Issue 1 in Ohio

Find me one that called an embryo a "human being"
An admission you can't find one.
My comments are the natural extension of your religious beliefs into a world where your religion has been shown again and again to be self serving, money grabbing, lies.

The fetus meets each and every definition of a parasite.
It is born.

Until it is born the fetus is not a human being.
A newborn child, in fact an infant up until they are able to get around, know where the food is stored and is able to prepare it is totally dependent on their parents for basic survival. Again, why do you prosecute parents for murder who want to remove that parasite through death? That's what occurs in an abortion after all.

And again, your religious fervor shows through. You probably think it's anti-religious fervor, but it's as much a religion as anything you accuse me of. I haven't said one word about my religious beliefs, yet here you are, going on and on about yours.
It's not, but it makes the point that society places value on human life all the time, and we are willing to sacrifice those lives for all manner of things. That's why I argue, like you do, that unborn humans are human beings, because we need to be honest about what we're killing in an abortion and make it a truly informed choice. Once we all agree on what we're actually doing, we can then stake out where society stands on the value of those unborn humans.

We allow for the killing or deaths of humans all the time, but we at least acknowledge that's what we are doing. We didn't pretend Grandma was not a human when the elderly were expected to go off and sit on an ice floe to die, and we don't pretend the people dying in car crashes are not human to feel good about driving fast, etc. We as society set out guidelines and restrictions to preserve life as much as possible, and I want the abortion argument to be treated the same way. Instead of pretending that an unborn human is not a human being, let's acknowledge that it is and acknowledge that society is willing to accept the deaths of those unborn humans in exchange for whatever it is that parents get when they abort a child. That way we can have an honest discussion instead of cloaking what we're doing behind euphemistic rhetoric.

I really think that we do that because we don't WANT to have that honest discussion. We want to be able to say that a rape victim's mental health is of greater value than the life of her unborn child, but we know that admitting the life of an unborn is worth less than the convenience or vanity of a woman who doesn't want to deal with what pregnancy does to her body is not supported by most of society.

I can say the rape victim's mental health wins, up to 12 weeks. after that you stick with the choices made.

Again, it's an internal struggle between my moral side and my libertarian leaning freedom loving side.

For me that battle draws the line at 12 weeks for birth control abortions.
No. You're lying. No human beings killed, just parasites being removed.
If you considered it a "human being" you would have said "they" or "them" but you said "it."
The proverbial Freudian Slip.

It's not a parasite, a parasite has to be another species, something not intrinsic to the natural process of the organism in question. Women's bodies are designed to support and deliver new humans.

I call tranny idiots "it" in posts and they are still human beings, even if they are fucking idiots.
I can say the rape victim's mental health wins, up to 12 weeks. after that you stick with the choices made.

Again, it's an internal struggle between my moral side and my libertarian leaning freedom loving side.

For me that battle draws the line at 12 weeks for birth control abortions.
I hear you. I have the same struggle, but for me the life created overrules most everything else. I just want an honest discussion, and that involves greater access to true birth control to prevent pregnancy if it's not wanted, as well as more people being more responsible about their sexuality. I don't think there were many real winners from the Sexual Revolution, because for the first time in human history, pregnancy was not a nearly automatic result of sexual activity and we went way overboard with the new "freedom", jettisoning responsibility along the way.
That "parasite" remains totally dependent on the parents for his/her survival for years after birth. Why do you want to prosecute the parents if they want to remove the parasite from their lives and simply kill him/her?

Your viability (and that's what it is) argument falls flat on its face. Using that standard, Chris Reeve lost his humanity when his head hit that rock and it would have been legal to cut him into pieces with a saw like we do to unborn children.
No, the parasite can be raised as a human being completely away from its host.
An admission you can't find one.

A newborn child, in fact an infant up until they are able to get around, know where the food is stored and is able to prepare it is totally dependent on their parents for basic survival. Again, why do you prosecute parents for murder who want to remove that parasite through death? That's what occurs in an abortion after all.

And again, your religious fervor shows through. You probably think it's anti-religious fervor, but it's as much a religion as anything you accuse me of. I haven't said one word about my religious beliefs, yet here you are, going on and on about yours.
And he goes over the edge.

It's not a parasite, a parasite has to be another species, something not intrinsic to the natural process of the organism in question. Women's bodies are designed to support and deliver new humans.

I call tranny idiots "it" in posts and they are still human beings, even if they are fucking idiots.
Aren't they?

In general, parasites share the following features:

  • Parasites are usually smaller than their host.
  • Parasites use both invertebrate and vertebrate hosts.
  • Adult parasites may live on the host (e.g. lice), in the host (e.g. tapeworms) or feed on a host occasionally (e.g. mosquitoes).
  • Parasites generally do not kill the host but may harm the host indirectly by spreading pathogens. This may affect the host's behaviour, metabolism or its reproductive activity.
  • Many parasites have hooks, claws or suckers to attach to their host.(umbilical)
  • Generally parasites have either a sucker (e.g. leeches) or piercing and sucking type mouthparts (e.g. fleas) for feeding.(umbilical)
  • Both adults and young can be parasitic. In some cases the young are parasites but the adult is not.
Please. You call Queers people "it" because in your tiny mind THEY ARE NOT HUMAN.,

Since Roe vs Wade has been overturned, the Left has begun an all-out assault to recodify abortion back into the law of states that opted out, like Ohio. In Ohio, they are now trying to add abortion to the state Constitution via a direct vote to circumvent lawmakers who restrict abortion. Voting no on issue one would allow a simple majority to add abortion to the Ohio Constitution. But as we all know, the Left will not be honest about advertising it, since they own the media. They will sell it as a return to Roe vs. Wade, but that would be a lie. The proposed amendment would do much more than that as I will explain later. However, voting yes would require more than just a simple majority to change the Constitution.

The Amendment has already been written and will not only allow abortion on demand, but it does away with the Roe vs Wade mandate that abortions not occur on viable infants. That means abortions up to the partial birth abortion. Anything goes now.

But it does not end there. It would also allow children to have abortions without their parents' consent.

But it doesn't even end there. It would also allow children to begin to transition into another sex without their parents' notification or approval.

Imagine your child making the most difficult decisions of their lives that will alter their lives forever, without they help of their parents.

Parental rights would become nonexistent with the proposed Constitutional amendment, but again, it is not being advertised this way.

In fact, why even have parents since the state can only be trusted with the welfare of children and not the parents? After all, we see what a swell job the state does with children in foster care.

No, parents need to be targeted because they cannot be trusted. America really is that bad, all of them.

Isn't that right democrats?

Voting is on August 8th.

Interesting. In the run up to Dobbs we heard endlessly that it would reflect the attitude of the people. How a vast majority of Americans opposed Abortion. Polls were pointed out and we were told that the polls showing close to 70% support for Abortion were lies.

Then the first votes happened. And lo and behold, Abortion won. In Kansas. I love the excuses for the loss. The first excuse was that the question was confusing. Yes. You heard that right. The pro life group said their supporters were too stupid for reading comprehension. I swear you can’t make this up.

So Ohio is suddenly up for grabs. The Republicans can’t allow that.
No, the parasite can be raised as a human being completely away from its host.
And the pregnant woman can give up her baby after birth if she doesn't want to raise the human she's been carrying all those months. The parasite, as you like to refer to children, is totally dependent on adults for survival. Why do you want to prosecute the parents if they want to destroy the child? That's what happens in an abortion, after all.

Aren't they?

In general, parasites share the following features:

  • Parasites are usually smaller than their host.
  • Parasites use both invertebrate and vertebrate hosts.
  • Adult parasites may live on the host (e.g. lice), in the host (e.g. tapeworms) or feed on a host occasionally (e.g. mosquitoes).
  • Parasites generally do not kill the host but may harm the host indirectly by spreading pathogens. This may affect the host's behaviour, metabolism or its reproductive activity.
  • Many parasites have hooks, claws or suckers to attach to their host.(umbilical)
  • Generally parasites have either a sucker (e.g. leeches) or piercing and sucking type mouthparts (e.g. fleas) for feeding.(umbilical)
  • Both adults and young can be parasitic. In some cases the young are parasites but the adult is not.
Please. You call Queers people "it" because in your tiny mind THEY ARE NOT HUMAN.,

Parasites aren't the same species as the host, so the comparison fails before any of your other points.

I call trans people sometimes "it" because I don't play the "I feel like X today call me Y or you are a bigot bullshit".
And the pregnant woman can give up her baby after birth if she doesn't want to raise the human she's been carrying all those months. The parasite, as you like to refer to children, is totally dependent on adults for survival. Why do you want to prosecute the parents if they want to destroy the child? That's what happens in an abortion, after all.
Your need to twist and lie is clear.
Your inability to defend your position is clear.

A fetus meets every definition of a parasite.
If you want to rid yourself of parasites there's no law against it.

A zygote, embryo, or fetus is not a human being, not a human child.
So you need to lie about what it is because what i is destroys your arguments totally.
Parasites aren't the same species as the host, so the comparison fails before any of your other points.

I call trans people sometimes "it" because I don't play the "I feel like X today call me Y or you are a bigot bullshit".
a fetus meets every requirement to be a parasite.
You call them "it" just like you call a fetus it because you "know" they're not human.
Otherwise you'd say "they" or "them"
Your need to twist and lie is clear.
Your inability to defend your position is clear.

A fetus meets every definition of a parasite.
If you want to rid yourself of parasites there's no law against it.

A zygote, embryo, or fetus is not a human being, not a human child.
So you need to lie about what it is because what i is destroys your arguments totally.

None of your positions are true, defendable or even reasonable.

Members of the same species cannot be parasites of each other.
a fetus meets every requirement to be a parasite.
You call them "it" just like you call a fetus it because you "know" they're not human.
Otherwise you'd say "they" or "them"

No it doesn't. It's the same species as the mother, thus not a parasite.

That's your made up rules for the use of language, and once again semantics over substance.
No it doesn't. It's the same species as the mother, thus not a parasite.

That's your made up rules for the use of language, and once again semantics over substance.
Wrong again.
Do you ever get tired of being wrong?
Wrong again.
Do you ever get tired of being wrong?

100% Right.

But keep playing this stupid game, and you too can be compared to one of the worst posters on this board, the Derp Lord, SHE WHO MUST NOT BE NAMED.
Your need to twist and lie is clear.
Your inability to defend your position is clear.

A fetus meets every definition of a parasite.
If you want to rid yourself of parasites there's no law against it.

A zygote, embryo, or fetus is not a human being, not a human child.
So you need to lie about what it is because what i is destroys your arguments totally.
IOW, you make up definitions for words that no one else uses to maintain your fictitious argument, just like you do when you deny that a human fetus is human (you still haven't specified exactly what you think is growing in there if there's no human).

Otherwise, you'd be honest and say that an infant that is totally dependent on his/her parents for survival is as much a parasite as an unborn child and that you're only using an arbitrary standard to say the parents should be prosecuted for violently removing said child from their lives, just like in an abortion. There's nothing biological that happens to a child when he/she is born that makes them a human being, unless you believe in the Lawyer Fairy.
100% true, but keep thinking otherwise.

When you need to rationalize your positions with bullshit, you really show you have no actual will regarding said position.
When you need to lie, produce false facts, and ignore basic science to defend your religion neither you nor your religion are worthy of respect.

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