Issue 1 in Ohio

Wow, even after having your mental vacuity pointed out to you in humiliating detail, you insist on doubling down. Very sad. Obviously, you don't know what a human being is because you arbitrarily set the boundary at birth, when in actuality there is a human being developing in that uterus. You want to say they're not alive before birth? Tell a heavily pregnant woman that there's nothing alive in her. Tell us how it went from your hospital bed.
I set no boundaries.
Science does.
Your religion denies science.
You deny science.
Ergo, you are a moron.
40 years old is definitely human.
40 days old is definitely not human.
Then what is it if not human, zebra or yeti? And you do know that if you insist on saying the baby doesn't exist until birth, 40 days old puts you squarely in the infanticide camp, right?
A human embryo
Which is not a human being.

Are you really this stupid?
That's a totally arbitrary boundary. You might as well insist an infant or adolescent isn't a human being because it's not finished developing. In fact, that would apply to anyone under about the age of 25, when the brain finally reaches full maturity. If you can set an arbitrary, non-biological boundary, why can't everyone else?
I set no boundaries.
Science does.
Your religion denies science.
You deny science.
Ergo, you are a moron.
Absolutely, you set arbitrary boundaries. You insist a human fetus is not a human when biology says otherwise, yet you also insist that an infant or adolescent IS a human being, even though they are not done developing. Totally arbitrary boundaries.

And again you jump to religion. You just can't help yourself, can you? You just have to deny the science.
Then what is it if not human, zebra or yeti? And you do know that if you insist on saying the baby doesn't exist until birth, 40 days old puts you squarely in the infanticide camp, right?
A fetus.

One presumes you suffer from Kellyitis.
The inability to add a fact to your brain without forgetting something important.
Which explains your obvious ignorance.
A fetus.

One presumes you suffer from Kellyitis.
The inability to add a fact to your brain without forgetting something important.
Which explains your obvious ignorance.
And again for the terminally misinformed, a human fetus is a human being at an early stage of development, just as an infant is a human being at an early stage of development and an adolescent is a human being at a later stage of development. All humans at different stages of development. Thus says the science, not the science deniers.
Tell us again how you do not believe a woman has the absolute right to decide what do do with her body.
A woman does have absolute right to make health decisions about her body.
but, being a reasonable person I respect the views of others
So, moron, despite my personal views I'm willing to make concessions to your ignorance and hate
once a FETUS achieves viability.

I realize you're too stupid to be capable of moderating your views in the face of a changing world but that stupidity is on you.
And again for the terminally misinformed, a human fetus is a human being at an early stage of development, just as an infant is a human being at an early stage of development and an adolescent is a human being at a later stage of development. All humans at different stages of development. Thus says the science, not the science deniers.
No, a human fetus is a fetus.
Not a human being.
That occurs AFTER BIRTH.

That is the actual factual science no matter what the child molestor at your church told you.

Since Roe vs Wade has been overturned, the Left has begun an all-out assault to recodify abortion back into the law of states that opted out, like Ohio. In Ohio, they are now trying to add abortion to the state Constitution via a direct vote to circumvent lawmakers who restrict abortion. Voting no on issue one would allow a simple majority to add abortion to the Ohio Constitution. But as we all know, the Left will not be honest about advertising it, since they own the media. They will sell it as a return to Roe vs. Wade, but that would be a lie. The proposed amendment would do much more than that as I will explain later. However, voting yes would require more than just a simple majority to change the Constitution.

The Amendment has already been written and will not only allow abortion on demand, but it does away with the Roe vs Wade mandate that abortions not occur on viable infants. That means abortions up to the partial birth abortion. Anything goes now.

But it does not end there. It would also allow children to have abortions without their parents' consent.

But it doesn't even end there. It would also allow children to begin to transition into another sex without their parents' notification or approval.

Imagine your child making the most difficult decisions of their lives that will alter their lives forever, without they help of their parents.

Parental rights would become nonexistent with the proposed Constitutional amendment, but again, it is not being advertised this way.

In fact, why even have parents since the state can only be trusted with the welfare of children and not the parents? After all, we see what a swell job the state does with children in foster care.

No, parents need to be targeted because they cannot be trusted. America really is that bad, all of them.

Isn't that right democrats?

Voting is on August 8th.
It's too important for people to vote on, just ask the gop
A woman does have absolute right to make health decisions about her body.
but, being a reasonable person I respect the views of others
So, moron, despite my personal views I'm willing to make concessions to your ignorance and hate
once a FETUS achieves viability.

I realize you're too stupid to be capable of moderating your views in the face of a changing world but that stupidity is on you.

Opinion. Opinion. Lie.

Edit: Whoops, thought I was responding to the "Truth" Post in the CDZ

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