who are pushing no on issue one also has codified in their bylaws that to make changes to their own bylaws you need more than a mere majority as well.

But the lie about democracy is what is being pushed here. The lie is that the country was founded on democracy, a clear lie, it is a Republic with laws that I have mentioned that reflect that. The lie is the gospel of democracy the Left tries to sell us every day. So long as they can obtain just one vote more to give them a majority, only then can the virtue of democracy cure all our ills. But the Founding Fathers did not believe that which is why they set up a Republic instead.

The reason is, the Left have become adept at propaganda, both through the media and education system and have a ton more money to spend to influence people to vote the way they want them to vote.

Next on the block will probably be the Electoral College system, as the Left will use the same tactics to secure every presidential election. If they succeed, it will mean that the Blue states of New York and California will decide every Presidential election from now till the end of eternity, as the other 48 states will be held hostage.

But the short talking point of a mere majority is power to the people is as simplistic as it is deceptive, which is the bread and butter of the Left.

I mean, who wants to sit here and read, let alone think, about everything I have written thus far?

Probably not many.
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The Founding Fathers took it upon themselves to not pass a Constitutional amendment with a mere majority so why are states allowing it?

For the states to pass a Constitutional Amendment to the Federal law, 3/4 of them have to agree, not 26 states which is one over half of them.

And if the Federal Congress adopts an amendment, it is not based on a mere majority either as both houses have to have 2/3 agreement.

Again, the Federal government does not change its Constitution by a mere majority, so why should states do it?

Also, many of the groups, such as the NAACP, who are pushing no on issue one also has codified in their bylaws that to make changes to their own bylaws you need more than a mere majority as well.

But the lie about democracy is what is being pushed here. The lie is that the country was founded on democracy, a clear lie, it is a Republic with laws that I have mentioned that reflect that. The lie is the gospel of democracy the Left tries to sell us every day. So long as they can obtain just one vote more to give them a majority, only then can the virtue of democracy cure all our ills. But the Founding Fathers did not believe that which is why they set up a Republic instead.

The reason is, the Left have become adept at propaganda, both through the media and education system and have a ton more money to spend to influence people to vote the way they want them to vote.

Next on the block will probably be the Electoral College system, as the Left will use the same tactics to secure every presidential election. If they succeed, it will mean that the Blue states of New York and California will decide every Presidential election from now till the end of eternity, as the other 48 states will be held hostage.

But the short talking point of a mere majority is power to the people is as simplistic as it is deceptive, which is the bread and butter of the Left.
You mean govt should not do what people want ?
You are shameless.
You mean govt should not do what people want ?
You are shameless.
You mean govt should not do what people want ?
You are shameless.
Don't hand me that crap.

80% of the people want term limits for Congress.

63% of Americans want budget restraints for Congress.

Yet the media and the Left and those in Congress will ignore this completely.

No changes will ever occur UNLESS the states amend the Constitution to force it on the Feds.

The process has been underway with the Article V movement, but the road is extremely difficult and not likely to succeed, especially considering it has never been done in US history. The US Congress certainly won't vote to put term limits on themselves or reduce the amount of money they can spend for themselves, so it must come from outside power or never get done.

The people are powerless.
Issue 1 in Ohio that will be voted upon this Tuesday, is important for a myriad of reasons.

What is being attempted is to codify abortion into the Ohio Constitution via a mere majority. However, this Tuesday what is being attempted is to raise the bar for passing a Constitutional amendment to the state Constitution from a mere majority to 60% or higher. Only then will a mere majority of voters be prohibited from making such changes. This is key because most Ohio voters are being sold a lie about the abortion amendment, so obtaining a mere majority with a nation already divided using false propaganda should not be a problem for the Left.

With the nation divided on abortion, the Left seems confident they can obtain a majority to pass amending the Constitution this fall in November, by getting a majority to vote for abortion as a state Constitutional right. It is being sold as a return to Roe vs. Wade, but nothing could be further from the truth.

In 1973, the high court ruled that Texas was wrong. “The word ‘person,’ as used in the Fourteenth Amendment, does not include the unborn,” wrote Justice Harry Blackmun in his landmark opinion. The Supreme Court held that personhood could not be granted to a fetus before “viability”—the point around 24 weeks of pregnancy when a fetus can survive outside the womb—and established a constitutional right to abortion access.

However, the new abortion laws to be codified into state Constitutions like Ohio will have no such verbiage.

Instead, the amendment prohibits the state of Ohio from banning abortion when, in the professional judgment of a physician, an abortion "is necessary to protect the pregnant patient’s life or health."

So, let's say the physician says that the woman needs to have the abortion because she is depressed about being pregnant. Then the woman will be allowed to have the abortion even if the unborn is viable, all in the interest of maintaining the woman's health.

For those who support pro-life, this is worse than what we had under Roe vs. Wade as women can obtain an abortion up to a partial birth abortion.

But millions of dollars are being pumped into Ohio from outside Ohio to convince everyone that it is a return to Roe vs. Wade. The problem is, most of the money is being pumped from outside the state into Ohio to get voters to vote on a lie.

Proabortion advocates outside Ohio have raised $14.8 million, compared to $4.8 million raised to pass issue one.

This appears to be the future of democracy, that is, to get a simple majority to codify things into state constitutional law as the Left outspends their opponents with propaganda and outright lies, but then, the Left is made up of mostly rich folk, like Soros and Gates.

But they won't stop with abortion. They will continue to turn the constitutions of red states into blue constitutions, as the states slowly turn purple using the same techniques.

So, what is next? Gun rights? The sky is the limit.

A mere majority? I’ve got a newsflash for you dimwit. The overwhelming majority of people in Ohio, as the rest of the country support reproductive rights.

Those aren’t rights that minority of losers, and incels such as yourself get to decide.

Abortion is a losing issue for you. Any perceived gains you may think you have made, are temporary, and will be reversed sooner than you think.

A woman’s right to an abortion will not only be codified into state constitutions, but the federal constitution as well, and sooner than you think also.
This, as always, comes down to the message and messenger who controls the message. The squatters in the White House and the Covid plague and its subsequent lockdowns and restrictions bear this out.
People are lazy and stupid and will continue to fail to vet information.
A mere majority? I’ve got a newsflash for you dimwit. The overwhelming majority of people in Ohio, as the rest of the country support reproductive rights.

Those aren’t rights that minority of losers, and incels such as yourself get to decide.

Abortion is a losing issue for you. Any perceived gains you may think you have made, are temporary, and will be reversed sooner than you think.

A woman’s right to an abortion will not only be codified into state constitutions, but the federal constitution as well, and sooner than you think also.
Thanks for proving my point

If you poll the average person asking if abortion should be legal, you will get the majority to say yes.

However, if you ask the same person if there should be limits on abortion, the majority will also say yes

Only 25% say they want abortion without restrictions, which is why the Left has to lie to get their amendments passed.

75% of the people want restrictions on abortion!!!!!!!!!!!!
The GOP need to run on abortion. Its a vote winner.
The GOP can't even bring itself impeach a proven criminal President who is openly senile.

No, the people have to somehow find a way to protect themselves from both parties.
Issue 1 in Ohio that will be voted upon this Tuesday, is important for a myriad of reasons.

What is being attempted is to codify abortion into the Ohio Constitution via a mere majority. However, this Tuesday what is being attempted is to raise the bar for passing a Constitutional amendment to the state Constitution from a mere majority to 60% or higher. Only then will a mere majority of voters be prohibited from making such changes. This is key because most Ohio voters are being sold a lie about the abortion amendment, so obtaining a mere majority with a nation already divided using false propaganda should not be a problem for the Left.

With the nation divided on abortion, the Left seems confident they can obtain a majority to pass amending the Constitution this fall in November, by getting a majority to vote for abortion as a state Constitutional right. It is being sold as a return to Roe vs. Wade, but nothing could be further from the truth.

In 1973, the high court ruled that Texas was wrong. “The word ‘person,’ as used in the Fourteenth Amendment, does not include the unborn,” wrote Justice Harry Blackmun in his landmark opinion. The Supreme Court held that personhood could not be granted to a fetus before “viability”—the point around 24 weeks of pregnancy when a fetus can survive outside the womb—and established a constitutional right to abortion access.

However, the new abortion laws to be codified into state Constitutions like Ohio will have no such verbiage.

Instead, the amendment prohibits the state of Ohio from banning abortion when, in the professional judgment of a physician, an abortion "is necessary to protect the pregnant patient’s life or health."

So, let's say the physician says that the woman needs to have the abortion because she is depressed about being pregnant. Then the woman will be allowed to have the abortion even if the unborn is viable, all in the interest of maintaining the woman's health.

For those who support pro-life, this is worse than what we had under Roe vs. Wade as women can obtain an abortion up to a partial birth abortion.

But millions of dollars are being pumped into Ohio from outside Ohio to convince everyone that it is a return to Roe vs. Wade. The problem is, most of the money is being pumped from outside the state into Ohio to get voters to vote on a lie.

Proabortion advocates outside Ohio have raised $14.8 million, compared to $4.8 million raised to pass issue one.

This appears to be the future of democracy, that is, to get a simple majority to codify things into state constitutional law as the Left outspends their opponents with propaganda and outright lies, but then, the Left is made up of mostly rich folk, like Soros and Gates.

But they won't stop with abortion. They will continue to turn the constitutions of red states into blue constitutions, as the states slowly turn purple using the same techniques.

So, what is next? Gun rights? The sky is the limit.

We get it.

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