Issue 1 in Ohio

The earliest candidate for hominin status is Sahelanthropus tchadensis, based on a cranium from of Chad in north-central Africa. Announced in 2002, this specimen is dated to the period between 7 and 6 mya. The distinctive mark of Hominini, the lineage that includes humans and their direct ancestors, is generally taken to be upright land locomotion on two legs (terrestrial bipedalism).
Fossils found since the early 1990s have begun to hint at just how complex the hominin bush was in the three million years or so following the time of Sahelanthropus. Three other new genera of early hominins (Ardipithecus, Orrorin, and Kenyanthropus) dating from 6 to 3 mya have been recovered from Kenya and Ethiopia. Furthermore, during the latter half of the 20th century, new species were added to the long-established genera Australopithecus and Paranthropus, both known from South and East African sites.

So there is definitely a distinction between homo sapiens and modern human beings.
Are you really comparing a Tumor which is aberrant biology, and a fetus, made by a purposeful biological process?

To you, not to others.

12 weeks is 3 months, anyone who hasn't figured it out yet is a fucking idiot.

Non viable and threats to the mother can be taken out after 12 weeks in my book. I'm talking about birth control abortions.

There is no such thing as a "purposeful biological process".
It is all accidental, we make arbitrary value judgements.
But clearly we murder innocent tumors all the time.

If you are allowing defect or health abortion after 12 weeks, I am less inclined to disagree.
But still prefer not to allow government involvement.
Governments always screw things up.
Homo Sapiens Sapiens, i.e. modern human beings.

Are you so guilty about supporting death that you have to go through these linguistic gymnastics like Dadofuck to justify them?

A homo sapien is simply not necessarily a human being.
The ones that are not, do not currently survive that we know of, but there may be some non-human homo sapiens hidden on remote locations we have not discovered yet.
The Yeti or Sasquash is supposed to an example.
There is no such thing as a "purposeful biological process".
It is all accidental, we make arbitrary value judgements.
But clearly we murder innocent tumors all the time.

If you are allowing defect or health abortion after 12 weeks, I am less inclined to disagree.
But still prefer not to allow government involvement.
Governments always screw things up.

Yes, there is. It's the whole point of sexually reproducing organisms to sexually reproduce. Hearts beat for a reason, lungs transfer O2 to the blood, etc etc etc.

Stop trying to justify your position with nihilistic bullshit.
A homo sapien is simply not necessarily a human being.
The ones that are not, do not currently survive that we know of, but there may be some non-human homo sapiens hidden on remote locations we have not discovered yet.
The Yeti or Sasquash is supposed to an example.

Yes, is its, despite your attempts at linguistic bordering on taxonomic jiggery pokery.

A human fetus is a human being, end of story. It can't be anything else.
OK. Human Person. human being.
Nope, person is a legal definition. Human being is much more than that. An ape could become a person by a simple change in the law. It cannot become a human being.
Sperm/Egg =>zygote =>embryo =>fetus => birth =>Human Being

You just acknowledge that "human being" doesn't show up till after birth.
Which biology text book fails to acknowledge the humanity of the developing human being?
It is you who continues to call a fetus a yeti.
I never said it. never implied it.
Sure you did, because you refuse to acknowledge the humanity of the developing human being. What else do you think is growing in there? I can only assume by the lack of intellectual rigor in your posts that you think it's either a zebra or a yeti, you just haven't specified which yet.
ERGO, you don't know the difference between a human fetus and a Pig fetus (already demonstrated here by your failure to ID them in photos) which renders any argument you're seeming to make invalid.
I'm well aware that fetii of various species bear a surface resemblance to each other at very early stages of life. I'm also aware that it's totally irrelevant that they do, and here's why. You insist that human fetii are not human beings until the moment of birth, yet you do not post photos of near full-term babies. Why is that? It wouldn't be because they no longer resemble the unborn of other species and thus destroy the argument you're trying to make, would it?
Nope, person is a legal definition. Human being is much more than that. An ape could become a person by a simple change in the law. It cannot become a human being.

Which biology text book fails to acknowledge the humanity of the developing human being?

Sure you did, because you refuse to acknowledge the humanity of the developing human being. What else do you think is growing in there? I can only assume by the lack of intellectual rigor in your posts that you think it's either a zebra or a yeti, you just haven't specified which yet.

I'm well aware that fetii of various species bear a surface resemblance to each other at very early stages of life. I'm also aware that it's totally irrelevant that they do, and here's why. You insist that human fetii are not human beings until the moment of birth, yet you do not post photos of near full-term babies. Why is that? It wouldn't be because they no longer resemble the unborn of other species and thus destroy the argument you're trying to make, would it?

Your male believe science doesn't trump the real thing.

A fetus is not a human being just as
an egg is not a chicken
a pig fetus is not bacon
a horse fetus did not win the Belmont

Now head on back to your church and help them with their collection of young pedo victims which is the only reason they tell you this crap.
So they can have more victims to abuse.

Your male believe science doesn't trump the real thing.

A fetus is not a human
A human fetus is a human being at an early stage of development. You still haven't refuted that beyond your usual "Nuh-uh, is not and you're a poopyhead" level of discourse.
being just as
an egg is not a chicken
A chicken, however, is growing inside the egg. It's not a yeti in there, despite your beliefs.
a pig fetus is not bacon
Bacon is a delicious product taken from a pig, not a pig. Sheesh, what are they teaching the idiots in school these days?
a horse fetus did not win the Belmont
And no five-year-old human has ever won Olympic gold in the 100-meter dash. You're not very good at this, are you?
Now head on back to your church and help them with their collection of young pedo victims which is the only reason they tell you this crap.
So they can have more victims to abuse.
Wow, you're getting more desperate by the day to divert attention from the topic. You still haven't cited the biology textbook that says a developing baby is not human.
No, it isn't because it doesn't have the same DNA as you do, like your cells do. It's a human being, and it is a separate being.

12 weeks is enough time to make up your fucking mind to abort because you were too lazy for birth control, and covers the incest/rape issues as well.

Being pro-life this is another example why I have such a problem with so many others who say they are.

Many later term abortion are from young women who simply hope against hope that something will happen so they do not have to tell their parents they are pregnant. It's not because they are lazy.

Compassion is so lacking from so many who claim to be pro-life.
Being pro-life this is another example why I have such a problem with so many others who say they are.

Many later term abortion are from young women who simply hope against hope that something will happen so they do not have to tell their parents they are pregnant. It's not because they are lazy.

Compassion is so lacking from so many who claim to be pro-life.

Compassion is really helping the homeless crisis right now, helping most of them into early graves.

Sometimes compassion isn't the answer, making people own up to shit is the answer.
Compassion is really helping the homeless crisis right now, helping most of them into early graves.

I had no idea we were discussing the homeless. I wasn't. If you wish to address what I was discussing, fine.

Sometimes compassion isn't the answer, making people own up to shit is the answer.

Yeah, well.............sadly many need a mirror there.
I had no idea we were discussing the homeless. I wasn't. If you wish to address what I was discussing, fine.

Yeah, well.............sadly many need a mirror there.

I was talking about the general concept of compassion, and how it's not always the answer to when the fuckup fairy visits people.
I was talking about the general concept of compassion, and how it's not always the answer to when the fuckup fairy visits people.

When it comes to a young woman who finds herself pregnant, I disagree.
Unless there was an immaculate conception, they should be able to figure out pregnancy is a possibility when they do the deed.

I'm trying to keep this on topic so I will just make a vague reference to the mirror again.
A human fetus is a human being at an early stage of development. You still haven't refuted that beyond your usual "Nuh-uh, is not and you're a poopyhead" level of discourse.

No, a BABY is a human being in early stage of development.
A fetus is not a human being.

As I've shown here on any number of occasions.
No, a BABY is a human being in early stage of development.
A fetus is not a human being.

As I've shown here on any number of occasions.

You haven't shown shit. a fetus is a human being, just in-utero.

If it isn't a human being, what is it? a chicken?
No, a BABY is a human being in early stage of development.
A fetus is not a human being.

As I've shown here on any number of occasions.
No, you haven't shown anything. You've repeated yourself but quoted no biology textbook that says an unborn human is not human. In fact, when you DID try quoting a source, I quickly showed you where it specifically said there were human fetii growing in those women's bodies. You know, you still haven't told us from your hospital bed how it went when you told that pregnant woman she didn't have a human being inside her.

Nor have you specified what exactly you think is growing in that woman's uterus, whether it's a zebra or a yeti.
You haven't shown shit. a fetus is a human being, just in-utero.

If it isn't a human being, what is it? a chicken?
He can't even admit there's a human in there. Only when we are honest about what we are destroying can we have an honest discussion about the value we place on it. We can disagree about that value, but we should at least be honest about it.

Example, we value driving fast over the tens of thousands of lives we lose on the highways every year.
He can't even admit there's a human in there. Only when we are honest about what we are destroying can we have an honest discussion about the value we place on it. We can disagree about that value, but we should at least be honest about it.

Example, we value driving fast over the tens of thousands of lives we lose on the highways every year.

I wouldn't say fast, I would say driving in general.

Are most fatal accidents highway accidents or local road idiots?

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