Issues Left-wingers refuse to accept

2. Black lives are worthless to Democrats. if they actually mattered the Left would be more concerned with teh SIX THOUSAND BLACK PEOPLE MURDERED EVERY YEAR by other Black people.
Oh and if Black lives really mattered, THE ABOVE PROPOSAL FOR ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS would be abandoned by Democrats SINCE IT WILL DEVASTATE THE BLACK COMMUNITY

If the Gnu Right cares about black people, how come whenever they talk about black people, it is in the context of food stamps, Obamaphones, murder, knockout games, and so forth?

3. the economy: record welfare and food stamps isnt "forward progress". if things were really so great there wouldnt be 13 MILLION MORE on food stamps heading into obama's EIGHTH AND FINAL YEAR then there were when Bush left office

Well, I certainly can't argue that Republicans hate poor people. After all, they make so many of them!
We would love to talk about significant accomplishments by black citizens, but blacks are under represented among American success stories. They are, however over represented in the context of food stamps, Obamaphones, murder, knockout games, and so forth.

those "obamaphones" were started in 1983 by Reagan ...

just sayin'
here is the FACTS on record levels of food stamps under obama, from very UN-RIGHT-WING it does say more food stamp recipients were added under bush than under obama, but it is from LAST YEAR, counting six obama years to 8 bush years.

ok start drooling now Siete-tard
for starters; just off the top of my head:

1. Democrats "immigration reform" has nothing to do with immigration reform, and everything to do with pandering to millions of mostly Hispanic minorities who already SNUCK IN. obama's proposal doesnt address the actual immigration system. There is nothing fair or equitable about putting millions who snuck in ahead of virtually millions from ALL RACES AND ETHNICITIES waiting patiently IN LINE IN THEIR COUNTRIES to come here LEGALLY

2. Black lives are worthless to Democrats. if they actually mattered the Left would be more concerned with teh SIX THOUSAND BLACK PEOPLE MURDERED EVERY YEAR by other Black people.
Oh and if Black lives really mattered, THE ABOVE PROPOSAL FOR ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS would be abandoned by Democrats SINCE IT WILL DEVASTATE THE BLACK COMMUNITY

3. the economy: record welfare and food stamps isnt "forward progress". if things were really so great there wouldnt be 13 MILLION MORE on food stamps heading into obama's EIGHTH AND FINAL YEAR then there were when Bush left office

libs lie to themselves

Maybe if your side offered something other than "This is my opinion and it is TRUTH and STFU!" it might be possible to discuss issues.

But the SHOUTING from your side suggests you're not interested in discussion, just SHOUTING.
Nobody's shouting but you. You didn't dispute anything the OP said. You just dismissed it as "shouting"
Opinions can be accepted or dismissed; they can't be disputed. When the OP presents some supporting data for his opinion, I'll be happy to discuss it.
He started with 3 premises. You made no attempt to refute his claims or offer proof that his premises were wrong.
What you did do was type SHOUTING in all caps twice.
Accusing someone of shouting for stating a premise is what? A waste of intenet bandwidth is about all.
You've said nothing, imparted no knowledge, learned nothing and you haven't impressed anyone but yourself.
WHYTHEFUCK are you even here?

And all you're doing is trying to play nanny with me. Let me know when you're finished.
2. Black lives are worthless to Democrats. if they actually mattered the Left would be more concerned with teh SIX THOUSAND BLACK PEOPLE MURDERED EVERY YEAR by other Black people.
Oh and if Black lives really mattered, THE ABOVE PROPOSAL FOR ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS would be abandoned by Democrats SINCE IT WILL DEVASTATE THE BLACK COMMUNITY

If the Gnu Right cares about black people, how come whenever they talk about black people, it is in the context of food stamps, Obamaphones, murder, knockout games, and so forth?

3. the economy: record welfare and food stamps isnt "forward progress". if things were really so great there wouldnt be 13 MILLION MORE on food stamps heading into obama's EIGHTH AND FINAL YEAR then there were when Bush left office

Well, I certainly can't argue that Republicans hate poor people. After all, they make so many of them!
We would love to talk about significant accomplishments by black citizens

If that were true, then you would. But the Gnu Right doesn't.
""The Congressional Budget Office predicts a continuation of the slow decrease from a high of 47 million in 2012 to 43 million in 2017 to 35 million in 2022.

from your own "rebuttal' of my post you idiot, from YOUR SOURCE, the CBO. i said record food stamps under obama you dullard. you just confirmed it with YOUR source while still crying about Breitbart

people shouldnt laugh at you why again???
for starters; just off the top of my head:

1. Democrats "immigration reform" has nothing to do with immigration reform, and everything to do with pandering to millions of mostly Hispanic minorities who already SNUCK IN. obama's proposal doesnt address the actual immigration system. There is nothing fair or equitable about putting millions who snuck in ahead of virtually millions from ALL RACES AND ETHNICITIES waiting patiently IN LINE IN THEIR COUNTRIES to come here LEGALLY

2. Black lives are worthless to Democrats. if they actually mattered the Left would be more concerned with teh SIX THOUSAND BLACK PEOPLE MURDERED EVERY YEAR by other Black people.
Oh and if Black lives really mattered, THE ABOVE PROPOSAL FOR ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS would be abandoned by Democrats SINCE IT WILL DEVASTATE THE BLACK COMMUNITY

3. the economy: record welfare and food stamps isnt "forward progress". if things were really so great there wouldnt be 13 MILLION MORE on food stamps heading into obama's EIGHTH AND FINAL YEAR then there were when Bush left office

libs lie to themselves

Maybe if your side offered something other than "This is my opinion and it is TRUTH and STFU!" it might be possible to discuss issues.

But the SHOUTING from your side suggests you're not interested in discussion, just SHOUTING.

most of my OP isnt in bold. people are "playing nanny with you" because you cant stop crying
2. Black lives are worthless to Democrats. if they actually mattered the Left would be more concerned with teh SIX THOUSAND BLACK PEOPLE MURDERED EVERY YEAR by other Black people.
Oh and if Black lives really mattered, THE ABOVE PROPOSAL FOR ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS would be abandoned by Democrats SINCE IT WILL DEVASTATE THE BLACK COMMUNITY

If the Gnu Right cares about black people, how come whenever they talk about black people, it is in the context of food stamps, Obamaphones, murder, knockout games, and so forth?

3. the economy: record welfare and food stamps isnt "forward progress". if things were really so great there wouldnt be 13 MILLION MORE on food stamps heading into obama's EIGHTH AND FINAL YEAR then there were when Bush left office

Well, I certainly can't argue that Republicans hate poor people. After all, they make so many of them!
We would love to talk about significant accomplishments by black citizens

If that were true, then you would. But the Gnu Right doesn't.

you cant prove that

here is the FACTS on record levels of food stamps under obama, from very UN-RIGHT-WING it does say more food stamp recipients were added under bush than under obama, but it is from LAST YEAR, counting six obama years to 8 bush years.

ok start drooling now Siete-tard

I just reported the facts ... you just reported your ignorance.
2. Black lives are worthless to Democrats. if they actually mattered the Left would be more concerned with teh SIX THOUSAND BLACK PEOPLE MURDERED EVERY YEAR by other Black people.
Oh and if Black lives really mattered, THE ABOVE PROPOSAL FOR ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS would be abandoned by Democrats SINCE IT WILL DEVASTATE THE BLACK COMMUNITY

If the Gnu Right cares about black people, how come whenever they talk about black people, it is in the context of food stamps, Obamaphones, murder, knockout games, and so forth?

3. the economy: record welfare and food stamps isnt "forward progress". if things were really so great there wouldnt be 13 MILLION MORE on food stamps heading into obama's EIGHTH AND FINAL YEAR then there were when Bush left office

Well, I certainly can't argue that Republicans hate poor people. After all, they make so many of them!

Because they are NOT racists. Do you hear me? No sir, they love black people! (Shaking and nodding head like Barney Fife)

except that poverty reached record highs on PROGRESSIVE'S WATCH
yet AGAIN, you should be taken seriously why again?????
here is the FACTS on record levels of food stamps under obama, from very UN-RIGHT-WING it does say more food stamp recipients were added under bush than under obama, but it is from LAST YEAR, counting six obama years to 8 bush years.

ok start drooling now Siete-tard

I just reported the facts ... you just reported your ignorance.

um no I REPORTED THE FACTS you sad loser. you reported distortions and something irrelevant.

once more what of what you posted disproves anything i said originally???

for starters; just off the top of my head:

1. Democrats "immigration reform" has nothing to do with immigration reform, and everything to do with pandering to millions of mostly Hispanic minorities who already SNUCK IN. obama's proposal doesnt address the actual immigration system. There is nothing fair or equitable about putting millions who snuck in ahead of virtually millions from ALL RACES AND ETHNICITIES waiting patiently IN LINE IN THEIR COUNTRIES to come here LEGALLY

The immigration reform bill passed the Senate with bi-partisan support and would pass the House with bi-partisan support if Boehner had not blocked it from a vote.

good one idiot! now imagine your critical thinking skills applied to things your own side does, and your mindless reflexive hyppocrisy didnt get in the way, and try to come up with something relevant explaining why REID PREVENTED ABOUT 300 BILLS FROM COMING UP FOR A VOTE. it wasnt because they DIDNT have a chance of passing leftard!!

idiots and hypocrites
for starters; just off the top of my head:

1. Democrats "immigration reform" has nothing to do with immigration reform, and everything to do with pandering to millions of mostly Hispanic minorities who already SNUCK IN. obama's proposal doesnt address the actual immigration system. There is nothing fair or equitable about putting millions who snuck in ahead of virtually millions from ALL RACES AND ETHNICITIES waiting patiently IN LINE IN THEIR COUNTRIES to come here LEGALLY

2. Black lives are worthless to Democrats. if they actually mattered the Left would be more concerned with teh SIX THOUSAND BLACK PEOPLE MURDERED EVERY YEAR by other Black people.
Oh and if Black lives really mattered, THE ABOVE PROPOSAL FOR ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS would be abandoned by Democrats SINCE IT WILL DEVASTATE THE BLACK COMMUNITY

3. the economy: record welfare and food stamps isnt "forward progress". if things were really so great there wouldnt be 13 MILLION MORE on food stamps heading into obama's EIGHTH AND FINAL YEAR then there were when Bush left office

libs lie to themselves

Maybe if your side offered something other than "This is my opinion and it is TRUTH and STFU!" it might be possible to discuss issues.

But the SHOUTING from your side suggests you're not interested in discussion, just SHOUTING.
Nobody's shouting but you. You didn't dispute anything the OP said. You just dismissed it as "shouting"
Opinions can be accepted or dismissed; they can't be disputed. When the OP presents some supporting data for his opinion, I'll be happy to discuss it.
He started with 3 premises. You made no attempt to refute his claims or offer proof that his premises were wrong.
What you did do was type SHOUTING in all caps twice.
Accusing someone of shouting for stating a premise is what? A waste of intenet bandwidth is about all.
You've said nothing, imparted no knowledge, learned nothing and you haven't impressed anyone but yourself.
WHYTHEFUCK are you even here?

Those are not premises. Those were highly charged partisan attack positions.
for starters; just off the top of my head:

1. Democrats "immigration reform" has nothing to do with immigration reform, and everything to do with pandering to millions of mostly Hispanic minorities who already SNUCK IN. obama's proposal doesnt address the actual immigration system. There is nothing fair or equitable about putting millions who snuck in ahead of virtually millions from ALL RACES AND ETHNICITIES waiting patiently IN LINE IN THEIR COUNTRIES to come here LEGALLY

2. Black lives are worthless to Democrats. if they actually mattered the Left would be more concerned with teh SIX THOUSAND BLACK PEOPLE MURDERED EVERY YEAR by other Black people.
Oh and if Black lives really mattered, THE ABOVE PROPOSAL FOR ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS would be abandoned by Democrats SINCE IT WILL DEVASTATE THE BLACK COMMUNITY

3. the economy: record welfare and food stamps isnt "forward progress". if things were really so great there wouldnt be 13 MILLION MORE on food stamps heading into obama's EIGHTH AND FINAL YEAR then there were when Bush left office

libs lie to themselves

Maybe if your side offered something other than "This is my opinion and it is TRUTH and STFU!" it might be possible to discuss issues.

But the SHOUTING from your side suggests you're not interested in discussion, just SHOUTING.
Nobody's shouting but you. You didn't dispute anything the OP said. You just dismissed it as "shouting"
Opinions can be accepted or dismissed; they can't be disputed. When the OP presents some supporting data for his opinion, I'll be happy to discuss it.
He started with 3 premises. You made no attempt to refute his claims or offer proof that his premises were wrong.
What you did do was type SHOUTING in all caps twice.
Accusing someone of shouting for stating a premise is what? A waste of intenet bandwidth is about all.
You've said nothing, imparted no knowledge, learned nothing and you haven't impressed anyone but yourself.
WHYTHEFUCK are you even here?

Those are not premises. Those were highly charged partisan attack positions.

for starters; just off the top of my head:

1. Democrats "immigration reform" has nothing to do with immigration reform, and everything to do with pandering to millions of mostly Hispanic minorities who already SNUCK IN. obama's proposal doesnt address the actual immigration system. There is nothing fair or equitable about putting millions who snuck in ahead of virtually millions from ALL RACES AND ETHNICITIES waiting patiently IN LINE IN THEIR COUNTRIES to come here LEGALLY

2. Black lives are worthless to Democrats. if they actually mattered the Left would be more concerned with teh SIX THOUSAND BLACK PEOPLE MURDERED EVERY YEAR by other Black people.
Oh and if Black lives really mattered, THE ABOVE PROPOSAL FOR ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS would be abandoned by Democrats SINCE IT WILL DEVASTATE THE BLACK COMMUNITY

3. the economy: record welfare and food stamps isnt "forward progress". if things were really so great there wouldnt be 13 MILLION MORE on food stamps heading into obama's EIGHTH AND FINAL YEAR then there were when Bush left office

libs lie to themselves

Maybe if your side offered something other than "This is my opinion and it is TRUTH and STFU!" it might be possible to discuss issues.

But the SHOUTING from your side suggests you're not interested in discussion, just SHOUTING.
Nobody's shouting but you. You didn't dispute anything the OP said. You just dismissed it as "shouting"
bullshit! all you dick heads do is shout and throw tantrums.
for starters; just off the top of my head:

1. Democrats "immigration reform" has nothing to do with immigration reform, and everything to do with pandering to millions of mostly Hispanic minorities who already SNUCK IN. obama's proposal doesnt address the actual immigration system. There is nothing fair or equitable about putting millions who snuck in ahead of virtually millions from ALL RACES AND ETHNICITIES waiting patiently IN LINE IN THEIR COUNTRIES to come here LEGALLY

2. Black lives are worthless to Democrats. if they actually mattered the Left would be more concerned with teh SIX THOUSAND BLACK PEOPLE MURDERED EVERY YEAR by other Black people.
Oh and if Black lives really mattered, THE ABOVE PROPOSAL FOR ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS would be abandoned by Democrats SINCE IT WILL DEVASTATE THE BLACK COMMUNITY

3. the economy: record welfare and food stamps isnt "forward progress". if things were really so great there wouldnt be 13 MILLION MORE on food stamps heading into obama's EIGHTH AND FINAL YEAR then there were when Bush left office

libs lie to themselves

Maybe if your side offered something other than "This is my opinion and it is TRUTH and STFU!" it might be possible to discuss issues.

But the SHOUTING from your side suggests you're not interested in discussion, just SHOUTING.
Nobody's shouting but you. You didn't dispute anything the OP said. You just dismissed it as "shouting"
Opinions can be accepted or dismissed; they can't be disputed. When the OP presents some supporting data for his opinion, I'll be happy to discuss it.
He started with 3 premises. You made no attempt to refute his claims or offer proof that his premises were wrong.
What you did do was type SHOUTING in all caps twice.
Accusing someone of shouting for stating a premise is what? A waste of intenet bandwidth is about all.
You've said nothing, imparted no knowledge, learned nothing and you haven't impressed anyone but yourself.
WHYTHEFUCK are you even here?

Those are not premises. Those were highly charged partisan attack positions.

great crybaby!!

then you should easily be able to say how obama's proposal addresses in any way the ACTUAL immigration system where millions are waiting patiently in line to come in LEGALLY RIGHT? AND WHILE YOU'RE AT it, since i'm the partisan one according to you; tell everybody here how it is fair to grant legal status to people who SNUCK IN ahead of the people waiting in line, filing papers and waiting in their own countries???
for starters; just off the top of my head:

1. Democrats "immigration reform" has nothing to do with immigration reform, and everything to do with pandering to millions of mostly Hispanic minorities who already SNUCK IN. obama's proposal doesnt address the actual immigration system. There is nothing fair or equitable about putting millions who snuck in ahead of virtually millions from ALL RACES AND ETHNICITIES waiting patiently IN LINE IN THEIR COUNTRIES to come here LEGALLY

2. Black lives are worthless to Democrats. if they actually mattered the Left would be more concerned with teh SIX THOUSAND BLACK PEOPLE MURDERED EVERY YEAR by other Black people.
Oh and if Black lives really mattered, THE ABOVE PROPOSAL FOR ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS would be abandoned by Democrats SINCE IT WILL DEVASTATE THE BLACK COMMUNITY

3. the economy: record welfare and food stamps isnt "forward progress". if things were really so great there wouldnt be 13 MILLION MORE on food stamps heading into obama's EIGHTH AND FINAL YEAR then there were when Bush left office

libs lie to themselves

Maybe if your side offered something other than "This is my opinion and it is TRUTH and STFU!" it might be possible to discuss issues.

But the SHOUTING from your side suggests you're not interested in discussion, just SHOUTING.
I suppose it's cathartic, better than kicking the dog or beating the wife. The best thing to do with threads like this is to ignore them. The writer has no interest in an intelligent discussion.
for starters; just off the top of my head:

1. Democrats "immigration reform" has nothing to do with immigration reform, and everything to do with pandering to millions of mostly Hispanic minorities who already SNUCK IN. obama's proposal doesnt address the actual immigration system. There is nothing fair or equitable about putting millions who snuck in ahead of virtually millions from ALL RACES AND ETHNICITIES waiting patiently IN LINE IN THEIR COUNTRIES to come here LEGALLY

2. Black lives are worthless to Democrats. if they actually mattered the Left would be more concerned with teh SIX THOUSAND BLACK PEOPLE MURDERED EVERY YEAR by other Black people.
Oh and if Black lives really mattered, THE ABOVE PROPOSAL FOR ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS would be abandoned by Democrats SINCE IT WILL DEVASTATE THE BLACK COMMUNITY

3. the economy: record welfare and food stamps isnt "forward progress". if things were really so great there wouldnt be 13 MILLION MORE on food stamps heading into obama's EIGHTH AND FINAL YEAR then there were when Bush left office

libs lie to themselves

Maybe if your side offered something other than "This is my opinion and it is TRUTH and STFU!" it might be possible to discuss issues.

But the SHOUTING from your side suggests you're not interested in discussion, just SHOUTING.
Nobody's shouting but you. You didn't dispute anything the OP said. You just dismissed it as "shouting"
Opinions can be accepted or dismissed; they can't be disputed. When the OP presents some supporting data for his opinion, I'll be happy to discuss it.
He started with 3 premises. You made no attempt to refute his claims or offer proof that his premises were wrong.
What you did do was type SHOUTING in all caps twice.
Accusing someone of shouting for stating a premise is what? A waste of intenet bandwidth is about all.
You've said nothing, imparted no knowledge, learned nothing and you haven't impressed anyone but yourself.
WHYTHEFUCK are you even here?

Those are not premises. Those were highly charged partisan attack positions.

great crybaby!! tell every body here how a conversation/issue labled "Black Lives Matter" that doesnt include SIX THOUSAND MURDERED BLACK PEOPLE EACH AND EVERY YEAR, is relevant??????
you libs say the 6,000 murdered black people is a deflection. i say it's a deflection NOT to mention them

go ahead; i'll wait
for starters; just off the top of my head:

1. Democrats "immigration reform" has nothing to do with immigration reform, and everything to do with pandering to millions of mostly Hispanic minorities who already SNUCK IN. obama's proposal doesnt address the actual immigration system. There is nothing fair or equitable about putting millions who snuck in ahead of virtually millions from ALL RACES AND ETHNICITIES waiting patiently IN LINE IN THEIR COUNTRIES to come here LEGALLY

2. Black lives are worthless to Democrats. if they actually mattered the Left would be more concerned with teh SIX THOUSAND BLACK PEOPLE MURDERED EVERY YEAR by other Black people.
Oh and if Black lives really mattered, THE ABOVE PROPOSAL FOR ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS would be abandoned by Democrats SINCE IT WILL DEVASTATE THE BLACK COMMUNITY

3. the economy: record welfare and food stamps isnt "forward progress". if things were really so great there wouldnt be 13 MILLION MORE on food stamps heading into obama's EIGHTH AND FINAL YEAR then there were when Bush left office

libs lie to themselves

Maybe if your side offered something other than "This is my opinion and it is TRUTH and STFU!" it might be possible to discuss issues.

But the SHOUTING from your side suggests you're not interested in discussion, just SHOUTING.
I suppose it's cathartic, better than kicking the dog or beating the wife. The best thing to do with threads like this is to ignore them. The writer has no interest in an intelligent discussion.

translation; i dont have a single thing to rebut anything the right-wing guy said in his OP; so i'm gonna have to deflect here
2. Black lives are worthless to Democrats. if they actually mattered the Left would be more concerned with teh SIX THOUSAND BLACK PEOPLE MURDERED EVERY YEAR by other Black people.
Oh and if Black lives really mattered, THE ABOVE PROPOSAL FOR ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS would be abandoned by Democrats SINCE IT WILL DEVASTATE THE BLACK COMMUNITY

If the Gnu Right cares about black people, how come whenever they talk about black people, it is in the context of food stamps, Obamaphones, murder, knockout games, and so forth?

3. the economy: record welfare and food stamps isnt "forward progress". if things were really so great there wouldnt be 13 MILLION MORE on food stamps heading into obama's EIGHTH AND FINAL YEAR then there were when Bush left office

Well, I certainly can't argue that Republicans hate poor people. After all, they make so many of them!

when you say something that actually resembles reality let me know ok???
2. Black lives are worthless to Democrats. if they actually mattered the Left would be more concerned with teh SIX THOUSAND BLACK PEOPLE MURDERED EVERY YEAR by other Black people.
Oh and if Black lives really mattered, THE ABOVE PROPOSAL FOR ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS would be abandoned by Democrats SINCE IT WILL DEVASTATE THE BLACK COMMUNITY

If the Gnu Right cares about black people, how come whenever they talk about black people, it is in the context of food stamps, Obamaphones, murder, knockout games, and so forth?

3. the economy: record welfare and food stamps isnt "forward progress". if things were really so great there wouldnt be 13 MILLION MORE on food stamps heading into obama's EIGHTH AND FINAL YEAR then there were when Bush left office

Well, I certainly can't argue that Republicans hate poor people. After all, they make so many of them!

i dont remember creating a post about food stamps that referenced black people, or a post about black people that referenced food stamps, or mentioned Black people "in the context of food stamps, obamaphones, or knockout games". Maybe you can put me in my place and provide that for me and the others by pointing out which post i said that in????

arent you the IDIOT who loves to rant about "confirmation bias"?? yet here you are doing exactly what you accuse others of doing. if you were an idiot like rdean it would be one thing; but you should know better than to offer the same empty racial pandering hyperbole
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