Issues Left-wingers refuse to accept

Support For Clinton Drops Among Female Voters
The Huffington Post
Sep 14, 2015 - Hillary Clinton's once-overwhelming support among women has dropped ... Polls Differ On Clinton's Losses Among Female Primary Voters.

A six week old poll in an election year is obsolete in three days. Hillary is up by 11 points with women since then.


and RIGHT NOW Carson beats hillary in several head to head matchup polls

nobody needs to be reminded left-wing losers cant accept reality

LOL, a year and four days to election and you actually think Ben Carson has a chance in hell of winning the nomination. I'll leave this here as a reminder to everyone just how naive you really are and proof positive of someone not willing to accept their own reality.
Support For Clinton Drops Among Female Voters
The Huffington Post
Sep 14, 2015 - Hillary Clinton's once-overwhelming support among women has dropped ... Polls Differ On Clinton's Losses Among Female Primary Voters.

A six week old poll in an election year is obsolete in three days. Hillary is up by 11 points with women since then.


and RIGHT NOW Carson beats hillary in several head to head matchup polls

nobody needs to be reminded left-wing losers cant accept reality

LOL, a year and four days to election and you actually think Ben Carson has a chance in hell of winning the nomination. I'll leave this here as a reminder to everyone just how naive you really are and proof positive of someone not willing to accept their own reality.

as usual you have absolutely nothing other than your worthless opinion to back up your premise

why not say something that isnt stupid? see if you can ok??
Support For Clinton Drops Among Female Voters
The Huffington Post
Sep 14, 2015 - Hillary Clinton's once-overwhelming support among women has dropped ... Polls Differ On Clinton's Losses Among Female Primary Voters.

A six week old poll in an election year is obsolete in three days. Hillary is up by 11 points with women since then.


and RIGHT NOW Carson beats hillary in several head to head matchup polls

nobody needs to be reminded left-wing losers cant accept reality

LOL, a year and four days to election and you actually think Ben Carson has a chance in hell of winning the nomination. I'll leave this here as a reminder to everyone just how naive you really are and proof positive of someone not willing to accept their own reality.
The right's desperation is obvious
Bed wetter's even more so.
Support For Clinton Drops Among Female Voters
The Huffington Post
Sep 14, 2015 - Hillary Clinton's once-overwhelming support among women has dropped ... Polls Differ On Clinton's Losses Among Female Primary Voters.

A six week old poll in an election year is obsolete in three days. Hillary is up by 11 points with women since then.


and RIGHT NOW Carson beats hillary in several head to head matchup polls

nobody needs to be reminded left-wing losers cant accept reality

LOL, a year and four days to election and you actually think Ben Carson has a chance in hell of winning the nomination. I'll leave this here as a reminder to everyone just how naive you really are and proof positive of someone not willing to accept their own reality.

as usual you have absolutely nothing other than your worthless opinion to back up your premise

why not say something that isnt stupid? see if you can ok??

Saved for future slapdown and huge Ha Ha moment.
Support For Clinton Drops Among Female Voters
The Huffington Post
Sep 14, 2015 - Hillary Clinton's once-overwhelming support among women has dropped ... Polls Differ On Clinton's Losses Among Female Primary Voters.

A six week old poll in an election year is obsolete in three days. Hillary is up by 11 points with women since then.


and RIGHT NOW Carson beats hillary in several head to head matchup polls

nobody needs to be reminded left-wing losers cant accept reality

LOL, a year and four days to election and you actually think Ben Carson has a chance in hell of winning the nomination. I'll leave this here as a reminder to everyone just how naive you really are and proof positive of someone not willing to accept their own reality.

as usual you have absolutely nothing other than your worthless opinion to back up your premise

why not say something that isnt stupid? see if you can ok??

Saved for future slapdown and huge Ha Ha moment.

you are simply an idiot. if carson isnt the nominee will it be for the reason YOU think it was???

you're a self-impressed( for no good reason) loser; and just cant be taken seriously
but congrats for admitting obama made income inequality worse leftard!!! ;)

Poverty levels keep rising but incomes remained stagnant. What do you think would happen?

For example when President Bush was elected the poverty level for a family of 4 was $17,050.00. In 2015 the poverty level is $24,250.00 for a family of 4
Well, is a family of 4 making $24,250 in 2015 in better or worse shape than they were in 2001 at $17,050?
I submit better. The # is arbitrary.
What possible reason would the current administration have for setting the poverty level at $24,250?

Just trying to explain how the number of people on welfare increased due to the increase in the income qualifications and stagnant wages. The yearly increases is not exclusive to President Obama.

Prior HHS Poverty Guidelines and Federal Register References
So you can't answer a question. OK Thanks.
for starters; just off the top of my head:

1. Democrats "immigration reform" has nothing to do with immigration reform, and everything to do with pandering to millions of mostly Hispanic minorities who already SNUCK IN. obama's proposal doesnt address the actual immigration system. There is nothing fair or equitable about putting millions who snuck in ahead of virtually millions from ALL RACES AND ETHNICITIES waiting patiently IN LINE IN THEIR COUNTRIES to come here LEGALLY

The immigration reform bill passed the Senate with bi-partisan support and would pass the House with bi-partisan support if Boehner had not blocked it from a vote.

The only people who were opposed to it were the vast majority of voters.

And you have the numbers to prove that.

Americans Clearly Oppose Amnesty for Illegal Mexican Immigrants
The poll is from 2001.

So you think the attitude of Americans toward illegal immigration has improved since then?
for starters; just off the top of my head:

1. Democrats "immigration reform" has nothing to do with immigration reform, and everything to do with pandering to millions of mostly Hispanic minorities who already SNUCK IN. obama's proposal doesnt address the actual immigration system. There is nothing fair or equitable about putting millions who snuck in ahead of virtually millions from ALL RACES AND ETHNICITIES waiting patiently IN LINE IN THEIR COUNTRIES to come here LEGALLY

2. Black lives are worthless to Democrats. if they actually mattered the Left would be more concerned with teh SIX THOUSAND BLACK PEOPLE MURDERED EVERY YEAR by other Black people.
Oh and if Black lives really mattered, THE ABOVE PROPOSAL FOR ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS would be abandoned by Democrats SINCE IT WILL DEVASTATE THE BLACK COMMUNITY

3. the economy: record welfare and food stamps isnt "forward progress". if things were really so great there wouldnt be 13 MILLION MORE on food stamps heading into obama's EIGHTH AND FINAL YEAR then there were when Bush left office

libs lie to themselves
1) Pandering is just a bonus. The reality is that polls show most Americans support Obama's immigration plan.

2) I actually agree with this.

3) The bulk of growth from food stamps began in Obama's first year when the recession was in full swing, which, of course, began before Obama came to office. Population growth also plays a role in this. None of Obama's policies contributed to this statistic. In fact, if Obama was successful in raising the minimum wage, this stat would drop dramatically. Try telling that to the brain dead repubs you assholes elect.

Bullshit. Most Americans opposed Obama's immigration plan. They especially oppose the fact that it's entirely illegal.
What would Saint Ron do?

"Illegal immigrants in considerable numbers have become productive members of our society and are a basic part of our work force. Those who have established equities in the United States should be recognized and accorded legal status."
-- Ronald Reagan; from speech on immigration (July 30, 1981)
What would Saint Ron do?

"Illegal immigrants in considerable numbers have become productive members of our society and are a basic part of our work force. Those who have established equities in the United States should be recognized and accorded legal status."
-- Ronald Reagan; from speech on immigration (July 30, 1981)

He only said that on the basis that Congress would seal the border. Congress lied.
What would Saint Ron do?

"Illegal immigrants in considerable numbers have become productive members of our society and are a basic part of our work force. Those who have established equities in the United States should be recognized and accorded legal status."
-- Ronald Reagan; from speech on immigration (July 30, 1981)

He only said that on the basis that Congress would seal the border. Congress lied.

I'm sure that Reagan was smart enough to know that the neo-liberal juntas that he backed in Latin America would need a pressure valve.

Plus, he was pro-business....
What would Saint Ron do?

"Illegal immigrants in considerable numbers have become productive members of our society and are a basic part of our work force. Those who have established equities in the United States should be recognized and accorded legal status."
-- Ronald Reagan; from speech on immigration (July 30, 1981)

He only said that on the basis that Congress would seal the border. Congress lied.

I'm sure that Reagan was smart enough to know that the neo-liberal juntas that he backed in Latin America would need a pressure valve.

Plus, he was pro-business....

Reagan was in favor of sealing the border and he said signing the amnesty bill was the biggest mistake he ever made. Taking that advice, it would be a mistake for any Republican to sign an amnesty bill of vote for one.
What would Saint Ron do?

"Illegal immigrants in considerable numbers have become productive members of our society and are a basic part of our work force. Those who have established equities in the United States should be recognized and accorded legal status."
-- Ronald Reagan; from speech on immigration (July 30, 1981)

He only said that on the basis that Congress would seal the border. Congress lied.

Of course they lied. Lying is part of the liberal nature.
What would Saint Ron do?

"Illegal immigrants in considerable numbers have become productive members of our society and are a basic part of our work force. Those who have established equities in the United States should be recognized and accorded legal status."
-- Ronald Reagan; from speech on immigration (July 30, 1981)

Reagan gave amnesty to less than 3 million illegals. That's not the situation today. Reagan never let unescorted kids run over the border like it was a playground. Reagan also placed strict restrictions on employers that might hire legals and illegals, but Democrats stripped all those restrictions before they would pass the bill. Perhaps if they didn't, we wouldn't be having the problems we are having today.

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