Issues Left-wingers refuse to accept

That's rich: Poverty level under Obama breaks 50-year record
The Washington Times
Jan 7, 2014 - That's rich: Poverty level under Obama breaks 50-year record ... A record 47 million Americans receive food stamps, about 13 million more than when he took office. ... History in the making: Watch an F-35C make its first aircraft carrier landing ... Boyer can be reached at [email protected]

Washington Times, no bias there!
Anyway, it's a cold hard fact that wages for the working class have been flat for four decades. Then there's the obscene amount of money flowing upwards due fantastic corporate profits, record productivity and the continuation of flat wage growth. Somebody is getting rich off the flat wages during a time of very good economic growth and counting on the government to makeup the difference for their workers with food stamps.
The GOP could have something about this issue, but even with 76% of the public being for raising the minimum wage, the GOP refused.
The very conservative Cato Institute recently stated that roughly 70% of the middleclassbenefits from minimum wage increases.
Last edited:
Maybe if your side offered something other than "This is my opinion and it is TRUTH and STFU!" it might be possible to discuss issues.

But the SHOUTING from your side suggests you're not interested in discussion, just SHOUTING.
Nobody's shouting but you. You didn't dispute anything the OP said. You just dismissed it as "shouting"
Opinions can be accepted or dismissed; they can't be disputed. When the OP presents some supporting data for his opinion, I'll be happy to discuss it.
He started with 3 premises. You made no attempt to refute his claims or offer proof that his premises were wrong.
What you did do was type SHOUTING in all caps twice.
Accusing someone of shouting for stating a premise is what? A waste of intenet bandwidth is about all.
You've said nothing, imparted no knowledge, learned nothing and you haven't impressed anyone but yourself.
WHYTHEFUCK are you even here?

Those are not premises. Those were highly charged partisan attack positions.


Two accusations of pandering and one blaming the welfare and food stamps increases on the President. Yawn. Partisan attack material 101.
i'm the partisan one according to you; tell everybody here how it is fair to grant legal status to people who SNUCK IN ahead of the people waiting in line, filing papers and waiting in their own countries???

Let me quote one of the former Republicans leaders who no longer would be accepted by the current party.

"I believe in the idea of amnesty for those who have put down roots and lived here, even though sometime back they may have entered illegally."
for starters; just off the top of my head:

1. Democrats "immigration reform" has nothing to do with immigration reform, and everything to do with pandering to millions of mostly Hispanic minorities who already SNUCK IN. obama's proposal doesnt address the actual immigration system. There is nothing fair or equitable about putting millions who snuck in ahead of virtually millions from ALL RACES AND ETHNICITIES waiting patiently IN LINE IN THEIR COUNTRIES to come here LEGALLY

2. Black lives are worthless to Democrats. if they actually mattered the Left would be more concerned with teh SIX THOUSAND BLACK PEOPLE MURDERED EVERY YEAR by other Black people.
Oh and if Black lives really mattered, THE ABOVE PROPOSAL FOR ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS would be abandoned by Democrats SINCE IT WILL DEVASTATE THE BLACK COMMUNITY

3. the economy: record welfare and food stamps isnt "forward progress". if things were really so great there wouldnt be 13 MILLION MORE on food stamps heading into obama's EIGHTH AND FINAL YEAR then there were when Bush left office

libs lie to themselves
Another thing liberals don't care about: Providing a proper education which would enable internet posters to communicate with proper grammar, spelling, and punctuation. Nor do they care about providing an education in critical thinking.
Be careful. If you make a grammatical mistake, I'm coming for you. Lol

When typing on a tiny phone, very fast, it's nearly impossible to be perfect.
for starters; just off the top of my head:

1. Democrats "immigration reform" has nothing to do with immigration reform, and everything to do with pandering to millions of mostly Hispanic minorities who already SNUCK IN. obama's proposal doesnt address the actual immigration system. There is nothing fair or equitable about putting millions who snuck in ahead of virtually millions from ALL RACES AND ETHNICITIES waiting patiently IN LINE IN THEIR COUNTRIES to come here LEGALLY

2. Black lives are worthless to Democrats. if they actually mattered the Left would be more concerned with teh SIX THOUSAND BLACK PEOPLE MURDERED EVERY YEAR by other Black people.
Oh and if Black lives really mattered, THE ABOVE PROPOSAL FOR ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS would be abandoned by Democrats SINCE IT WILL DEVASTATE THE BLACK COMMUNITY

3. the economy: record welfare and food stamps isnt "forward progress". if things were really so great there wouldnt be 13 MILLION MORE on food stamps heading into obama's EIGHTH AND FINAL YEAR then there were when Bush left office

libs lie to themselves

Maybe if your side offered something other than "This is my opinion and it is TRUTH and STFU!" it might be possible to discuss issues.

But the SHOUTING from your side suggests you're not interested in discussion, just SHOUTING.
Nobody's shouting but you. You didn't dispute anything the OP said. You just dismissed it as "shouting"
Opinions can be accepted or dismissed; they can't be disputed. When the OP presents some supporting data for his opinion, I'll be happy to discuss it.
He started with 3 premises. You made no attempt to refute his claims or offer proof that his premises were wrong.
What you did do was type SHOUTING in all caps twice.
Accusing someone of shouting for stating a premise is what? A waste of intenet bandwidth is about all.
You've said nothing, imparted no knowledge, learned nothing and you haven't impressed anyone but yourself.
WHYTHEFUCK are you even here?

And all you're doing is trying to play nanny with me. Let me know when you're finished.
Let me know when you have something to say about the topic of discussion.
2. Black lives are worthless to Democrats. if they actually mattered the Left would be more concerned with teh SIX THOUSAND BLACK PEOPLE MURDERED EVERY YEAR by other Black people.
Oh and if Black lives really mattered, THE ABOVE PROPOSAL FOR ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS would be abandoned by Democrats SINCE IT WILL DEVASTATE THE BLACK COMMUNITY

If the Gnu Right cares about black people, how come whenever they talk about black people, it is in the context of food stamps, Obamaphones, murder, knockout games, and so forth?

3. the economy: record welfare and food stamps isnt "forward progress". if things were really so great there wouldnt be 13 MILLION MORE on food stamps heading into obama's EIGHTH AND FINAL YEAR then there were when Bush left office

Well, I certainly can't argue that Republicans hate poor people. After all, they make so many of them!
We would love to talk about significant accomplishments by black citizens

If that were true, then you would. But the Gnu Right doesn't.
You edited my post and offered an unsubstantiated opinion with a funny spelling tossed in. Maybe in your universe that is a valid rebuttal, but in this one, I accept your concession.
i'm the partisan one according to you; tell everybody here how it is fair to grant legal status to people who SNUCK IN ahead of the people waiting in line, filing papers and waiting in their own countries???

Let me quote one of the former Republicans leaders who no longer would be accepted by the current party.

"I believe in the idea of amnesty for those who have put down roots and lived here, even though sometime back they may have entered illegally."

AGAIN; state for everybody here why they should be put ahead of people waiting in line. that is what i asked, why ahead of people who are waiting to do it legally???

republicans did it too isnt an answer idiot

try again
Nobody's shouting but you. You didn't dispute anything the OP said. You just dismissed it as "shouting"
Opinions can be accepted or dismissed; they can't be disputed. When the OP presents some supporting data for his opinion, I'll be happy to discuss it.
He started with 3 premises. You made no attempt to refute his claims or offer proof that his premises were wrong.
What you did do was type SHOUTING in all caps twice.
Accusing someone of shouting for stating a premise is what? A waste of intenet bandwidth is about all.
You've said nothing, imparted no knowledge, learned nothing and you haven't impressed anyone but yourself.
WHYTHEFUCK are you even here?

Those are not premises. Those were highly charged partisan attack positions.


Two accusations of pandering and one blaming the welfare and food stamps increases on the President. Yawn. Partisan attack material 101.

an accuation of a partisan attack with nothing to offer in rebuttal other than a whine about a partisan attack

Yawn, partisan hypocrisy and projection
That's rich: Poverty level under Obama breaks 50-year record
The Washington Times
Jan 7, 2014 - That's rich: Poverty level under Obama breaks 50-year record ... A record 47 million Americans receive food stamps, about 13 million more than when he took office. ... History in the making: Watch an F-35C make its first aircraft carrier landing ... Boyer can be reached at [email protected]

Washington Times, no bias there!
Anyway, it's a cold hard fact that wages for the working class have been flat for four decades. Then there's the obscene amount of money flowing upwards due fantastic corporate profits, record productivity and the continuation of flat wage growth. Somebody is getting rich off the flat wages during a time of very good economic growth and counting on the government to makeup the difference for their workers with food stamps.
The GOP could have something about this issue, but even with 76% of the public being for raising the minimum wage, the GOP refused.
The very conservative Cato Institute recently stated that roughly 70% of the middleclassbenefits from minimum wage increases.

good one idiot. that doesnt explain why the richest got richer and the poorest got poorer FASTER UNDER DEMOCRATS than under the Party you accuse of being in the pocket of those rich corporate types

try again.........................
for starters; just off the top of my head:

1. Democrats "immigration reform" has nothing to do with immigration reform, and everything to do with pandering to millions of mostly Hispanic minorities who already SNUCK IN. obama's proposal doesnt address the actual immigration system. There is nothing fair or equitable about putting millions who snuck in ahead of virtually millions from ALL RACES AND ETHNICITIES waiting patiently IN LINE IN THEIR COUNTRIES to come here LEGALLY

2. Black lives are worthless to Democrats. if they actually mattered the Left would be more concerned with teh SIX THOUSAND BLACK PEOPLE MURDERED EVERY YEAR by other Black people.
Oh and if Black lives really mattered, THE ABOVE PROPOSAL FOR ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS would be abandoned by Democrats SINCE IT WILL DEVASTATE THE BLACK COMMUNITY

3. the economy: record welfare and food stamps isnt "forward progress". if things were really so great there wouldnt be 13 MILLION MORE on food stamps heading into obama's EIGHTH AND FINAL YEAR then there were when Bush left office

libs lie to themselves

Maybe if your side offered something other than "This is my opinion and it is TRUTH and STFU!" it might be possible to discuss issues.

But the SHOUTING from your side suggests you're not interested in discussion, just SHOUTING.
I suppose it's cathartic, better than kicking the dog or beating the wife. The best thing to do with threads like this is to ignore them. The writer has no interest in an intelligent discussion.

Not with unintelligent people... it's impossible. So, we dumb it down for you guys and have some fun.

and while you LWNJs are at it share with us how you feel Black Americans will benefit, and not be harmed, by granting legal status to 12 million or so mostly Hispanic illegals???
Nobody's shouting but you. You didn't dispute anything the OP said. You just dismissed it as "shouting"
Opinions can be accepted or dismissed; they can't be disputed. When the OP presents some supporting data for his opinion, I'll be happy to discuss it.
He started with 3 premises. You made no attempt to refute his claims or offer proof that his premises were wrong.
What you did do was type SHOUTING in all caps twice.
Accusing someone of shouting for stating a premise is what? A waste of intenet bandwidth is about all.
You've said nothing, imparted no knowledge, learned nothing and you haven't impressed anyone but yourself.
WHYTHEFUCK are you even here?

Those are not premises. Those were highly charged partisan attack positions.


Two accusations of pandering and one blaming the welfare and food stamps increases on the President. Yawn. Partisan attack material 101.

Oh, so Obama isn't president? Oh, that's right... it is all Bush's and Reagan's fault.

i'm the partisan one according to you; tell everybody here how it is fair to grant legal status to people who SNUCK IN ahead of the people waiting in line, filing papers and waiting in their own countries???

Let me quote one of the former Republicans leaders who no longer would be accepted by the current party.

"I believe in the idea of amnesty for those who have put down roots and lived here, even though sometime back they may have entered illegally."

you mean reagan right? if he wouldnt be accepted in the modern Republican Party does this mean left-wing losers will stop crying like he was the devil himself?????
Opinions can be accepted or dismissed; they can't be disputed. When the OP presents some supporting data for his opinion, I'll be happy to discuss it.
He started with 3 premises. You made no attempt to refute his claims or offer proof that his premises were wrong.
What you did do was type SHOUTING in all caps twice.
Accusing someone of shouting for stating a premise is what? A waste of intenet bandwidth is about all.
You've said nothing, imparted no knowledge, learned nothing and you haven't impressed anyone but yourself.
WHYTHEFUCK are you even here?

Those are not premises. Those were highly charged partisan attack positions.


Two accusations of pandering and one blaming the welfare and food stamps increases on the President. Yawn. Partisan attack material 101.

Oh, so Obama isn't president? Oh, that's right... it is all Bush's and Reagan's fault.


exactly!! everything that happened when bush and reagan were president was their fault, and everything that has happened under obama is bush and reagan's fault according to left-wingnuts

just laughable idiots wallowing in projection and denial really
for starters; just off the top of my head:

1. Democrats "immigration reform" has nothing to do with immigration reform, and everything to do with pandering to millions of mostly Hispanic minorities who already SNUCK IN. obama's proposal doesnt address the actual immigration system. There is nothing fair or equitable about putting millions who snuck in ahead of virtually millions from ALL RACES AND ETHNICITIES waiting patiently IN LINE IN THEIR COUNTRIES to come here LEGALLY

2. Black lives are worthless to Democrats. if they actually mattered the Left would be more concerned with teh SIX THOUSAND BLACK PEOPLE MURDERED EVERY YEAR by other Black people.
Oh and if Black lives really mattered, THE ABOVE PROPOSAL FOR ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS would be abandoned by Democrats SINCE IT WILL DEVASTATE THE BLACK COMMUNITY

3. the economy: record welfare and food stamps isnt "forward progress". if things were really so great there wouldnt be 13 MILLION MORE on food stamps heading into obama's EIGHTH AND FINAL YEAR then there were when Bush left office

libs lie to themselves

If a bed wetter is talking they're lying. Your points are well laid out though, but if you look at any issue liberals ignore REALITY all the time. That's why I don't waste time "debating" these sniveling parasites, although I do respect those who do. As far as I am concerned, they aren't worthy of my time. They are to be marginalized and ridiculed, there is no end game beyond defeating these sniveling parasites and making them so uncomfortable that they expatriate to countries like Cuba, where everyone with the ability to think is trying to escape from.

You bring up issues such as immigration, where moonbats regurgitate bullshit like "we're a nation of immigrants". Well no fuckin shit, EVERY NATION is one of immigrants if we're supposed to believe that humans evolved in Africa, then spread out around the world. Only very modern humans developed borders based on their cultures and ethnicity.

The bed wetters want to pretend that is a bad thing, call themselves "progressive" while seeking to undo that development most notably only in the US and europe. China, Mexico and Saudi Arabia are above reproach regarding their immigration policies though.

The BLM cult is the most racist and violent movement in US history, yet according to moonbats their hatred is justified.

We are not dealing with rational, sane or cognizant people here. We are dealing with mindless, vapid and useless parasites thar are eating away at this nation from within, and they're programed to believe that their destructive endeavors are "progressive".

The simple fact that the USSR imploded trying to establish the sort of utopia these turds believe in should be enough to convince a child that there is no marxist santa, but moonbat "brains" aren't complex enough to process a concept even that simple.

i'm the partisan one according to you; tell everybody here how it is fair to grant legal status to people who SNUCK IN ahead of the people waiting in line, filing papers and waiting in their own countries???

Let me quote one of the former Republicans leaders who no longer would be accepted by the current party.

"I believe in the idea of amnesty for those who have put down roots and lived here, even though sometime back they may have entered illegally."

you mean reagan right? if he wouldnt be accepted in the modern Republican Party does this mean left-wing losers will stop crying like he was the devil himself?????
if the devil existed the gop would be a non stop party for him.
i'm the partisan one according to you; tell everybody here how it is fair to grant legal status to people who SNUCK IN ahead of the people waiting in line, filing papers and waiting in their own countries???

Let me quote one of the former Republicans leaders who no longer would be accepted by the current party.

"I believe in the idea of amnesty for those who have put down roots and lived here, even though sometime back they may have entered illegally."

AGAIN; state for everybody here why they should be put ahead of people waiting in line. that is what i asked, why ahead of people who are waiting to do it legally???

republicans did it too isnt an answer idiot

try again

The current system should be streamlined for those waiting in line and the undocumented workers who have been here more than 5 years should have to pass a background check, pay a fine, and start paying taxes. Furthermore we need harsher penalties for companies that knowingly hire illegals and pay them under the table.
for starters; just off the top of my head:

1. Democrats "immigration reform" has nothing to do with immigration reform, and everything to do with pandering to millions of mostly Hispanic minorities who already SNUCK IN. obama's proposal doesnt address the actual immigration system. There is nothing fair or equitable about putting millions who snuck in ahead of virtually millions from ALL RACES AND ETHNICITIES waiting patiently IN LINE IN THEIR COUNTRIES to come here LEGALLY

2. Black lives are worthless to Democrats. if they actually mattered the Left would be more concerned with teh SIX THOUSAND BLACK PEOPLE MURDERED EVERY YEAR by other Black people.
Oh and if Black lives really mattered, THE ABOVE PROPOSAL FOR ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS would be abandoned by Democrats SINCE IT WILL DEVASTATE THE BLACK COMMUNITY

3. the economy: record welfare and food stamps isnt "forward progress". if things were really so great there wouldnt be 13 MILLION MORE on food stamps heading into obama's EIGHTH AND FINAL YEAR then there were when Bush left office

libs lie to themselves

Maybe if your side offered something other than "This is my opinion and it is TRUTH and STFU!" it might be possible to discuss issues.

But the SHOUTING from your side suggests you're not interested in discussion, just SHOUTING.

most of my OP isnt in bold.

Nor did I say it was.
i'm the partisan one according to you; tell everybody here how it is fair to grant legal status to people who SNUCK IN ahead of the people waiting in line, filing papers and waiting in their own countries???

Let me quote one of the former Republicans leaders who no longer would be accepted by the current party.

"I believe in the idea of amnesty for those who have put down roots and lived here, even though sometime back they may have entered illegally."

AGAIN; state for everybody here why they should be put ahead of people waiting in line. that is what i asked, why ahead of people who are waiting to do it legally???

republicans did it too isnt an answer idiot

try again

The current system should be streamlined for those waiting in line and the undocumented workers who have been here more than 5 years should have to pass a background check, pay a fine, and start paying taxes. Furthermore we need harsher penalties for companies that knowingly hire illegals and pay them under the table.
Undocumented..:eusa_doh:.... OK undocumented workers.... Workers?
Really? Fuckit NO No! They are ILLEGAL ALIENS!


Illegal aliens should be sent at their government's expense, back to where they belong. If they wish to live here, they can feel free to apply at a US Embassy in their home country.
Anyone applying for resident status should be denied if they have been deported or arrested in the past.
Damn! I want to go full blown Kinison on these liberal idiots who have to invent shit like undocumented workers because some douche bag who doesn't belong here might be offended if you called him an illegal fucking immigrant.

OFFEND HIM for Christ sake! Maybe he'll get pissed off and LEAVE.

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