Issues Left-wingers refuse to accept

Damn! I want to go full blown Kinison on these liberal idiots who have to invent shit like undocumented workers because some douche bag who doesn't belong here might be offended if you called him an illegal fucking immigrant.

OFFEND HIM for Christ sake! Maybe he'll get pissed off and LEAVE.

Nah most of the one I've known didn't give a shit what you called them as long as they got paid in cash.
That's rich: Poverty level under Obama breaks 50-year record
The Washington Times
Jan 7, 2014 - That's rich: Poverty level under Obama breaks 50-year record ... A record 47 million Americans receive food stamps, about 13 million more than when he took office. ... History in the making: Watch an F-35C make its first aircraft carrier landing ... Boyer can be reached at [email protected]

Washington Times, no bias there!
Anyway, it's a cold hard fact that wages for the working class have been flat for four decades. Then there's the obscene amount of money flowing upwards due fantastic corporate profits, record productivity and the continuation of flat wage growth. Somebody is getting rich off the flat wages during a time of very good economic growth and counting on the government to makeup the difference for their workers with food stamps.
The GOP could have something about this issue, but even with 76% of the public being for raising the minimum wage, the GOP refused.
The very conservative Cato Institute recently stated that roughly 70% of the middleclassbenefits from minimum wage increases.

good one idiot. that doesnt explain why the richest got richer and the poorest got poorer FASTER UNDER DEMOCRATS than under the Party you accuse of being in the pocket of those rich corporate types
try again.........................

Well genius, most people who are paying attention know that the very wealthy, like everyone else too a big financial hit from the Great Recession. Unlike 95% percent, they have the tools that enable them to make up for their loses by paying super low wages and off-shoring jobs which enhanced their operating costs and bottom line. Translation: More money to line their pockets driving working Americans to food stamps.
It's not that hard to figure out Gomer.
Damn! I want to go full blown Kinison on these liberal idiots who have to invent shit like undocumented workers because some douche bag who doesn't belong here might be offended if you called him an illegal fucking immigrant.

OFFEND HIM for Christ sake! Maybe he'll get pissed off and LEAVE.

Nah most of the one I've known didn't give a shit what you called them as long as they got paid in cash.
You mean the Libs haven't turned them into victims yet?
That's rich: Poverty level under Obama breaks 50-year record
The Washington Times
Jan 7, 2014 - That's rich: Poverty level under Obama breaks 50-year record ... A record 47 million Americans receive food stamps, about 13 million more than when he took office. ... History in the making: Watch an F-35C make its first aircraft carrier landing ... Boyer can be reached at [email protected]

Washington Times, no bias there!
Anyway, it's a cold hard fact that wages for the working class have been flat for four decades. Then there's the obscene amount of money flowing upwards due fantastic corporate profits, record productivity and the continuation of flat wage growth. Somebody is getting rich off the flat wages during a time of very good economic growth and counting on the government to makeup the difference for their workers with food stamps.
The GOP could have something about this issue, but even with 76% of the public being for raising the minimum wage, the GOP refused.
The very conservative Cato Institute recently stated that roughly 70% of the middleclassbenefits from minimum wage increases.

good one idiot. that doesnt explain why the richest got richer and the poorest got poorer FASTER UNDER DEMOCRATS than under the Party you accuse of being in the pocket of those rich corporate types
try again.........................

Well genius, most people who are paying attention know that the very wealthy, like everyone else too a big financial hit from the Great Recession. Unlike 95% percent, they have the tools that enable them to make up for their loses by paying super low wages and off-shoring jobs which enhanced their operating costs and bottom line. Translation: More money to line their pockets driving working Americans to food stamps.
It's not that hard to figure out Gomer.

you should avoid posting moron; you just tried to show causation for the poor being poor by essentially sayin they are poor BECAUSE the rich are rich. you're simply an idiot. AGAIN, REGARDLESS of how easy it is for the wealthy to rebound how did that make the poor poorer???
but congrats for admitting obama made income inequality worse leftard!!! ;)
Illegal aliens should be sent at their government's expense, back to where they belong.

How would you force their governments to pay?
Simply seize Mexican assets in the US. No problem what so ever.
Mexico has about 120 billion in foreign accounts.
That should cover it nicely.
And then Mexico seizes U.S. investments in Mexico. Sounds like a plan.

we survived when chavez did it.
Illegal aliens should be sent at their government's expense, back to where they belong.

How would you force their governments to pay?
Simply seize Mexican assets in the US. No problem what so ever.
Mexico has about 120 billion in foreign accounts.
That should cover it nicely.
And then Mexico seizes U.S. investments in Mexico. Sounds like a plan.
It's fucking MEXICO. We make the rules.
but congrats for admitting obama made income inequality worse leftard!!! ;)

Poverty levels keep rising but incomes remained stagnant. What do you think would happen?

For example when President Bush was elected the poverty level for a family of 4 was $17,050.00. In 2015 the poverty level is $24,250.00 for a family of 4
but congrats for admitting obama made income inequality worse leftard!!! ;)

Poverty levels keep rising but incomes remained stagnant. What do you think would happen?

For example when President Bush was elected the poverty level for a family of 4 was $17,050.00. In 2015 the poverty level is $24,250.00 for a family of 4
Well, is a family of 4 making $24,250 in 2015 in better or worse shape than they were in 2001 at $17,050?
I submit better. The # is arbitrary.
What possible reason would the current administration have for setting the poverty level at $24,250?
Illegal aliens should be sent at their government's expense, back to where they belong.

How would you force their governments to pay?
Simply seize Mexican assets in the US. No problem what so ever.
Mexico has about 120 billion in foreign accounts.
That should cover it nicely.
And then Mexico seizes U.S. investments in Mexico. Sounds like a plan.
It's fucking MEXICO. We make the rules.
How would you prevent Mexico from seizing U.S. assets in Mexico?
Illegal aliens should be sent at their government's expense, back to where they belong.

How would you force their governments to pay?
Simply seize Mexican assets in the US. No problem what so ever.
Mexico has about 120 billion in foreign accounts.
That should cover it nicely.
And then Mexico seizes U.S. investments in Mexico. Sounds like a plan.
It's fucking MEXICO. We make the rules.
How would you prevent Mexico from seizing U.S. assets in Mexico?
How would you prevent a 5 year old, 30 pound rug rat from taking your bicycle?
That's rich: Poverty level under Obama breaks 50-year record
The Washington Times
Jan 7, 2014 - That's rich: Poverty level under Obama breaks 50-year record ... A record 47 million Americans receive food stamps, about 13 million more than when he took office. ... History in the making: Watch an F-35C make its first aircraft carrier landing ... Boyer can be reached at [email protected]

Washington Times, no bias there!
Anyway, it's a cold hard fact that wages for the working class have been flat for four decades. Then there's the obscene amount of money flowing upwards due fantastic corporate profits, record productivity and the continuation of flat wage growth. Somebody is getting rich off the flat wages during a time of very good economic growth and counting on the government to makeup the difference for their workers with food stamps.
The GOP could have something about this issue, but even with 76% of the public being for raising the minimum wage, the GOP refused.
The very conservative Cato Institute recently stated that roughly 70% of the middleclassbenefits from minimum wage increases.

good one idiot. that doesnt explain why the richest got richer and the poorest got poorer FASTER UNDER DEMOCRATS than under the Party you accuse of being in the pocket of those rich corporate types
try again.........................

Well genius, most people who are paying attention know that the very wealthy, like everyone else too a big financial hit from the Great Recession. Unlike 95% percent, they have the tools that enable them to make up for their loses by paying super low wages and off-shoring jobs which enhanced their operating costs and bottom line. Translation: More money to line their pockets driving working Americans to food stamps.
It's not that hard to figure out Gomer.

you should avoid posting moron; you just tried to show causation for the poor being poor by essentially sayin they are poor BECAUSE the rich are rich. you're simply an idiot. AGAIN, REGARDLESS of how easy it is for the wealthy to rebound how did that make the poor poorer???

Are you that isolated from reality or is it because you either going to hyper-partisan blogs or talk radio and then coming here and displaying how easily you are manipulated?
What I posted mirrors what economist are saying.
I believe you should be reminded that George W Bush lowered taxes on capital gains and dividends to bump job growth because of sluggish job growth following the 2001 recession he inherited from Clinton. Instead of the job creators creating jobs for Americans, they created millions of jobs offshore via outsourcing American jobs. As a matter of fact, almost as half the jobs that were created were on foreign soil! They basically stabbed Bush and American workers in the back.
What do I hope you learn from Bush's and Obama's experience with these people? I hope you get a clue that these $$$ people could care less if it's a Democrat or Republicanwho' running the country, they'll do what they want to do and it's tough shot for everyone else.
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for starters; just off the top of my head:

1. Democrats "immigration reform" has nothing to do with immigration reform, and everything to do with pandering to millions of mostly Hispanic minorities who already SNUCK IN. obama's proposal doesnt address the actual immigration system. There is nothing fair or equitable about putting millions who snuck in ahead of virtually millions from ALL RACES AND ETHNICITIES waiting patiently IN LINE IN THEIR COUNTRIES to come here LEGALLY

2. Black lives are worthless to Democrats. if they actually mattered the Left would be more concerned with teh SIX THOUSAND BLACK PEOPLE MURDERED EVERY YEAR by other Black people.
Oh and if Black lives really mattered, THE ABOVE PROPOSAL FOR ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS would be abandoned by Democrats SINCE IT WILL DEVASTATE THE BLACK COMMUNITY

3. the economy: record welfare and food stamps isnt "forward progress". if things were really so great there wouldnt be 13 MILLION MORE on food stamps heading into obama's EIGHTH AND FINAL YEAR then there were when Bush left office

libs lie to themselves

Maybe if your side offered something other than "This is my opinion and it is TRUTH and STFU!" it might be possible to discuss issues.

But the SHOUTING from your side suggests you're not interested in discussion, just SHOUTING.
Well, the logical person does not attempt to debate facts.
for starters; just off the top of my head:

1. Democrats "immigration reform" has nothing to do with immigration reform, and everything to do with pandering to millions of mostly Hispanic minorities who already SNUCK IN. obama's proposal doesnt address the actual immigration system. There is nothing fair or equitable about putting millions who snuck in ahead of virtually millions from ALL RACES AND ETHNICITIES waiting patiently IN LINE IN THEIR COUNTRIES to come here LEGALLY

The immigration reform bill passed the Senate with bi-partisan support and would pass the House with bi-partisan support if Boehner had not blocked it from a vote.

The only people who were opposed to it were the vast majority of voters.
How would you force their governments to pay?
Simply seize Mexican assets in the US. No problem what so ever.
Mexico has about 120 billion in foreign accounts.
That should cover it nicely.
And then Mexico seizes U.S. investments in Mexico. Sounds like a plan.
It's fucking MEXICO. We make the rules.
How would you prevent Mexico from seizing U.S. assets in Mexico?
How would you prevent a 5 year old, 30 pound rug rat from taking your bicycle?

Inapt comparison. If you're afraid to post "Bomb them back to the Stone Age," that's understandable.
for starters; just off the top of my head:

1. Democrats "immigration reform" has nothing to do with immigration reform, and everything to do with pandering to millions of mostly Hispanic minorities who already SNUCK IN. obama's proposal doesnt address the actual immigration system. There is nothing fair or equitable about putting millions who snuck in ahead of virtually millions from ALL RACES AND ETHNICITIES waiting patiently IN LINE IN THEIR COUNTRIES to come here LEGALLY

The immigration reform bill passed the Senate with bi-partisan support and would pass the House with bi-partisan support if Boehner had not blocked it from a vote.

The only people who were opposed to it were the vast majority of voters.

And you have the numbers to prove that.

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