Issue 1 in Ohio

No, it's not part of her body.
Every human being I ever met including my newest granddaughter just under eight weeks old, has their own brain sustaining his or her very own individual life.

When my daughter was 16 weeks pregnant I understand from science that it was my daughter’s neurological system being driven entirely by only one brain in my daughter’s body at that time. If there is only one brain sustaining a woman with a fetus in her body then by my math there is only one human being in that body.

There are not two separate human beings if there is only one brain sustaining life. It is impossible that a fetus is not part of its mother’s body.

It’s only possible that a newborn infant is not part of his or her mother’s body when they are separated from the mother and the fetal shunts in the heart and lungs and elsewhere are functionally modified or eliminated, enabling independent life.

The transition from the fetal to neonatal circulation is considered to be a period of intricate physiological, anatomical, and biochemical changes in the cardiovascular system. With a successful cardiopulmonary transition to the extrauterine environment, the fetal shunts are functionally modified or eliminated, enabling independent life.​
They are no longer referred to as a fetus.

hvdvt.23.08.08 #451
nf.23.08.08 #456
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Thanks for validating you evildoers want to murder children as they’re born.
I do not want to murder children when they are born or ever. You are nuts. If you are an orange evangelical repeating “Saving Baby Fetus Cult” lies, you are on notice your religion is dying out in part on this one. If you are just Orange, your political party is being taken down with them.
I do not want to murder children when they are born or ever. You are nuts. If you are an orange evangelical repeating “Saving Baby Fetus Cult” lies, you are on notice your religion is dying out in part on this one. If you are just Orange, your political party is being taken down with them.
Why do you hate science? That’s an independent human being with its own thoughts and dreams.

And you want to rip his/her limbs off.
No, you're making it up that all human beings have a birthdate. Unborn humans don't because they haven't been born yet.
Don't have a birthdate?
Not born.
Not born?
Not a human being.
There ya go stinkfinger.
Good to know I can have spotted owl omelets and none of you Leftards will have a problem with it.

BTW - there’s children born at 21 weeks playing outside right now.
Are they?
Show them playing outside.

the exception proves the rule fartless..

Infanticide lovers are always liars.


"I have not talked to a Democrat who wants abortion on demand until time of birth..."


"Your fellow Democrat running for Senate in Pennsylvania, John Fetterman, has said that he does not believe that there should be government limits on abortion at all.”


Since Roe vs Wade has been overturned, the Left has begun an all-out assault to recodify abortion back into the law of states that opted out, like Ohio. In Ohio, they are now trying to add abortion to the state Constitution via a direct vote to circumvent lawmakers who restrict abortion. Voting no on issue one would allow a simple majority to add abortion to the Ohio Constitution. But as we all know, the Left will not be honest about advertising it, since they own the media. They will sell it as a return to Roe vs. Wade, but that would be a lie. The proposed amendment would do much more than that as I will explain later. However, voting yes would require more than just a simple majority to change the Constitution.

The Amendment has already been written and will not only allow abortion on demand, but it does away with the Roe vs Wade mandate that abortions not occur on viable infants. That means abortions up to the partial birth abortion. Anything goes now.

But it does not end there. It would also allow children to have abortions without their parents' consent.

But it doesn't even end there. It would also allow children to begin to transition into another sex without their parents' notification or approval.

Imagine your child making the most difficult decisions of their lives that will alter their lives forever, without they help of their parents.

Parental rights would become nonexistent with the proposed Constitutional amendment, but again, it is not being advertised this way.

In fact, why even have parents since the state can only be trusted with the welfare of children and not the parents? After all, we see what a swell job the state does with children in foster care.

No, parents need to be targeted because they cannot be trusted. America really is that bad, all of them.

Isn't that right democrats?

Voting is on August 8th.
Let's see a group of mostly white men voted into law a ridiculous 6 weeks abortion ban. Which a judge immediately ruled against putting it on hold. The citizens of Ohio started petition to stop abortion laws and protect a woman's right to decide when she wants to have a child. Now those same Republicans are trying to change the laws of the State Constitution in an effort once again to block women from making that important, personal choice. I hope this bill gets defeated by such a large margin it will stop this bullshit in its tracks once land for all. Their should be no compromise on any person's rights ever. Abortion laws are today's state ( republican ) sponsored terror attacks.
Let's see a group of mostly white men voted into law a ridiculous 6 weeks abortion ban. Which a judge immediately ruled against putting it on hold. The citizens of Ohio started petition to stop abortion laws and protect a woman's right to decide when she wants to have a child. Now those same Republicans are trying to change the laws of the State Constitution in an effort once again to block women from making that important, personal choice. I hope this bill gets defeated by such a large margin it will stop this bullshit in its tracks once land for all. There should be no compromise on any person's rights ever. Abortion laws are today's state ( republican ) sponsored terror attacks.
Thanks for you also validating you genocidal freaks want to murder children as they’re born.

Since Roe vs Wade has been overturned, the Left has begun an all-out assault to recodify abortion back into the law of states that opted out, like Ohio. In Ohio, they are now trying to add abortion to the state Constitution via a direct vote to circumvent lawmakers who restrict abortion. Voting no on issue one would allow a simple majority to add abortion to the Ohio Constitution. But as we all know, the Left will not be honest about advertising it, since they own the media. They will sell it as a return to Roe vs. Wade, but that would be a lie. The proposed amendment would do much more than that as I will explain later. However, voting yes would require more than just a simple majority to change the Constitution.

The Amendment has already been written and will not only allow abortion on demand, but it does away with the Roe vs Wade mandate that abortions not occur on viable infants. That means abortions up to the partial birth abortion. Anything goes now.

But it does not end there. It would also allow children to have abortions without their parents' consent.

But it doesn't even end there. It would also allow children to begin to transition into another sex without their parents' notification or approval.

Imagine your child making the most difficult decisions of their lives that will alter their lives forever, without they help of their parents.

Parental rights would become nonexistent with the proposed Constitutional amendment, but again, it is not being advertised this way.

In fact, why even have parents since the state can only be trusted with the welfare of children and not the parents? After all, we see what a swell job the state does with children in foster care.

No, parents need to be targeted because they cannot be trusted. America really is that bad, all of them.

Isn't that right democrats?

Voting is on August 8th.
Nice try, Ohio GOP... :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
Issue 1 in Ohio that will be voted upon this Tuesday, is important for a myriad of reasons.

What is being attempted is to codify abortion into the Ohio Constitution via a mere majority. However, this Tuesday what is being attempted is to raise the bar for passing a Constitutional amendment to the state Constitution from a mere majority to 60% or higher. Only then will a mere majority of voters be prohibited from making such changes. This is key because most Ohio voters are being sold a lie about the abortion amendment, so obtaining a mere majority with a nation already divided using false propaganda should not be a problem for the Left.

With the nation divided on abortion, the Left seems confident they can obtain a majority to pass amending the Constitution this fall in November, by getting a majority to vote for abortion as a state Constitutional right. It is being sold as a return to Roe vs. Wade, but nothing could be further from the truth.

In 1973, the high court ruled that Texas was wrong. “The word ‘person,’ as used in the Fourteenth Amendment, does not include the unborn,” wrote Justice Harry Blackmun in his landmark opinion. The Supreme Court held that personhood could not be granted to a fetus before “viability”—the point around 24 weeks of pregnancy when a fetus can survive outside the womb—and established a constitutional right to abortion access.

However, the new abortion laws to be codified into state Constitutions like Ohio will have no such verbiage.

Instead, the amendment prohibits the state of Ohio from banning abortion when, in the professional judgment of a physician, an abortion "is necessary to protect the pregnant patient’s life or health."

So, let's say the physician says that the woman needs to have the abortion because she is depressed about being pregnant. Then the woman will be allowed to have the abortion even if the unborn is viable, all in the interest of maintaining the woman's health.

For those who support pro-life, this is worse than what we had under Roe vs. Wade as women can obtain an abortion up to a partial birth abortion.

But millions of dollars are being pumped into Ohio from outside Ohio to convince everyone that it is a return to Roe vs. Wade. The problem is, most of the money is being pumped from outside the state into Ohio to get voters to vote on a lie.

Proabortion advocates outside Ohio have raised $14.8 million, compared to $4.8 million raised to pass issue one.

This appears to be the future of democracy, that is, to get a simple majority to codify things into state constitutional law as the Left outspends their opponents with propaganda and outright lies, but then, the Left is made up of mostly rich folk, like Soros and Gates.

But they won't stop with abortion. They will continue to turn the constitutions of red states into blue constitutions, as the states slowly turn purple using the same techniques.

So, what is next? Gun rights? The sky is the limit.
Issue 1 loses!
What’s that have to do with the fact a fetus is a human being according to law?
So if we allow more abortions fewer fetuses will be shot?

I guess the logic holds but you're kind of off base wanting to murder pregnant women.
Not saying it doesn't happen but it's still kinda effed up to demand it.

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