It All Comes Down to Turnout


Aug 13, 2012
"Forget the half-dozen voters in each swing state who haven't made up their minds, aren't paying attention to the campaigns, and may not even vote.

The real battle for each side is getting their supporters, who are ardent about the candidate but who finding voting to be a big chore, to get to the polls between now and election day. The election is likely to be decided to which party is better at its get-out-the-vote operation, known in the trade as the "ground war."

Democrats did a much better job at this in 2008 than Republicans but Republicans are fixated on not letting this happen again. Both sides have tens of thousands of volunteers pounding the pavement to get people to vote. In some states, for example, the list of who has already voted is posted on precinct doors every few hours on election day.

The precinct workers check these regularly and then go to the houses of nonvoters known (from previous visits) to be friendly and offer rides, babysitting services, or whatever it takes to get the voters to the polls. A few votes per precinct nationwide can mean the difference between victory and defeat."

"Forget the half-dozen voters in each swing state who haven't made up their minds, aren't paying attention to the campaigns, and may not even vote.

The real battle for each side is getting their supporters, who are ardent about the candidate but who finding voting to be a big chore, to get to the polls between now and election day. The election is likely to be decided to which party is better at its get-out-the-vote operation, known in the trade as the "ground war."

Democrats did a much better job at this in 2008 than Republicans but Republicans are fixated on not letting this happen again. Both sides have tens of thousands of volunteers pounding the pavement to get people to vote. In some states, for example, the list of who has already voted is posted on precinct doors every few hours on election day.

The precinct workers check these regularly and then go to the houses of nonvoters known (from previous visits) to be friendly and offer rides, babysitting services, or whatever it takes to get the voters to the polls. A few votes per precinct nationwide can mean the difference between victory and defeat."

very true. turnout could be deciding factor here
If it depends on turnout, Obama is toast. He won many states last time with a very small margin largely due to enormous turnout among blacks and students.
This time they will hardly turn out to vote. Why should they? What has Obama done for blacks in 4 years? What has Obama done for students in 4 years? The average unemployment/underemployment rate for people with BAs under 25 is over 50%. And Conservatives are far more fired up to get rid of the Fraud in Chief.
"Forget the half-dozen voters in each swing state who haven't made up their minds, aren't paying attention to the campaigns, and may not even vote.

The real battle for each side is getting their supporters, who are ardent about the candidate but who finding voting to be a big chore, to get to the polls between now and election day. The election is likely to be decided to which party is better at its get-out-the-vote operation, known in the trade as the "ground war."

Democrats did a much better job at this in 2008 than Republicans but Republicans are fixated on not letting this happen again. Both sides have tens of thousands of volunteers pounding the pavement to get people to vote. In some states, for example, the list of who has already voted is posted on precinct doors every few hours on election day.

The precinct workers check these regularly and then go to the houses of nonvoters known (from previous visits) to be friendly and offer rides, babysitting services, or whatever it takes to get the voters to the polls. A few votes per precinct nationwide can mean the difference between victory and defeat."


To me we dont just need turnout in swing states, but all states. In deep red states we need to make the margin of victory convincing. In deep blue states cutting into Obama's margin of victory is crucial to forming a concensus after the elction is over.

Romney needs to win the EC and win the popular vote, or we will be doomed to calls for the EC changing its mind. The larger the margin the more marginalized in turn will be people screaming "The Repukes cheated! rabble rabble rabble rabble!!!1"
What is not being taken in to account, is those who peel of of their traditional party of choice and vote for an independant.

That would likely hurt the GOP more than the DEM.

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