Issue 1 in Ohio

100% Right.

But keep playing this stupid game, and you too can be compared to one of the worst posters on this board, the Derp Lord, SHE WHO MUST NOT BE NAMED.
As long as I'm not compared to you, the liar not worth naming, it's cool.
IOW, you make up definitions for words that no one else uses to maintain your fictitious argument, just like you do when you deny that a human fetus is human (you still haven't specified exactly what you think is growing in there if there's no human).

Otherwise, you'd be honest and say that an infant that is totally dependent on his/her parents for survival is as much a parasite as an unborn child and that you're only using an arbitrary standard to say the parents should be prosecuted for violently removing said child from their lives, just like in an abortion. There's nothing biological that happens to a child when he/she is born that makes them a human being, unless you believe in the Lawyer Fairy.
A human fetus is not a human being.
That you "think" it is goes along strongly with your desire to return to the womb and need to defile those who don't.

Getting a can of baby milk at Kroger is hardly the same as doing this to a host.

what happens to change a human fetus into a human being.
They're born.
If you think this is not a traumatic process for both mother and child you are sadly misinformed.
Upon birth the former fetus now breathes on its own and is no longer dependent on the host for nourishment, waste removal, or oxygen.
When you need to lie, produce false facts, and ignore basic science to defend your religion neither you nor your religion are worthy of respect.

You are the one lying. A fetus is a human being, members of the same species cannot be parasites to one another.
You are the one lying. A fetus is a human being, members of the same species cannot be parasites to one another.
A fetus is not a human being.
And when you start with a lie nothing else you say matters.
A fetus is a human being, A Parasite cannot be the same species as the host.
A human fetus is not a human being.
Unless, of course, a sperm is also a human being
an egg is also a human being.

In which case we're back to you defending rape because it saves those little sperms.
Are you defending rape?
A human fetus is not a human being.
Unless, of course, a sperm is also a human being
an egg is also a human being.

In which case we're back to you defending rape because it saves those little sperms.
Are you defending rape?

Wrong, because before joining the sperm and egg are merely secretions of existing human beings, parts of them.

after joining, different DNA, same species, Homo Sapiens Sapiens, a human being.

Sperms are not the same as a fertilized egg, just like an unfertilized chicken egg isn't a chicken.
A human fetus is not a human being.
That you "think" it is goes along strongly with your desire to return to the womb and need to defile those who don't.

Getting a can of baby milk at Kroger is hardly the same as doing this to a host.

what happens to change a human fetus into a human being.
They're born.
If you think this is not a traumatic process for both mother and child you are sadly misinformed.
Upon birth the former fetus now breathes on its own and is no longer dependent on the host for nourishment, waste removal, or oxygen.
When a baby is born, it becomes a human being? Do you not realize that as long as the baby is still connected to the umbilical cord, he/she is not breathing on his/her own? According to your standard, you could cut that baby to pieces with a saw and not be killing a human being. Also, there are many people we consider to be human beings who are totally dependent on machines and other people for nourishment, waste removal and oxygen. Sorry, you need a new standard, because your arbitrary one isn't consistent.

You keep repeating the nonsense that an unborn human is not a human being. Check the definitions of "human being" and tell us where you find a distinction between born and unborn. They're all human beings. See, your fallacy lies in the meaning of words that you are making up to justify your religious beliefs. "Human being" means something different from "person". Human being is a biological term, a scientific one that does not change just because you want to devalue the lives of some group. Remember that this was tried with African slaves, partially to justify treating them like animals. Person is a legal term and that is what you should be going for. In a sane world, you would be arguing that a human baby becomes a person at birth, with recognized rights and freedoms (if they are born in the US). Your dogma, however, won't let you admit that an unborn human is a human being, because that would weaken your argument that an unborn child is not even a human being, is worthless and thus can be violently destroyed on a whim with no repercussions or consequences.
Yes it is. It's the only thing it can be. Homo Sapiens Sapiens, i.e. a modern human being.
For sake of argument

Say it is a human being.
Since it hasn't been born it's birthday is the same as the mother's
You want pregnant women to have 2 votes in elections.

Can you see the utter stupidity of your position?
Wrong, because before joining the sperm and egg are merely secretions of existing human beings, parts of them.

after joining, different DNA, same species, Homo Sapiens Sapiens, a human being.

Sperms are not the same as a fertilized egg, just like an unfertilized chicken egg isn't a chicken.
A fetus/zygote/embryo is NOT a human being.
No matter how much the church that is using you to ensure a ready supply of children for their pedophillic leaders tells you so.
When a baby is born, it becomes a human being? Do you not realize that as long as the baby is still connected to the umbilical cord, he/she is not breathing on his/her own? According to your standard, you could cut that baby to pieces with a saw and not be killing a human being. Also, there are many people we consider to be human beings who are totally dependent on machines and other people for nourishment, waste removal and oxygen. Sorry, you need a new standard, because your arbitrary one isn't consistent.

You keep repeating the nonsense that an unborn human is not a human being. Check the definitions of "human being" and tell us where you find a distinction between born and unborn. They're all human beings. See, your fallacy lies in the meaning of words that you are making up to justify your religious beliefs. "Human being" means something different from "person". Human being is a biological term, a scientific one that does not change just because you want to devalue the lives of some group. Remember that this was tried with African slaves, partially to justify treating them like animals. Person is a legal term and that is what you should be going for. In a sane world, you would be arguing that a human baby becomes a person at birth, with recognized rights and freedoms (if they are born in the US). Your dogma, however, won't let you admit that an unborn human is a human being, because that would weaken your argument that an unborn child is not even a human being, is worthless and thus can be violently destroyed on a whim with no repercussions or consequences.
A fetus/zygote/embryo is not a human being.

That's the science dilweed.
A fetus/zygote/embryo is not a human being.

That's the science dilweed.
I've asked you before to cite the biology source that tells you that. Here's a hint, MSNBC doesn't count. You say it's science, show it.
I've asked you before to cite the biology source that tells you that. Here's a hint, MSNBC doesn't count. You say it's science, show it.
Already presented, several times.

Why don't you present a recognized actual factual non-church related source that says

"A zygote is a human being."

I'll wait to laugh at your response.
Already presented, several times.

Why don't you present a recognized actual factual non-church related source that says

"A zygote is a human being."

I'll wait to laugh at your response.
Why am I not surprised that, instead of simply citing something, you try to turn it around?
For sake of argument

Say it is a human being.
Since it hasn't been born it's birthday is the same as the mother's
You want pregnant women to have 2 votes in elections.

Can you see the utter stupidity of your position?

That is just retarded. Where does it say a human being needs a birthday?

A legal PERSON needs a birthday, or more specifically a date of birth on a birth certificate that then establishes all other sorts of legal constructs.

But the term human being isn't a legal one, it's a species description.
A fetus/zygote/embryo is NOT a human being.
No matter how much the church that is using you to ensure a ready supply of children for their pedophillic leaders tells you so.

Yes it is. If it isn't then what is it?

It's the natal form of Homo Sapiens, Sapiens, i.e. modern humans, i.e. human beings.
Why am I not surprised that, instead of simply citing something, you try to turn it around?
Why am I not surprised you can't present actual factual information to support your theology?

"A zygote is capable of splitting to give rise to identical twins. Since the zygote cannot be identical with either human being it will become, it cannot already be a human being."

Why am I not surprised you can't present actual factual information to support your theology?

"A zygote is capable of splitting to give rise to identical twins. Since the zygote cannot be identical with either human being it will become, it cannot already be a human being."

You do realize, don't you, that when you stake your position on whether or not a human being can become two or two can become one, that when that period is past, you no longer can avoid their humanity? IOW, if you want to stake your position on this, as soon as the fetus arrives at a state complex enough to prevent either fission or fusion, you've lost your prohibition on calling them human beings. You didn't really think that through, did you? Your desperate position remains that a human isn't a human until the Lawyer Fairy sprinkles his magic dust.

Are conjoined twins two people or one, if they are conjoined in such a way that neither can survive without the other?

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