Issue 1 in Ohio

No, a human fetus is a fetus.
A human fetus, not zebra or yeti, and the Lawyer Fairy isn't real, no matter what you believe.
Not a human being.
That occurs AFTER BIRTH.
Says which biology textbook?
That is the actual factual science no matter what the child molestor at your church told you.
My, my, look at you getting desperate and hoping I'll take the deflection bait.

Now, where is the SCIENCE that says an unborn human is not a human being? Not politics, not your fantasy.
A human fetus, not zebra or yeti, and the Lawyer Fairy isn't real, no matter what you believe.

Says which biology textbook?

My, my, look at you getting desperate and hoping I'll take the deflection bait.

Now, where is the SCIENCE that says an unborn human is not a human being? Not politics, not your fantasy.
A human fetus is not a human being.

You are stuck on your philosophical argument.
I am simply providing you the science.
Sperm/Egg =>zygote =>embryo =>fetus => birth =>Person

If you're too stupid or too blinded by your religion to understand the science then you're too stupid or too blinded by your religion to contribute anything of value to the conversation.
A human fetus is not a human being.

You are stuck on your philosophical argument.
I am simply providing you the science.
Sperm/Egg =>zygote =>embryo =>fetus => birth =>Person

If you're too stupid or too blinded by your religion to understand the science then you're too stupid or too blinded by your religion to contribute anything of value to the conversation.

All stages at and past zygote are human beings, homo sapiens.

Sperm/Egg are products of Human beings.

If fetuses aren't Homo Sapiens, i.e. human beings, what are they?
All stages at and past zygote are human beings, homo sapiens.

Sperm/Egg are products of Human beings.

If fetuses aren't Homo Sapiens, i.e. human beings, what are they?
Not beings.
The wart on your as is not a human being.
your big toenail is not a human being.

You're trying to play word games because the actual factual science makes a fool of you and your arguments.
Not beings.
The wart on your as is not a human being.
your big toenail is not a human being.

You're trying to play word games because the actual factual science makes a fool of you and your arguments.

Part of a human being.

A fetus is unique because it is it's own individual, combined from two separate human beings.

You are trying to play word games to ignore the fact abortion kills a human being, a unique organism, even if not fully developed.

I support a 12 week limit on birth control abortions, and unlike you can admit it kills something. It's the fight between my moral side and my libertarian/small government side, and that fight ends at the line of 12 weeks.
A human fetus is not a human being.

You are stuck on your philosophical argument.
I am simply providing you the science.
Sperm/Egg =>zygote =>embryo =>fetus => birth =>Person

If you're too stupid or too blinded by your religion to understand the science then you're too stupid or too blinded by your religion to contribute anything of value to the conversation.
Oh, no you don't. "Person" is not a biological term, "Human being" however, is. Personhood is granted when, in your belief system, the Lawyer Fairy shows up with his magic dust after getting the go-ahead from the mother. "Human being", OTOH, is granted when a distinct human organism is formed. The developing baby is distinctly human, not zebra and not yeti.

And still with the religion thing. Are you obsessed?
Part of a human being.

A fetus is unique because it is it's own individual, combined from two separate human beings.

You are trying to play word games to ignore the fact abortion kills a human being, a unique organism, even if not fully developed.

I support a 12 week limit on birth control abortions, and unlike you can admit it kills something. It's the fight between my moral side and my libertarian/small government side, and that fight ends at the line of 12 weeks.
No, it's, as you said, "a part of a human being"
and just as you have the right to clip your toenail, a woman has the right to end a pregnancy if she desires.

I'm willing to support 24 weeks, not because I think you're right, but as a concession to those who feel as you do.

What is significant about 12 weeks?

At 24 weeks generally the fetus is considered viable. By then the brain stem is full formed and functional.

but 12 weeks?
No, it's, as you said, "a part of a human being"
and just as you have the right to clip your toenail, a woman has the right to end a pregnancy if she desires.

I'm willing to support 24 weeks, not because I think you're right, but as a concession to those who feel as you do.

What is significant about 12 weeks?

At 24 weeks generally the fetus is considered viable. By then the brain stem is full formed and functional.

but 12 weeks?

No, it isn't because it doesn't have the same DNA as you do, like your cells do. It's a human being, and it is a separate being.

12 weeks is enough time to make up your fucking mind to abort because you were too lazy for birth control, and covers the incest/rape issues as well.
There is no legal way to prohibit abortion by parents and their doctors, at any time.
If the child is not viable even after birth, the medical decisions must always only be up to parents and their doctors.
Legislators who attempt to interfere are illegally practicing medicine without a license.

Gender issues also have to be up to parents and doctors until at least 16, if not 18.
No gender changes should ever be considered by anyone until after puberty, at least.
No, it isn't because it doesn't have the same DNA as you do, like your cells do. It's a human being, and it is a separate being.

12 weeks is enough time to make up your fucking mind to abort because you were too lazy for birth control, and covers the incest/rape issues as well.

First of all, its DNA makeup is irrelevant.
A malignant tumor is one of your own cells whose DNA got changed somehow, and that does not make it special and require keeping.

All that matters is whether or not it is sentient, and most people believe that happens even after birth.

And 12 weeks is too short because some do not even notice pregnancy by then, and also there can be significant defects worth aborting over, that were not noticed until later.
Like having no skull.
Oh, no you don't. "Person" is not a biological term, "Human being" however, is. Personhood is granted when, in your belief system, the Lawyer Fairy shows up with his magic dust after getting the go-ahead from the mother. "Human being", OTOH, is granted when a distinct human organism is formed. The developing baby is distinctly human, not zebra and not yeti.

And still with the religion thing. Are you obsessed?
OK. Human Person. human being.

Sperm/Egg =>zygote =>embryo =>fetus => birth =>Human Being

You just acknowledge that "human being" doesn't show up till after birth.

It is you who continues to call a fetus a yeti.
I never said it. never implied it.

ERGO, you don't know the difference between a human fetus and a Pig fetus (already demonstrated here by your failure to ID them in photos) which renders any argument you're seeming to make invalid.
No, it isn't because it doesn't have the same DNA as you do, like your cells do. It's a human being, and it is a separate being.

12 weeks is enough time to make up your fucking mind to abort because you were too lazy for birth control, and covers the incest/rape issues as well.
So then your argument is not about science but about your FEELINGS and how some people don't respect your FEELINGS.

You've been lying the entire thread and we finally get the truth.
All stages at and past zygote are human beings, homo sapiens.

Sperm/Egg are products of Human beings.

If fetuses aren't Homo Sapiens, i.e. human beings, what are they?

First of all, being a homo sapien is not a goal of validity.
If you have painful and deadly defects, then it is better to euthanize, at any age.
Second is that a homo sapien has to first be able to walk, eat, think, etc., which no fetus can do.
And homo sapiens are not necessarily human beings at all.
There are over 20 different homo sapiens historically that were not human beings.
First of all, its DNA makeup is irrelevant.
A malignant tumor is one of your own cells whose DNA got changed somehow, and that does not make it special and require keeping.

All that matters is whether or not it is sentient, and most people believe that happens even after birth.

And 12 weeks is too short because some do not even notice pregnancy by then, and also there can be significant defects worth aborting over, that were not noticed until later.
Like having no skull.

Are you really comparing a Tumor which is aberrant biology, and a fetus, made by a purposeful biological process?

To you, not to others.

12 weeks is 3 months, anyone who hasn't figured it out yet is a fucking idiot.

Non viable and threats to the mother can be taken out after 12 weeks in my book. I'm talking about birth control abortions.
First of all, being a homo sapien is not a goal of validity.
If you have painful and deadly defects, then it is better to euthanize, at any age.
Second is that a homo sapien has to first be able to walk, eat, think, etc., which no fetus can do.
And homo sapiens are not necessarily human beings at all.
There are over 20 different homo sapiens historically that were not human beings.

Homo Sapiens Sapiens, i.e. modern human beings.

Are you so guilty about supporting death that you have to go through these linguistic gymnastics like Dadofuck to justify them?

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