Issue 1 in Ohio

It's really sad when you reveal that you don't know the difference between birthday and birthdate. That's what happens when you start assigning brand new meanings to words.
Birthday xx/xx/xxxx
Birthdate xx/xx/xxxx Same date fool.

Perhaps learning the meaning of words would help you be a little less stupid.
That already happens regardless of any "ban" that you want to see written in a law. Late term abortions simply don't happen. Unless it's a choice between the life of the mother or the life of the child.
And if it happens as they're being born, we don't call that an abortion. It's called murder.
The CDC reports that over 600,000 abortions were done in America in 2020. Of those, 1% were performed after 21 weeks of gestation, aka late-term. That means that over 6,000 late-term abortions were performed in one year. That's not the same as, as you like to repeat, "simply don't happen". And, you say that an abortion that happens as a baby is being born is called murder. Ever hear of a partial-birth abortion? That's when the baby is in the process of being born when it is violently killed.
Don't hand me that crap.

80% of the people want term limits for Congress.

63% of Americans want budget restraints for Congress.

Yet the media and the Left and those in Congress will ignore this completely.

No changes will ever occur UNLESS the states amend the Constitution to force it on the Feds.

The process has been underway with the Article V movement, but the road is extremely difficult and not likely to succeed, especially considering it has never been done in US history. The US Congress certainly won't vote to put term limits on themselves or reduce the amount of money they can spend for themselves, so it must come from outside power or never get done.

The people are powerless.

The source was a right wing organization. That always sounds better in the aggregate. Many Americans believe that we are not spending enough on numerous social programs. We do not need right wing radicals monkeying around with our Constitution.
Birthday xx/xx/xxxx
Birthdate xx/xx/xxxx Same date fool.

Perhaps learning the meaning of words would help you be a little less stupid.
You are pretending that a mother and her child somehow have the same birthdate. That's simply ludicrous. A birthday happens every year while a birthdate happens once. Are you sure you know what you're talking about?
The CDC reports that over 600,000 abortions were done in America in 2020. Of those, 1% were performed after 21 weeks of gestation, aka late-term. That means that over 6,000 late-term abortions were performed in one year. That's not the same as, as you like to repeat, "simply don't happen". And, you say that an abortion that happens as a baby is being born is called murder. Ever hear of a partial-birth abortion? That's when the baby is in the process of being born when it is violently killed.
That’s two 9-11’s a year.
A mere majority? I’ve got a newsflash for you dimwit. The overwhelming majority of people in Ohio, as the rest of the country support reproductive rights.

Those aren’t rights that minority of losers, and incels such as yourself get to decide.

Abortion is a losing issue for you. Any perceived gains you may think you have made, are temporary, and will be reversed sooner than you think.

A woman’s right to an abortion will not only be codified into state constitutions, but the federal constitution as well, and sooner than you think also.

So raising the threshold to 60% to pass Constitutional amendments should be no issue.
You should actually want that.
If so,, the blood of the millions sacrificed to the abortion gods was once on the hands of the 7 justices on SCOTUS, but now it will be directly on the hands of the people.

Something to look forward to at the Great Judgement if nothing else.

God did not give Republicans power of attorney to make decisions for God. Fetal viability is the only thing that we can tell when life begins. I personally would urge the woman to have the baby however I also believe that we need to provide support for the mother with social programs if necessary. I also believe that we should not force the woman to have the baby at the point of a gun.
The source was a right wing organization. That always sounds better in the aggregate. Many Americans believe that we are not spending enough on numerous social programs. We do not need right wing radicals monkeying around with our Constitution.

You don't understand this story
At all.
The CDC reports that over 600,000 abortions were done in America in 2020. Of those, 1% were performed after 21 weeks of gestation, aka late-term. That means that over 6,000 late-term abortions were performed in one year. That's not the same as, as you like to repeat, "simply don't happen". And, you say that an abortion that happens as a baby is being born is called murder. Ever hear of a partial-birth abortion? That's when the baby is in the process of being born when it is violently killed.
Ok. Let's suspend reality for a moment and call that 6K number accurate. Got a break down on the reasons they were performed? Where they were performed? By whom were they performed?
If not, I suspect you are just getting your hair lit on fire by the just and righteous anti-abortion crowd. They simply don't happen in the numbers you are ascribing to. And if this 6K are performed back alley like I know
you're going to claim, a ban won't help those numbers.
What you are spewing is propaganda. The anti-abortion side is radical when it pushes a six week abortion ban. The amendment says that a woman has the right to an abortion until fetal viability. The country is not divided on abortion. The country strongly supports Roe vs Wade. That is all. If a 50% +1 majority is not good enough then why should that not apply that standard to the state legislature. Also the amendment makes it harder to get a initiative on the ballot. Former governor John Kasich also opposes Prop 1. Where the money comes from does not matter. That is a smoker and mirrors argument. Ultimately Ohio voters will make the decision.

I do not hold ou much hope for Ohio voters. Believe me I live here and they fall all over themselves to vote against their better interests. It is the strangest thing you can ever see.
Ok. Let's suspend reality for a moment and call that 6K number accurate. Got a break down on the reasons they were performed? Where they were performed? By whom were they performed?
If not, I suspect you are just getting your hair lit on fire by the just and righteous anti-abortion crowd. They simply don't happen in the numbers you are ascribing to. And if this 6K are performed back alley like I know
you're going to claim, a ban won't help those numbers.
I'm simply going by the numbers reported by Pew that they got from the CDC. I'm not making them up, and they have nothing to do with me. I know, I know, shoot the messenger. Tell you what, your beef is with the agencies reporting the numbers, not me. Go complain to them. Better yet, look up your own statistics, post them here and tell us where you got them. Don't just make up numbers going by feelz, that don't work.
The source was a right wing organization. That always sounds better in the aggregate. Many Americans believe that we are not spending enough on numerous social programs. We do not need right wing radicals monkeying around with our Constitution.
This shows the wording

  • allow the state to restrict abortion after fetal viability, defined as "the point in a pregnancy when, in the professional judgment of the pregnant patient's treating physician, the fetus has a significant likelihood of survival outside the uterus with reasonable measures;" and
  • prohibit the state of Ohio from banning abortion when, in the professional judgment of a physician, an abortion "is necessary to protect the pregnant patient’s life or health."
So let's say the woman is depressed and the doctor feels it is for the good of the woman to have an abortion even though her infant is viable.

Easy Peasy. Kill the viable infant.

And say goodbye to parental rights. Kids will have abortions without their parents even knowing.
I'm simply going by the numbers reported by Pew that they got from the CDC. I'm not making them up, and they have nothing to do with me. I know, I know, shoot the messenger. Tell you what, your beef is with the agencies reporting the numbers, not me. Go complain to them. Better yet, look up your own statistics, post them here and tell us where you got them. Don't just make up numbers going by feelz, that don't work.
I asked you a question and you've failed to answer it. Don't hide in the "Pew". :)
Give me a breakdown of those numbers. Or they're just anecdotal.

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