Issues Left-wingers refuse to accept

for starters; just off the top of my head:

1. Democrats "immigration reform" has nothing to do with immigration reform, and everything to do with pandering to millions of mostly Hispanic minorities who already SNUCK IN. obama's proposal doesnt address the actual immigration system. There is nothing fair or equitable about putting millions who snuck in ahead of virtually millions from ALL RACES AND ETHNICITIES waiting patiently IN LINE IN THEIR COUNTRIES to come here LEGALLY

The immigration reform bill passed the Senate with bi-partisan support and would pass the House with bi-partisan support if Boehner had not blocked it from a vote.

The only people who were opposed to it were the vast majority of voters.

And you have the numbers to prove that.

Americans Clearly Oppose Amnesty for Illegal Mexican Immigrants
Simply seize Mexican assets in the US. No problem what so ever.
Mexico has about 120 billion in foreign accounts.
That should cover it nicely.
And then Mexico seizes U.S. investments in Mexico. Sounds like a plan.
It's fucking MEXICO. We make the rules.
How would you prevent Mexico from seizing U.S. assets in Mexico?
How would you prevent a 5 year old, 30 pound rug rat from taking your bicycle?

Inapt comparison. If you're afraid to post "Bomb them back to the Stone Age," that's understandable.
It's a perfect comparison. Mexico has as much chance of harming US interests as you do standing up to an Abrams tank or would with a POTUS with something in his scrotum.
That's rich: Poverty level under Obama breaks 50-year record
The Washington Times
Jan 7, 2014 - That's rich: Poverty level under Obama breaks 50-year record ... A record 47 million Americans receive food stamps, about 13 million more than when he took office. ... History in the making: Watch an F-35C make its first aircraft carrier landing ... Boyer can be reached at [email protected]

Washington Times, no bias there!
Anyway, it's a cold hard fact that wages for the working class have been flat for four decades. Then there's the obscene amount of money flowing upwards due fantastic corporate profits, record productivity and the continuation of flat wage growth. Somebody is getting rich off the flat wages during a time of very good economic growth and counting on the government to makeup the difference for their workers with food stamps.
The GOP could have something about this issue, but even with 76% of the public being for raising the minimum wage, the GOP refused.
The very conservative Cato Institute recently stated that roughly 70% of the middleclassbenefits from minimum wage increases.

good one idiot. that doesnt explain why the richest got richer and the poorest got poorer FASTER UNDER DEMOCRATS than under the Party you accuse of being in the pocket of those rich corporate types
try again.........................

Well genius, most people who are paying attention know that the very wealthy, like everyone else too a big financial hit from the Great Recession. Unlike 95% percent, they have the tools that enable them to make up for their loses by paying super low wages and off-shoring jobs which enhanced their operating costs and bottom line. Translation: More money to line their pockets driving working Americans to food stamps.
It's not that hard to figure out Gomer.

Companies, corporations nor employers are responsible for what you are worth. Only you are responsible for what you are worth.

If you leave high school and decide to get a menial labor job, then it's not the company's fault when you get menial labor pay. Nor is it societies fault because of the choices you have made.

If you get an advanced education and choose a field where there is no work, then it's not a companies fault you made that choice. You could have chosen a field of work where there is a demand for employees.

If you enter the work force and spend your money on cars, the newest smart phone and package, premium cable or satellite service, children you can't afford, an apartment or house outside of your income limit, instead of investing your money, then you decided not to risk your money and instead, use it for entertainment.

We all make choices in life, and companies or corporations have nothing to do with what we choose. You want to complain to somebody about our jobs? Then go to your nearest Walmart and yell at the customers walking back to their cars from shopping.
for starters; just off the top of my head:

1. Democrats "immigration reform" has nothing to do with immigration reform, and everything to do with pandering to millions of mostly Hispanic minorities who already SNUCK IN. obama's proposal doesnt address the actual immigration system. There is nothing fair or equitable about putting millions who snuck in ahead of virtually millions from ALL RACES AND ETHNICITIES waiting patiently IN LINE IN THEIR COUNTRIES to come here LEGALLY

2. Black lives are worthless to Democrats. if they actually mattered the Left would be more concerned with teh SIX THOUSAND BLACK PEOPLE MURDERED EVERY YEAR by other Black people.
Oh and if Black lives really mattered, THE ABOVE PROPOSAL FOR ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS would be abandoned by Democrats SINCE IT WILL DEVASTATE THE BLACK COMMUNITY

3. the economy: record welfare and food stamps isnt "forward progress". if things were really so great there wouldnt be 13 MILLION MORE on food stamps heading into obama's EIGHTH AND FINAL YEAR then there were when Bush left office

libs lie to themselves

Maybe if your side offered something other than "This is my opinion and it is TRUTH and STFU!" it might be possible to discuss issues.

But the SHOUTING from your side suggests you're not interested in discussion, just SHOUTING.
Well, the logical person does not attempt to debate facts.
When you find some supporting your argument let me know.
Black man 332
White man 206

Accept it; finally.

YAWN. that's so four years ago. try this leftard!

General Election: Carson vs. Clinton
Poll Date Sample MoE
Carson (R)
Clinton (D)

RCP Average 9/17 - 10/29 -- -- 48.4 43.8 Carson +4.6
NBC/WSJNBC/WSJ 10/25 - 10/29 847 RV 3.4 47 47 Tie
CNN/ORCCNN/ORC 10/14 - 10/17 956 RV 3.0 48 47 Carson +1
FOX NewsFOX News 10/10 - 10/12 1004 RV 3.0 50 39 Carson +11
PPP (D)PPP (D) 10/1 - 10/4 1338 RV 2.7 48 44 Carson +4
QuinnipiacQuinnipiac 9/17 - 9/21 1574 RV 2.5 49 42 Carson +7
All General Election: Carson vs. Clinton Polling Data

Black man, Republican, beating white liberal hag

That's rich: Poverty level under Obama breaks 50-year record
The Washington Times
Jan 7, 2014 - That's rich: Poverty level under Obama breaks 50-year record ... A record 47 million Americans receive food stamps, about 13 million more than when he took office. ... History in the making: Watch an F-35C make its first aircraft carrier landing ... Boyer can be reached at [email protected]

Washington Times, no bias there!
Anyway, it's a cold hard fact that wages for the working class have been flat for four decades. Then there's the obscene amount of money flowing upwards due fantastic corporate profits, record productivity and the continuation of flat wage growth. Somebody is getting rich off the flat wages during a time of very good economic growth and counting on the government to makeup the difference for their workers with food stamps.
The GOP could have something about this issue, but even with 76% of the public being for raising the minimum wage, the GOP refused.
The very conservative Cato Institute recently stated that roughly 70% of the middleclassbenefits from minimum wage increases.

good one idiot. that doesnt explain why the richest got richer and the poorest got poorer FASTER UNDER DEMOCRATS than under the Party you accuse of being in the pocket of those rich corporate types
try again.........................

Well genius, most people who are paying attention know that the very wealthy, like everyone else too a big financial hit from the Great Recession. Unlike 95% percent, they have the tools that enable them to make up for their loses by paying super low wages and off-shoring jobs which enhanced their operating costs and bottom line. Translation: More money to line their pockets driving working Americans to food stamps.
It's not that hard to figure out Gomer.

Companies, corporations nor employers are responsible for what you are worth. Only you are responsible for what you are worth.

If you leave high school and decide to get a menial labor job, then it's not the company's fault when you get menial labor pay. Nor is it societies fault because of the choices you have made.

If you get an advanced education and choose a field where there is no work, then it's not a companies fault you made that choice. You could have chosen a field of work where there is a demand for employees.

If you enter the work force and spend your money on cars, the newest smart phone and package, premium cable or satellite service, children you can't afford, an apartment or house outside of your income limit, instead of investing your money, then you decided not to risk your money and instead, use it for entertainment.

We all make choices in life, and companies or corporations have nothing to do with what we choose. You want to complain to somebody about our jobs? Then go to your nearest Walmart and yell at the customers walking back to their cars from shopping.

And that long fantasy based post explains record income/wealth inequality, how?
How about four decades of flat wages?
Should we address America's decline in upward mobility? Oh, that fact doesn't fit you fantasy post. Your own party's presidential candidates admit upper mobility in the US has fallen behind other developed nations.
Why are you and the clowns who thanked/agree with your post so afraid of reality?
That's rich: Poverty level under Obama breaks 50-year record
The Washington Times
Jan 7, 2014 - That's rich: Poverty level under Obama breaks 50-year record ... A record 47 million Americans receive food stamps, about 13 million more than when he took office. ... History in the making: Watch an F-35C make its first aircraft carrier landing ... Boyer can be reached at [email protected]

Washington Times, no bias there!
Anyway, it's a cold hard fact that wages for the working class have been flat for four decades. Then there's the obscene amount of money flowing upwards due fantastic corporate profits, record productivity and the continuation of flat wage growth. Somebody is getting rich off the flat wages during a time of very good economic growth and counting on the government to makeup the difference for their workers with food stamps.
The GOP could have something about this issue, but even with 76% of the public being for raising the minimum wage, the GOP refused.
The very conservative Cato Institute recently stated that roughly 70% of the middleclassbenefits from minimum wage increases.

good one idiot. that doesnt explain why the richest got richer and the poorest got poorer FASTER UNDER DEMOCRATS than under the Party you accuse of being in the pocket of those rich corporate types
try again.........................

Well genius, most people who are paying attention know that the very wealthy, like everyone else too a big financial hit from the Great Recession. Unlike 95% percent, they have the tools that enable them to make up for their loses by paying super low wages and off-shoring jobs which enhanced their operating costs and bottom line. Translation: More money to line their pockets driving working Americans to food stamps.
It's not that hard to figure out Gomer.

Companies, corporations nor employers are responsible for what you are worth. Only you are responsible for what you are worth.

If you leave high school and decide to get a menial labor job, then it's not the company's fault when you get menial labor pay. Nor is it societies fault because of the choices you have made.

If you get an advanced education and choose a field where there is no work, then it's not a companies fault you made that choice. You could have chosen a field of work where there is a demand for employees.

If you enter the work force and spend your money on cars, the newest smart phone and package, premium cable or satellite service, children you can't afford, an apartment or house outside of your income limit, instead of investing your money, then you decided not to risk your money and instead, use it for entertainment.

We all make choices in life, and companies or corporations have nothing to do with what we choose. You want to complain to somebody about our jobs? Then go to your nearest Walmart and yell at the customers walking back to their cars from shopping.

And that long fantasy based post explains record income/wealth inequality, how?
How about four decades of flat wages?
Should we address America's decline in upward mobility? Oh, that fact doesn't fit you fantasy post. Your own party's presidential candidates admit upper mobility in the US has fallen behind other developed nations.
Why are you and the clowns who thanked/agree with your post so afraid of reality?

ur a loser. speaking of who admitted what your President admitted 95% of income gains on his watch went to the 1%
That's rich: Poverty level under Obama breaks 50-year record
The Washington Times
Jan 7, 2014 - That's rich: Poverty level under Obama breaks 50-year record ... A record 47 million Americans receive food stamps, about 13 million more than when he took office. ... History in the making: Watch an F-35C make its first aircraft carrier landing ... Boyer can be reached at [email protected]

Washington Times, no bias there!
Anyway, it's a cold hard fact that wages for the working class have been flat for four decades. Then there's the obscene amount of money flowing upwards due fantastic corporate profits, record productivity and the continuation of flat wage growth. Somebody is getting rich off the flat wages during a time of very good economic growth and counting on the government to makeup the difference for their workers with food stamps.
The GOP could have something about this issue, but even with 76% of the public being for raising the minimum wage, the GOP refused.
The very conservative Cato Institute recently stated that roughly 70% of the middleclassbenefits from minimum wage increases.

good one idiot. that doesnt explain why the richest got richer and the poorest got poorer FASTER UNDER DEMOCRATS than under the Party you accuse of being in the pocket of those rich corporate types
try again.........................

Well genius, most people who are paying attention know that the very wealthy, like everyone else too a big financial hit from the Great Recession. Unlike 95% percent, they have the tools that enable them to make up for their loses by paying super low wages and off-shoring jobs which enhanced their operating costs and bottom line. Translation: More money to line their pockets driving working Americans to food stamps.
It's not that hard to figure out Gomer.

Companies, corporations nor employers are responsible for what you are worth. Only you are responsible for what you are worth.

If you leave high school and decide to get a menial labor job, then it's not the company's fault when you get menial labor pay. Nor is it societies fault because of the choices you have made.

If you get an advanced education and choose a field where there is no work, then it's not a companies fault you made that choice. You could have chosen a field of work where there is a demand for employees.

If you enter the work force and spend your money on cars, the newest smart phone and package, premium cable or satellite service, children you can't afford, an apartment or house outside of your income limit, instead of investing your money, then you decided not to risk your money and instead, use it for entertainment.

We all make choices in life, and companies or corporations have nothing to do with what we choose. You want to complain to somebody about our jobs? Then go to your nearest Walmart and yell at the customers walking back to their cars from shopping.

And that long fantasy based post explains record income/wealth inequality, how?
How about four decades of flat wages?
Should we address America's decline in upward mobility? Oh, that fact doesn't fit you fantasy post. Your own party's presidential candidates admit upper mobility in the US has fallen behind other developed nations.
Why are you and the clowns who thanked/agree with your post so afraid of reality?

Okay, so what do you want to do about it?

Tax the rich? Okay, but who eventually ends up with that money? You or your government? And if the government, what do you expect them to give you?

So who is responsible for this transfer of wealth? The answer is you......not just you, but everybody here.

Sometime this week, we will all transfer our money to the wealthy. We may buy a Microsoft computer program--a multi-billion dollar company with the owner being the richest in the country. Or we may buy some gasoline for our car; oil and gasoline companies are all multibillionaires. Or we may stop at McDonald's or Wendy's for a burger. Again, very wealthy companies.

You can't avoid it. We all transfer our money to the top. Yet after we do so, we demand they give that money back. Well....... that's fair. But if you want that money back, shouldn't you give them back the products you purchased from them in the first place?
for starters; just off the top of my head:

1. Democrats "immigration reform" has nothing to do with immigration reform, and everything to do with pandering to millions of mostly Hispanic minorities who already SNUCK IN. obama's proposal doesnt address the actual immigration system. There is nothing fair or equitable about putting millions who snuck in ahead of virtually millions from ALL RACES AND ETHNICITIES waiting patiently IN LINE IN THEIR COUNTRIES to come here LEGALLY

The immigration reform bill passed the Senate with bi-partisan support and would pass the House with bi-partisan support if Boehner had not blocked it from a vote.

The only people who were opposed to it were the vast majority of voters.

And you have the numbers to prove that.

Americans Clearly Oppose Amnesty for Illegal Mexican Immigrants
The poll is from 2001.
Black man 332
White man 206

Accept it; finally.

YAWN. that's so four years ago. try this leftard!

General Election: Carson vs. Clinton
Poll Date Sample MoE
Carson (R)
Clinton (D)

RCP Average 9/17 - 10/29 -- -- 48.4 43.8 Carson +4.6
NBC/WSJNBC/WSJ 10/25 - 10/29 847 RV 3.4 47 47 Tie
CNN/ORCCNN/ORC 10/14 - 10/17 956 RV 3.0 48 47 Carson +1
FOX NewsFOX News 10/10 - 10/12 1004 RV 3.0 50 39 Carson +11
PPP (D)PPP (D) 10/1 - 10/4 1338 RV 2.7 48 44 Carson +4
QuinnipiacQuinnipiac 9/17 - 9/21 1574 RV 2.5 49 42 Carson +7
All General Election: Carson vs. Clinton Polling Data

Black man, Republican, beating white liberal hag


Gee too bad we go by the Electoral College and not year old polling data.
take every dollar away from every rich person, give it to the government and if it comes to X dollars and the Left will find a way to spend X to the third power.

libs are losers who lie to themselves
And then Mexico seizes U.S. investments in Mexico. Sounds like a plan.
It's fucking MEXICO. We make the rules.
How would you prevent Mexico from seizing U.S. assets in Mexico?
How would you prevent a 5 year old, 30 pound rug rat from taking your bicycle?

Inapt comparison. If you're afraid to post "Bomb them back to the Stone Age," that's understandable.
It's a perfect comparison. Mexico has as much chance of harming US interests as you do standing up to an Abrams tank or would with a POTUS with something in his scrotum.

Some of these folks might disagree with you:

America's Biggest Companies Continue To Move Factories Offshore And Eliminate Thousands of American Jobs
Black man 332
White man 206

Accept it; finally.

YAWN. that's so four years ago. try this leftard!

General Election: Carson vs. Clinton
Poll Date Sample MoE
Carson (R)
Clinton (D)

RCP Average 9/17 - 10/29 -- -- 48.4 43.8 Carson +4.6
NBC/WSJNBC/WSJ 10/25 - 10/29 847 RV 3.4 47 47 Tie
CNN/ORCCNN/ORC 10/14 - 10/17 956 RV 3.0 48 47 Carson +1
FOX NewsFOX News 10/10 - 10/12 1004 RV 3.0 50 39 Carson +11
PPP (D)PPP (D) 10/1 - 10/4 1338 RV 2.7 48 44 Carson +4
QuinnipiacQuinnipiac 9/17 - 9/21 1574 RV 2.5 49 42 Carson +7
All General Election: Carson vs. Clinton Polling Data

Black man, Republican, beating white liberal hag


Gee too bad we go by the Electoral College and not year old polling data.

it's a few DAYS old you idiot
It's fucking MEXICO. We make the rules.
How would you prevent Mexico from seizing U.S. assets in Mexico?
How would you prevent a 5 year old, 30 pound rug rat from taking your bicycle?

Inapt comparison. If you're afraid to post "Bomb them back to the Stone Age," that's understandable.
It's a perfect comparison. Mexico has as much chance of harming US interests as you do standing up to an Abrams tank or would with a POTUS with something in his scrotum.

Some of these folks might disagree with you:

America's Biggest Companies Continue To Move Factories Offshore And Eliminate Thousands of American Jobs

so true; remember whose watch it is leftard

Black man 332
White man 206

Accept it; finally.

YAWN. that's so four years ago. try this leftard!

General Election: Carson vs. Clinton
Poll Date Sample MoE
Carson (R)
Clinton (D)

RCP Average 9/17 - 10/29 -- -- 48.4 43.8 Carson +4.6
NBC/WSJNBC/WSJ 10/25 - 10/29 847 RV 3.4 47 47 Tie
CNN/ORCCNN/ORC 10/14 - 10/17 956 RV 3.0 48 47 Carson +1
FOX NewsFOX News 10/10 - 10/12 1004 RV 3.0 50 39 Carson +11
PPP (D)PPP (D) 10/1 - 10/4 1338 RV 2.7 48 44 Carson +4
QuinnipiacQuinnipiac 9/17 - 9/21 1574 RV 2.5 49 42 Carson +7
All General Election: Carson vs. Clinton Polling Data

Black man, Republican, beating white liberal hag


Gee too bad we go by the Electoral College and not year old polling data.

it's a few DAYS old you idiot

The election is over a year away moron.

I'm curious...what handle did you have in 2012 when you had to leave the board due to losing your bet?
Black man 332
White man 206

Accept it; finally.

YAWN. that's so four years ago. try this leftard!

General Election: Carson vs. Clinton
Poll Date Sample MoE
Carson (R)
Clinton (D)

RCP Average 9/17 - 10/29 -- -- 48.4 43.8 Carson +4.6
NBC/WSJNBC/WSJ 10/25 - 10/29 847 RV 3.4 47 47 Tie
CNN/ORCCNN/ORC 10/14 - 10/17 956 RV 3.0 48 47 Carson +1
FOX NewsFOX News 10/10 - 10/12 1004 RV 3.0 50 39 Carson +11
PPP (D)PPP (D) 10/1 - 10/4 1338 RV 2.7 48 44 Carson +4
QuinnipiacQuinnipiac 9/17 - 9/21 1574 RV 2.5 49 42 Carson +7
All General Election: Carson vs. Clinton Polling Data

Black man, Republican, beating white liberal hag


Gee too bad we go by the Electoral College and not year old polling data.

it's a few DAYS old you idiot

The election is over a year away moron.

I'm curious...what handle did you have in 2012 when you had to leave the board due to losing your bet?

ur right loon; Hillary might be in prison a year from now

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