Issue 1 in Ohio

It is generally conceded that, for one reason or another, the Founders had the smarts to conceive of, and implement, a brilliant form of government. We have separation of powers, checks and balances, and a way to accomplish anything that a government needs to accomplish.

And there is not one thing that The People get to decide under the U.S. Constitution. Nothing. Other countries have "plebiscites," whereby The People get to make laws. Not the U.S. The Founders knew better. Look at California and their idiotic "Propositions." Under our Constitution, The People elect representatives who make the policies and decisions. Because the Founders knew that The People, acting collectively, are an idiot. GIven the opportunity, a simple majority of Americans today would:
  • Send people of black-African descent "back" to Africa - no particular country,
  • Impose the death penalty (and/or castration) for hundreds of different crimes,
  • Stop all immigration,
  • Make "Christianity" the national religion, and roll it into the Constitution,
  • Make it a crime to display a lack of patriotism (e.g., kneeling for the National Anthem),
  • Bring back severe corporal punishment to public schools, and authorize expulsion of anyone "acting up" more than once,
You get the idea.

And this is why no major policy decision should EVER be decided by a simple majority of The People. As for abortion, a different result could hinge on one word in how the proposition is phrased, where people don't even know what they are voting for. It MUST be up to the legislature, and a simple majority in the legislature should not carry a proposition of this import. Look at ObamaCare. Carried without a single Republican vote, and impacted scores of political careers for a decade, and for what? The President LIED about it to get it sold, and the lies came home to roost.
For those who support pro-life, this is worse than what we had under Roe vs. Wade as women can obtain an abortion up to a partial birth abortion.
You orange evangelicals will be getting what you deserve for sticking your holy Bible, thumping nosed up into women’s uteruses where they don’t belong

Go Buckeyes!!! Give women freedom and liberty and protection from Orange Evangelical Republicans for good - just like Kansas
You orange evangelicals will be getting what you deserve for sticking your holy Bible, thumping nosed up into women’s uteruses where they don’t belong

Go Buckeyes!!! Give women freedom and liberty and protection from Orange Evangelical Republicans for good - just like Kansas

Someone else that doesn't understand the story.
It's a pandemic.
More lies.

No lying that stops forced full term gestation on women.

Less than half of all Catholics and hillbilly evangelicals have been lying for 50 years.

It’s time we put an end to the lies and propaganda, and all the hate? that orange evangelicalism has dumped on our country through the republican party over the past 50 years

Ohio rational patriots will drive a stake
through the dark evil hearts of orange evangelical fanatical goobers who have zero respect for women at all.
A mere majority? I’ve got a newsflash for you dimwit. The overwhelming majority of people in Ohio, as the rest of the country support reproductive rights.

Those aren’t rights that minority of losers, and incels such as yourself get to decide.

Abortion is a losing issue for you. Any perceived gains you may think you have made, are temporary, and will be reversed sooner than you think.

A woman’s right to an abortion will not only be codified into state constitutions, but the federal constitution as well, and sooner than you think also.
You lack the States to get it done at this point.
You are pretending that a mother and her child somehow have the same birthdate. That's simply ludicrous. A birthday happens every year while a birthdate happens once. Are you sure you know what you're talking about?
What's the birthdate of the fetus?
But you claim the fetus is a human being. If it is a human being it has a birthdate.
In this case since the parasite's host has a birthdate, the parasite shares that birthdate.

But let's not talk about the logical irrationality of your arguments.

It is a human life. What other form of life is it?
It is a living human organism that is part of the body of a living human organism that has many live earth requirement under the constitution, and who lives in a society that protects her life, but not an unviable part of her body.

Therefore a shorter version;

It’s not a human life that is owed the same right to life expected for those of us were born and grew up to be liberty loving adults.
It is a living human organism that is part of the body of a living human organism that has many live earth requirement under the constitution, and who lives in a society that protects her life, but not an unviable part of her body.

Therefore a shorter version;

It’s not a human life that is owed the same right to life expected for those of us were born and grew up to be liberty loving adults.

Once you have to go with tongue twisting semantics, you lose the argument.

It's a human fucking being, or a human life, or homo sapiens sapiens.
You lack the States to get it done at this point
Hell, at least 1/3 of voting Republicans oppose religious extremist bans on abortion.

When that one third figures out that the hillbilly evangelicals are going to cause Republicans to lose and keep losing critical elections, it’s going to be a hard day of reckoning whether or how the GOP is even going to exist anymore. THEY WILL HAVE NO CHOICE BUT TO BECOME PRO/CHOICE
It's a human fucking being, or a human life, or homo sapiens sapiens.
and so it is But it’s part of a woman’s consciousness and neurological system because it is a human being with no brain when 99 percent of women elect to put a gestating human fetus to death.

Now you can piss and moan and call it nothing but tongue twisting, but any rational human being will recognize the above paragraph as something that’s called “reality”.

Ohio might be giving you a big dose of reality tonight but it’s up to you if you’re going to take your medicine unlike a Trump.
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and so it is But it’s part of a woman’s consciousness and neurological system because it is a human being with no brain when 99 percent of women elect to put a gestating human fetus to death.

Now you can piss and moan and call it nothing but tongue twisting, but any rational human being will recognize the above paragraph as something that’s called “reality”.

Ohio might be giving you a big dose of reality but it’s up to you if you’re going to take your medicine

So we can put you to death because you are brainless? or is that thoughtless. Formless. Hopeless.

All because your side can't admit it's killing something. Lack of fortitude? Or a need for doublethink due to your weak spines unless in large groups.

it's not part of her system in that way because it isn't her. It's a unique human life.
So we can put you to death because you are brainless? or is that thoughtless. Formless. Hopeless.
No, only a fetus having never had a physical brain is the legsl standard and it’s only up to the gestating female carrying it to choose to do it

YOUR “we” cannot kill a fetus in anybody’s womb.

Stupid questions should be honored on a stupid question thread
No, only a fetus having never had a physical brain is the legsl standard and it’s only up to the gestating female carrying it to choose to do it

YOUR “we” cannot kill a fetus in anybody’s womb.

Stupid questions should be honored on a stupid question thread

Running to the "legal" standard because like most leftists you have to hide behind it to doublethink your way out of the reality of killing another life.
Running to the "legal" standard because like most leftists you have to hide behind it to doublethink your way out of the reality of killing another life.

I cannot kill a fetus because I have no way to gestate a fetus . So you are a liar because I have nothing to hide. When a woman kills her fetus it is a killed life, but it is not a killed “another” life because the fetus is part of her body.

So that’s two lies on you. You are on a roll here,
I cannot kill a fetus because I have no way to gestate a fetus . So you are a liar because I have nothing to hide. When a woman kills her fetus it is a killed life, but it is not a killed “another” life because the fetus is part of her body.

So that’s two lies on you. You are on a roll here,

You support it, you own it.

It is another life as it doesn't have the same DNA as her.
What's the birthdate of the fetus?
But you claim the fetus is a human being. If it is a human being it has a birthdate.
In this case since the parasite's host has a birthdate, the parasite shares that birthdate.

But let's not talk about the logical irrationality of your arguments.

No, you're making it up that all human beings have a birthdate. Unborn humans don't because they haven't been born yet.
I cannot kill a fetus because I have no way to gestate a fetus . So you are a liar because I have nothing to hide. When a woman kills her fetus it is a killed life, but it is not a killed “another” life because the fetus is part of her body.

So that’s two lies on you. You are on a roll here,
No, it's not part of her body. In fact, if her blood and the unborn baby's blood were to mix, it would likely be deadly to one or the other.
Ok. Let's suspend reality for a moment and call that 6K number accurate. Got a break down on the reasons they were performed? Where they were performed? By whom were they performed?
If not, I suspect you are just getting your hair lit on fire by the just and righteous anti-abortion crowd. They simply don't happen in the numbers you are ascribing to. And if this 6K are performed back alley like I know
you're going to claim, a ban won't help those numbers.
I sure hope they find a homo gene.
Then we can start aborting them.
What's the birthdate of the fetus?
But you claim the fetus is a human being. If it is a human being it has a birthdate.
In this case since the parasite's host has a birthdate, the parasite shares that birthdate.

But let's not talk about the logical irrationality of your arguments.

Good to know I can have spotted owl omelets and none of you Leftards will have a problem with it.

BTW - there’s children born at 21 weeks playing outside right now.
No, it's not part of her body. In fact, if her blood and the unborn baby's blood were to mix, it would likely be deadly to one or the other.
If it’s not part of her body then it’s no issue removing the living human organism that has no brain from her body is there? So why ban the procedure?

hvdvt.23.08.08 #451
nf.23.08.08 #454

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