Issue 1 in Ohio

Issue 1 in Ohio that will be voted upon this Tuesday, is important for a myriad of reasons.

What is being attempted is to codify abortion into the Ohio Constitution via a mere majority. However, this Tuesday what is being attempted is to raise the bar for passing a Constitutional amendment to the state Constitution from a mere majority to 60% or higher. Only then will a mere majority of voters be prohibited from making such changes. This is key because most Ohio voters are being sold a lie about the abortion amendment, so obtaining a mere majority with a nation already divided using false propaganda should not be a problem for the Left.

With the nation divided on abortion, the Left seems confident they can obtain a majority to pass amending the Constitution this fall in November, by getting a majority to vote for abortion as a state Constitutional right. It is being sold as a return to Roe vs. Wade, but nothing could be further from the truth.

In 1973, the high court ruled that Texas was wrong. “The word ‘person,’ as used in the Fourteenth Amendment, does not include the unborn,” wrote Justice Harry Blackmun in his landmark opinion. The Supreme Court held that personhood could not be granted to a fetus before “viability”—the point around 24 weeks of pregnancy when a fetus can survive outside the womb—and established a constitutional right to abortion access.

However, the new abortion laws to be codified into state Constitutions like Ohio will have no such verbiage.

Instead, the amendment prohibits the state of Ohio from banning abortion when, in the professional judgment of a physician, an abortion "is necessary to protect the pregnant patient’s life or health."

So, let's say the physician says that the woman needs to have the abortion because she is depressed about being pregnant. Then the woman will be allowed to have the abortion even if the unborn is viable, all in the interest of maintaining the woman's health.

For those who support pro-life, this is worse than what we had under Roe vs. Wade as women can obtain an abortion up to a partial birth abortion.

But millions of dollars are being pumped into Ohio from outside Ohio to convince everyone that it is a return to Roe vs. Wade. The problem is, most of the money is being pumped from outside the state into Ohio to get voters to vote on a lie.

Proabortion advocates outside Ohio have raised $14.8 million, compared to $4.8 million raised to pass issue one.

This appears to be the future of democracy, that is, to get a simple majority to codify things into state constitutional law as the Left outspends their opponents with propaganda and outright lies, but then, the Left is made up of mostly rich folk, like Soros and Gates.

But they won't stop with abortion. They will continue to turn the constitutions of red states into blue constitutions, as the states slowly turn purple using the same techniques.

So, what is next? Gun rights? The sky is the limit.
Because Conservatives hate democracy because the majority of the country know their policies suck

In every state where abortion rights were put to a vote -- Conservatives a lot...even in the most conservative states like Kentucky and when right-wingers realize they can't win democratically, they reject the democratic process altogether....
Issue 1 in Ohio that will be voted upon this Tuesday, is important for a myriad of reasons.

What is being attempted is to codify abortion into the Ohio Constitution via a mere majority. However, this Tuesday what is being attempted is to raise the bar for passing a Constitutional amendment to the state Constitution from a mere majority to 60% or higher. Only then will a mere majority of voters be prohibited from making such changes. This is key because most Ohio voters are being sold a lie about the abortion amendment, so obtaining a mere majority with a nation already divided using false propaganda should not be a problem for the Left.

With the nation divided on abortion, the Left seems confident they can obtain a majority to pass amending the Constitution this fall in November, by getting a majority to vote for abortion as a state Constitutional right. It is being sold as a return to Roe vs. Wade, but nothing could be further from the truth.

In 1973, the high court ruled that Texas was wrong. “The word ‘person,’ as used in the Fourteenth Amendment, does not include the unborn,” wrote Justice Harry Blackmun in his landmark opinion. The Supreme Court held that personhood could not be granted to a fetus before “viability”—the point around 24 weeks of pregnancy when a fetus can survive outside the womb—and established a constitutional right to abortion access.

However, the new abortion laws to be codified into state Constitutions like Ohio will have no such verbiage.

Instead, the amendment prohibits the state of Ohio from banning abortion when, in the professional judgment of a physician, an abortion "is necessary to protect the pregnant patient’s life or health."

So, let's say the physician says that the woman needs to have the abortion because she is depressed about being pregnant. Then the woman will be allowed to have the abortion even if the unborn is viable, all in the interest of maintaining the woman's health.

For those who support pro-life, this is worse than what we had under Roe vs. Wade as women can obtain an abortion up to a partial birth abortion.

But millions of dollars are being pumped into Ohio from outside Ohio to convince everyone that it is a return to Roe vs. Wade. The problem is, most of the money is being pumped from outside the state into Ohio to get voters to vote on a lie.

Proabortion advocates outside Ohio have raised $14.8 million, compared to $4.8 million raised to pass issue one.

This appears to be the future of democracy, that is, to get a simple majority to codify things into state constitutional law as the Left outspends their opponents with propaganda and outright lies, but then, the Left is made up of mostly rich folk, like Soros and Gates.

But they won't stop with abortion. They will continue to turn the constitutions of red states into blue constitutions, as the states slowly turn purple using the same techniques.

So, what is next? Gun rights? The sky is the limit.

What you are spewing is propaganda. The anti-abortion side is radical when it pushes a six week abortion ban. The amendment says that a woman has the right to an abortion until fetal viability. The country is not divided on abortion. The country strongly supports Roe vs Wade. That is all. If a 50% +1 majority is not good enough then why should that not apply that standard to the state legislature. Also the amendment makes it harder to get a initiative on the ballot. Former governor John Kasich also opposes Prop 1. Where the money comes from does not matter. That is a smoker and mirrors argument. Ultimately Ohio voters will make the decision.
What you are spewing is propaganda. The anti-abortion side is radical when it pushes a six week abortion ban. The amendment says that a woman has the right to an abortion until fetal viability. The country is not divided on abortion. The country strongly supports Roe vs Wade. That is all. If a 50% +1 majority is not good enough then why should that not apply that standard to the state legislature. Also the amendment makes it harder to get a initiative on the ballot. Former governor John Kasich also opposes Prop 1. Where the money comes from does not matter. That is a smoker and mirrors argument. Ultimately Ohio voters will make the decision.
The wording in the amendment to the Ohio Constitution is such that it mentions viability AND the health and well being of the mother.

"And" is a conjunction meaning in addition to

This means that the doctor will decide what is best for the woman, even if the baby is viable.

More lies.

Democrats always knew that people would not support abortion for viable infants, so they snuck it in.

And guess what, no one will ever know thanks to patient confidentiality laws.

Democrats wanted Roe vs. Wade to be overturned to endorse abortion, anytime, anywhere and for any reason. And parents won't have to be notified if their child has an abortion. It's what they have always dreamed of.

It was all rigged.
With the nation divided on abortion, the Left seems confident they can obtain a majority to pass amending the Constitution this fall in November, by getting a majority to vote for abortion as a state Constitutional right. It is being sold as a return to Roe vs. Wade, but nothing could be further from the truth
. Michigan let this happen. Now we see a 66% increase in out of state child murders
*//he Founding Fathers took it upon themselves to not pass a Constitutional amendment with a mere majority so why are states allowing it?

For the states to pass a Constitutional Amendment to the Federal law, 3/4 of them have to agree, not 26 states which is one over half of them.

And if the Federal Congress adopts an amendment, it is not based on a mere majority either as both houses have to have 2/3 agreement.

Again, the Federal government does not change its Constitution by a mere majority, so why should states do it? There is wisdom in making such permanent and profound changes to a system somewhat difficult.

Also, many of the groups, such as the NAACP, who are pushing no on issue one also has codified in their bylaws that to make changes to their own bylaws you need more than a mere majority as well.

But the lie about democracy is what is being pushed here. The lie is that the country was founded on democracy, a clear lie, it is a Republic with laws that I have mentioned that reflect that. The lie is the gospel of democracy the Left tries to sell us every day. So long as they can obtain just one vote more to give them a majority, only then can the virtue of democracy cure all our ills. But the Founding Fathers did not believe that which is why they set up a Republic instead.

The reason is, the Left have become adept at propaganda, both through the media and education system and have a ton more money to spend to influence people to vote the way they want them to vote.

Next on the block will probably be the Electoral College system, as the Left will use the same tactics to secure every presidential election. If they succeed, it will mean that the Blue states of New York and California will decide every Presidential election from now till the end of eternity, as the other 48 states will be held hostage.

But the short talking point of a mere majority is power to the people is as simplistic as it is deceptive, which is the bread and butter of the Left.

I mean, who wants to sit here and read, let alone think, about everything I have written thus far?

Probably not many.

It is the right that is pushing propaganda and you are pushing propaganda. This was structured as a Republic but one with democratic elements. The House was part of the process for passing legislation and was democratically elected. The President has always been democratically elected.

There are good and bad aspects to the electoral college. The bad thing is that it allows one party to completely ignore certain voters. Republicans ignore minority voters because NY and California have a large number of minority voters. Republicans would have to broaden their appeal.

There is nothing magical about the way the founding fathers set up the process for amending constitutions. Ohio has done this for decades. It has only become a issue because Republicans have their sights on democracy in Ohio. It starts with making it harder to vote. Then gerrymandering to make the right to vote meaningless. The initiative process is the next step. Special interests in Ohio are conspiring against the people.
Why? Adolescents can't vote, neither can infants. You're not very good at this, are you?
What's that zygote's birthday?
Same ID as the mother, ergo same age, ergo gets to vote.

See what happens when your idiocy is extended to its ridiculous conclusion?
What's that zygote's birthday?
Same ID as the mother, ergo same age, ergo gets to vote.

See what happens when your idiocy is extended to its ridiculous conclusion?
It's really sad when you reveal that you don't know the difference between birthday and birthdate. That's what happens when you start assigning brand new meanings to words.
A majority of Americans are in favor of abortion rights. A minority of conservative politicians and judges are looking to take those rights away.
So instead of letting the people decide, Republicans decide to stack the deck and change the rules in the middle of the game.
My guess is the amendment is going to go down and that the question of abortion will appear on the November ballot.
Then, the people get to decide. As it should be.
One problem.
Most Americans supports 1st trimester and a ban after that.

Democrats demand they murder children as they’re being born.
It is the right that is pushing propaganda and you are pushing propaganda. This was structured as a Republic but one with democratic elements. The House was part of the process for passing legislation and was democratically elected. The President has always been democratically elected.

There are good and bad aspects to the electoral college. The bad thing is that it allows one party to completely ignore certain voters. Republicans ignore minority voters because NY and California have a large number of minority voters. Republicans would have to broaden their appeal.

There is nothing magical about the way the founding fathers set up the process for amending constitutions. Ohio has done this for decades. It has only become a issue because Republicans have their sights on democracy in Ohio. It starts with making it harder to vote. Then gerrymandering to make the right to vote meaningless. The initiative process is the next step. Special interests in Ohio are conspiring against the people.
Around $14 million of out-of-state money has been thrown into the abortion amendment.

For what? To manipulate people into voting for it through lies.

They will continue this march with pretty much everything else, like gun control.

The Federal Constitution requires 2/3 passage, not half. The Founders had it right.

Why should the state constitution be any different?
One problem.
Most Americans supports 1st trimester and a ban after that.

Democrats demand they murder children as they’re being born.
That already happens regardless of any "ban" that you want to see written in a law. Late term abortions simply don't happen. Unless it's a choice between the life of the mother or the life of the child.
And if it happens as they're being born, we don't call that an abortion. It's called murder.
That already happens regardless of any "ban" that you want to see written in a law. Late term abortions simply don't happen. Unless it's a choice between the life of the mother or the life of the child.
And if it happens as they're being born, we don't call that an abortion. It's called murder.

Then why are blue state laws being written to allow abortions up to the moment of birth with just a doctor saying the "health of the mother" is at risk?
I think everyone knows what will happen.
That already happens regardless of any "ban" that you want to see written in a law. Late term abortions simply don't happen. Unless it's a choice between the life of the mother or the life of the child.
And if it happens as they're being born, we don't call that an abortion. It's called murder.
If ‘they simply don’t happen’ then why are Democrats so adamant on demanding to murder children as they’re born? No Democrat is calling for 1st trimester only.

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