It appears Obamacare is working

Obamacare was implemented to reduce the number of uninsured Americans. A 4% drop is significant given that the program just started

Like it or not, Obamacare is here to stay

Time for Republicans to start calling it ACA

YOU are a proven, known liar.

Your president is a proven, known liar.

And nothing you say matters anymore. You're done.

Watch and see in November. You can not imagine how bad the defeat is going to be.

And the ACA was DOA.

We don't have to repeal it. We haven't done jack-shit and it's falling apart. Wait until we refuse to subsidize it.

And, I mean this..... It's a shame. It was something that has been needed for quite some time.

But like EVERYTHING else you scumbags touch, you FUCKED it up.

Can it be saved?

No. You pissed too many people off.

The question now is NOT whether obamacare lives or dies. You're an idiot (a fact anyway) if you think it will survive. It will not. No way, no how.

The question now is what replaces it.

Do we go back to the clusterfuck we had before or do we go to a Single Payer Plan?

THAT is the question that needs answered, not your LIES about obamacare being here to stay.

You people lie. Everything you do is a lie. You wake up lying, and you go to bed lying. That's why I call you what you are.... The scum of the earth.

Without you, without people like you, we could have had this thing up and rolling decades ago.

But you are what you are.... scum. socialist scum, to be exact

Your rant is acknowledged

Unfortunately, the facts do not support it

Obamacare is working and it is here to stay
Obamacare was implemented to reduce the number of uninsured Americans. A 4% drop is significant given that the program just started

Like it or not, Obamacare is here to stay

Time for Republicans to start calling it ACA

I think it is very possible that if history attaches Obama to the ACA, Obama will be remembered more favorably.

That is - if they fix it.

So yeah, Republicans may be elevating the way Obama will be remembered. Obama said he LOVES the Obamacare nickname.

I think there are some pretty big issues that need to be fixed, but I agree with you in that I really do believe it is here to stay.

obamacare can't be fixed. It can't be done. Not gonna happen. dimocraps lie, people. They lie like you and I breathe. Even the ones in here know they're lying. It's pathological with them

Sometimes I wonder if dimocrap scum didn't do that on purpose with their end-goal being single-payer..... :dunno:
Obamacare was implemented to reduce the number of uninsured Americans. A 4% drop is significant given that the program just started

Like it or not, Obamacare is here to stay

Time for Republicans to start calling it ACA

The ACA? Never going to happen. It's a disaster, we all know it, even you do. I want the one responsible to have his name attached to it forever. He deserves the blame.
Obamacare was implemented to reduce the number of uninsured Americans. A 4% drop is significant given that the program just started

Like it or not, Obamacare is here to stay

Time for Republicans to start calling it ACA

YOU are a proven, known liar.

Your president is a proven, known liar.

And nothing you say matters anymore. You're done.

Watch and see in November. You can not imagine how bad the defeat is going to be.

And the ACA was DOA.

We don't have to repeal it. We haven't done jack-shit and it's falling apart. Wait until we refuse to subsidize it.

And, I mean this..... It's a shame. It was something that has been needed for quite some time.

But like EVERYTHING else you scumbags touch, you FUCKED it up.

Can it be saved?

No. You pissed too many people off.

The question now is NOT whether obamacare lives or dies. You're an idiot (a fact anyway) if you think it will survive. It will not. No way, no how.

The question now is what replaces it.

Do we go back to the clusterfuck we had before or do we go to a Single Payer Plan?

THAT is the question that needs answered, not your LIES about obamacare being here to stay.

You people lie. Everything you do is a lie. You wake up lying, and you go to bed lying. That's why I call you what you are.... The scum of the earth.

Without you, without people like you, we could have had this thing up and rolling decades ago.

But you are what you are.... scum. socialist scum, to be exact

Your rant is acknowledged

Unfortunately, the facts do not support it

Obamacare is working and it is here to stay

What facts, scumbag?

The only facts we're getting is from the lying cocksucker who told us that we could keep our Health Plans if we liked them.

The only facts we're getting is from the lying whore who told us that they couldn't extend the Mar 31 deadline.... And then did it two days later.

The only facts we're getting is from the most dishonest, the lyingest scum to ever infest the White House.

And you, of course. But you swallow everything the lying cocksucker in chief tells you to swallow.

Mostly because you're stupid but partly because you're a lying fucker yourself.

Piss of with your 'facts', fucking liar
Obamacare was implemented to reduce the number of uninsured Americans. A 4% drop is significant given that the program just started

Like it or not, Obamacare is here to stay

Time for Republicans to start calling it ACA

the newly insured ---- most of them on free medicaid, the rest on subsidized policies, the few who are paying have terrible coverage, high deductibles, high co-pays, coverage they don't need.

those paying will very shortly wake and realize that they are better off paying the penalty and waiting until they get sick to buy a policy, then drop it when they get well

ACA is terrible legislation, it will never work.

I do agree on one thing, the GOP needs to be out front with what they will replace it with, and they need to present it NOW.
YOU are a proven, known liar.

Your president is a proven, known liar.

And nothing you say matters anymore. You're done.

Watch and see in November. You can not imagine how bad the defeat is going to be.

And the ACA was DOA.

We don't have to repeal it. We haven't done jack-shit and it's falling apart. Wait until we refuse to subsidize it.

And, I mean this..... It's a shame. It was something that has been needed for quite some time.

But like EVERYTHING else you scumbags touch, you FUCKED it up.

Can it be saved?

No. You pissed too many people off.

The question now is NOT whether obamacare lives or dies. You're an idiot (a fact anyway) if you think it will survive. It will not. No way, no how.

The question now is what replaces it.

Do we go back to the clusterfuck we had before or do we go to a Single Payer Plan?

THAT is the question that needs answered, not your LIES about obamacare being here to stay.

You people lie. Everything you do is a lie. You wake up lying, and you go to bed lying. That's why I call you what you are.... The scum of the earth.

Without you, without people like you, we could have had this thing up and rolling decades ago.

But you are what you are.... scum. socialist scum, to be exact

Your rant is acknowledged

Unfortunately, the facts do not support it

Obamacare is working and it is here to stay

What facts, scumbag?

The only facts we're getting is from the lying cocksucker who told us that we could keep our Health Plans if we liked them.

The only facts we're getting is from the lying whore who told us that they couldn't extend the Mar 31 deadline.... And then did it two days later.

The only facts we're getting is from the most dishonest, the lyingest scum to ever infest the White House.

And you, of course. But you swallow everything the lying cocksucker in chief tells you to swallow.

Mostly because you're stupid but partly because you're a lying fucker yourself.

Piss of with your 'facts', fucking liar

I was going to add something, but you covered it quite well :eusa_whistle:
And it's so popular only half the country voted for it and less than half find it favorable. Bu that doesn't matter, right?
There is no way to count the number of people who actually have current (i.e. signed up and paid for) Obamacare policies. Sibelius has repeated more than once that they are not keeping track of such numbers. Where the President got the 7.1 million "new enrollees" he suddenly started braggin about, remains a mystery.

Obamacare has caused as many people to be kicked off their previous insurance as it has gotten the theoretical "signups" the President crowed about.

People who DO get a policy under Obamacare, are paying far more than they ever paid before. Some get taxpayer subsidies, but that just means that someone else is paying their own costs in full PLUS the subsidized guy's costs on top of it.

And if they get sick, that's when the real costs start piling up - they have higher deductibles than they ever had before, and the new policy will only pay 40% of what's left after the victim pays off the high deductible.

This, in the minds of Obots like little rightwinger, constitutes "it's working". :cuckoo:

Fortunately, Obamacare covers mental illness, such as the delusions the Obots are suffering, as much as it covers anything else.
There is no way to count the number of people who actually have current (i.e. signed up and paid for) Obamacare policies. Sibelius has repeated more than once that they are not keeping track of such numbers. Where the President got the 7.1 million "new enrollees" he suddenly started braggin about, remains a mystery.

Obamacare has caused as many people to be kicked off their previous insurance as it has gotten the theoretical "signups" the President crowed about.

People who DO get a policy under Obamacare, are paying far more than they ever paid before. Some get taxpayer subsidies, but that just means that someone else is paying their own costs in full PLUS the subsidized guy's costs on top of it.

And if they get sick, that's when the real costs start piling up - they have higher deductibles than they ever had before, and the new policy will only pay 40% of what's left after the victim pays off the high deductible.

This, in the minds of Obots like little rightwinger, constitutes "it's working". :cuckoo:

Fortunately, Obamacare covers mental illness, such as the delusions the Obots are suffering, as much as it covers anything else.

The same survey the OP cites also suggests that the numbers being circulated by the admin for O-care sign-ups and new coverage are severely inflated.
The only facts we're getting is from the lying cocksucker who told us that we could keep our Health Plans if we liked them.

The only facts we're getting is from the lying whore who told us that they couldn't extend the Mar 31 deadline.... And then did it two days later.

The only facts we're getting is from the most dishonest, the lyingest scum to ever infest the White House.

There is no way to count the number of people who actually have current (i.e. signed up and paid for) Obamacare policies. Sibelius has repeated more than once that they are not keeping track of such numbers. Where the President got the 7.1 million "new enrollees" he suddenly started braggin about, remains a mystery.

Obamacare has caused as many people to be kicked off their previous insurance as it has gotten the theoretical "signups" the President crowed about.

People who DO get a policy under Obamacare, are paying far more than they ever paid before. Some get taxpayer subsidies, but that just means that someone else is paying their own costs in full PLUS the subsidized guy's costs on top of it.

And if they get sick, that's when the real costs start piling up - they have higher deductibles than they ever had before, and the new policy will only pay 40% of what's left after the victim pays off the high deductible.

This, in the minds of Obots like little rightwinger, constitutes "it's working". :cuckoo:

Fortunately, Obamacare covers mental illness, such as the delusions the Obots are suffering, as much as it covers anything else.
Lol, it's amazing what you can accomplish when you force people to comply under penalty of heavy fines. I'm sure you approve comrade.

Hmm, the claim was 47 million uninsured who couldn't afford coverage. They claim 7 million signed up at the website. Are we supposed to believe that 40 million suddenly were able to afford to contact private insurers on their own and get covered?

This is total bullshit. The majority of young people opted out and those were the ones needed to make it work. The employer mandate, called the cornerstone of the law, has been delayed numerous times and now we're told might be cancelled altogether.

They pull these numbers out of their ass. Millions are paying higher rates, three times more, and have deductibles that are astronomical so all the expenses will be out of pocket unless they suffer a catastrophic accident of illness that racks up over $30,000 in medical bills.

Only an idiot, a tyrant or subsidized sheeple who don't have to pay for others would call it a success.

The only reason these claims are being made is because an election is coming up and Obamacare is a big issue. They refuse to repeal it and give up all the new power granted them by the law, so the only other option is to tell even more lies in a desperate attempt to combat the anger across the country.

Bottom line is that too many people will rely on their personal experience to judge this law. No amount of spin will erase that. Only those unaffected by the so-called "shared responsibility tax" are okay with this. Those going without because they lost their plan and doctor and those footing the bill for this oppressive law will let their voices be heard at the ballot box.

The unions will spend millions helping Dems get elected and they'll be promised a permanent exemption for their trouble. The IRS wants exempt now that they've seen what it entails. Obamacare IS NOT GOOD ENOUGH for congress or the president.

How stupid are liberals to support this when those who wrote it, passed it and the people who will enforce it are running from it like it's a wild fire? Those in the know are saying no way in hell. I agree with their assessment of the law.

Seriously, libs, if you want the truth about how the Obama administration and their cronies feel about this, don't listen to what they say, watch what they do. And their actions tell us they want no part of it. What more proof do you need that it's bad?
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And it's so popular only half the country voted for it and less than half find it favorable. Bu that doesn't matter, right?

And the only chance they had to vote on it, was in 2012, when the choice they got was between:

(a) A guy from Chicago who had signed a socialistic Health Care scheme into law; and
(b) A guy from Massachusetts who had signed a socialistic Health Care scheme into law.

People who DIDN'T like socialistic Health Care schemes, stayed home in droves and didn't vote... for obvious reasons.
More proof ObamaCare is working - The Week

The uninsured rate fell to 15.6 percent in the first quarter of the year, according to new Gallup data released Monday — the lowest it's been since 2008. And the rate has been falling since late last year, signaling that ObamaCare is indeed having its intended effect of extending insurance to more and more people. (The scale of the y-axis overstates the slope of the trend line, but you get the idea.)

Moreover, the rate fell precipitously in March, dropping from 15.8 percent at the month's outset to 14.7 percent come April. Such a steep drop is most likely an indication that many people raced to get insured right before ObamaCare's end-of-month enrollment deadline. And indeed, the administration reported that signups spiked in the month's closing days, pushing the total enrollments to 7.1 million.

It would seem highly unlikely that Obamacare is the reason. At least unlikely that anyone is going to believe it just because the percentage went down. When people start quoting percentages BOHICA.

Consider at BEST 10 Million signed up that can not be disputed. At least 10 million using Obamacare. The rest either got jobs with benefits, nothng to do with obamacare, or went onto medicare or Medicaid. 10/308 million = 3 percent of the population. THAT is the only amount that Obamacare could take credit for but that is not factoring in how many lost their health care because of Obamacare. I have not lost it yet but it is coming in 2015. What your statistics also point out that about .15 X 308 million = 46 million STILL do not have health care insurance which is exactly the same number we started with. So it would appear Obamacare has done little.

EDIT: I forget about the kids covered until 26 that too may have caused some to have dropped off the role of uninsured. Go thing they will never get older then 26.
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The only winners under Obamacare are those being subsidized by we the taxpayer.

Everyone else has deductables throught the roof.

Anyone who thinks the ACA is a good idea is a flamming idiot or an Obamabot.
And it's so popular only half the country voted for it and less than half find it favorable. Bu that doesn't matter, right?

And the only chance they had to vote on it, was in 2012, when the choice they got was between:

(a) A guy from Chicago who had signed a socialistic Health Care scheme into law; and
(b) A guy from Massachusetts who had signed a socialistic Health Care scheme into law.

People who DIDN'T like socialistic Health Care schemes, stayed home in droves and didn't vote... for obvious reasons.

The huge difference is that health care should be handled by the state not the federal government. I have no problem if a state through its elected officials and process pass whatever laws they desire. But what happen with Obamacare and the Corn husker kick back just ain't right.
The 5 stages of Grief

Denial - Not going to work
Anger - Fuck you for working
Bargaining - Aiight we have a plan, we promise. Lets just repeal this first and we'll show you
Depression - but but but....Obama lied! How could people do this?
Acceptance - Fuck ACA I'll sign up but fuck it....Fuck it in the ASS!
Obamacare was implemented to reduce the number of uninsured Americans. A 4% drop is significant given that the program just started

Like it or not, Obamacare is here to stay

Time for Republicans to start calling it ACA

I think it is very possible that if history attaches Obama to the ACA, Obama will be remembered more favorably.

That is - if they fix it.

So yeah, Republicans may be elevating the way Obama will be remembered. Obama said he LOVES the Obamacare nickname.

I think there are some pretty big issues that need to be fixed, but I agree with you in that I really do believe it is here to stay.

obamacare can't be fixed. It can't be done. Not gonna happen. dimocraps lie, people. They lie like you and I breathe. Even the ones in here know they're lying. It's pathological with them

Sometimes I wonder if dimocrap scum didn't do that on purpose with their end-goal being single-payer..... :dunno:

I can see that your hyper-partisan position, makes it impossible to see things as they are - you are seeing things the way you want to see them.

I have no problem with strongly held beliefs even if they are on the political fringes - To each his or her own - but when you listen to someone with an overpowering devotion to an particular ideology, you have to take it with a grain of salt.

Democrats lie, Republicans lie, independents lie ....

Doesn't change the fact that it is very very likely that Obamacare is here to stay.

I support parts of it and there are parts of it that I disagree with. So from a realistic standpoint, there I hope they fix the problems with it.

I appreciate your right to a different opinion and to your ideology. But I'm not persuaded to agree with you.

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