Issue 1 in Ohio

Which is why conservatives like to point out that we are a constitutional republic, with some elements of democracy - limited primarily to electing representatives. But we're not a pure democracy, and shouldn't aim for that.

Majority rule is a shitty way to make decisions, or resolve problems, in society. It should only be used when truly necessary, when it's vital that we all conform to some norm, when letting people decide for themselves just doesn't work. But those circumstances are rare. In most cases live and let live is a better option.

Cool then no majority rule for any election. Just those that can hack their way to office. I am starting to like this!
I'm going to give the benefit of the doubt here and just think that most posters glossed over this and truly don't understand the story.

"However, this Tuesday what is being attempted is to raise the bar for passing a Constitutional amendment to the state Constitution from a mere majority to 60% or higher."

Reasonable people think that it should take a 60% to pass an amendment to the State Constitution.
Amendments are supposed to be a big deal.

That is the story.
All the rest is hyperbole.
I just want a fair shake on the truth in the media.

After all, if you don't have a free media you don't really have democracy.

Unfortunately, that is the case here.

Except latter amendments to impose viability bans.
You're going to lose.

Alito set you up to get hosed.
I'm going to give the benefit of the doubt here and just think that most posters glossed over this and truly don't understand the story.

"However, this Tuesday what is being attempted is to raise the bar for passing a Constitutional amendment to the state Constitution from a mere majority to 60% or higher."

Reasonable people think that it should take a 60% to pass an amendment to the State Constitution.
Amendments are supposed to be a big deal.

That is the story.
All the rest is hyperbole.

So the majority should be subject to the will of the minority. Only in MAGAGATARD land!
Then I'll take them as anecdotal and repeat to you that a majority of Americans support the right to abortion services.
That's stupid, as I simply reported what the agencies published. It's on you if you want to pretend they're anecdotal.

And the majority of Americans support restrictions on abortion. We've known that for a long time.
Not sure what you mean. Representative democracy is a buffer against the unfiltered will of the majority.

We have a representative democracy because nothing would get done if every single issue that governs the country would have to be voted on by the citizens every day. That is why we have the republic. Not to squelch the majority so those in the minority can rule.
??? You're not making any sense. The minority can't change the Constitution either.
And if issue 1 passes the majority won't be able to either.
No other state has a 60% threshold, none, not 1. It hasn't been a problem ever. But Rethugikkkons know how unpopular most of their issues are and this is the only way they can govern from the minority. Please sight me an instance when the 50%+1 has been this huge constitutional problem you are fighting for.
We have a representative democracy because nothing would get done if every single issue that governs the country would have to be voted on by the citizens every day.
No, we have representative democracy because most voters are idiots. How do you think Trump got elected?
That is why we have the republic. Not to squelch the majority so those in the minority can rule.
That's idiots conception of the facts. Saying the majority shouldn't be allowed to force its will on society, isn't saying that the minority should. It's saying that neither the majority, nor the minority, should be allowed to force its will on society.
And if issue 1 passes the majority won't be able to either.
No other state has a 60% threshold, none, not 1. It hasn't been a problem ever. But Rethugikkkons know how unpopular most of their issues are and this is the only way they can govern from the minority. Please sight me an instance when the 50%+1 has been this huge constitutional problem you are fighting for.
I get it. They're jackass conservative culture warriors. They don't care about good government any more than jackass liberal culture warriors. I'm only speaking up because the unquestioned commitment to majority rule in all things is, in my view, the fundamental flaw of modern liberalism.
No, we have representative democracy because most voters are idiots. How do you think Trump got elected?

That's idiots conception of the facts. Saying the majority shouldn't be allowed to force its will on society, isn't saying that the minority should. It's saying that neither the majority, nor the minority, should be allowed to force its will on society.

Majority rule with minority rights.

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