It appears Obamacare is working

The 5 stages of Grief

Denial - Not going to work
Anger - Fuck you for working
Bargaining - Aiight we have a plan, we promise. Lets just repeal this first and we'll show you
Depression - but but but....Obama lied! How could people do this?
Acceptance - Fuck ACA I'll sign up but fuck it....Fuck it in the ASS!

Curious, have YOU signed up on the Obamacare exchanges?
Obamacare was implemented to reduce the number of uninsured Americans. A 4% drop is significant given that the program just started

Like it or not, Obamacare is here to stay

Time for Republicans to start calling it ACA

Has been working for some time now.

Could you define what you mean by "working?"

Consider the first word is affordable, is that working?
Here is what I see wrong with how Obamacare is working.

Considering most people get subsidized through their employment they did not pay full amount. The company they worked for in all likelihood spent 6 to 10 thousand a year with the employee picking up a much smaller amount. People who didn't have an employer to pick up the majority couldn't afford it or didn't desire the insurance.

Now people are being forced to pick up the whole load. People who never paid a dime and we see the real cost of health care. Now granted a lot of them will get subsidized so it will be like their employer was paying some of the cost but for the tweeners who make to much money they get nothing but the shaft. Can't even buy into a group to reduce their premiums.
Rwngr would be a much better poster if he refrained from creating these troll threads.
He knows the numbers are inflated, he can read.
He knows the horrific coverage of the "Bronze Plans" - a plan for those with less money, a plan where most likely the only real benefit is carrying a plastic card around.

He knows. And he still makes these threads.
What do you call that?
...and its eating the right wing alive. All their paid actors telling doom and gloom stories had no effect and now they look like children who didnt get their way.

It's Not eating us alive unless you talking about premiums, deductibles and out of pocket expenses. Unfortunately, trying to get to a cancer center may be a real Killer...
Obamacare was implemented to reduce the number of uninsured Americans. A 4% drop is significant given that the program just started

Like it or not, Obamacare is here to stay

Time for Republicans to start calling it ACA

Has been working for some time now.

Could you define what you mean by "working?"

Consider the first word is affordable, is that working?

My assistant has a special needs child.
In a few years, the child will be over 18.
At that time, without the ACA, my assistant would have to purchase insurance out of her pocket.
Now, with the ACA, my assistant can keep the child on the company healthcare plan.
This will save her thousands of dollars per year.
Obamacare was implemented to reduce the number of uninsured Americans. A 4% drop is significant given that the program just started

Like it or not, Obamacare is here to stay

Time for Republicans to start calling it ACA

Has been working for some time now.

Bits and pieces have been working, you won't know if the whole thing will work till all the exemptions and delays have expired, can you? Then at what price, that has yet to be determined. Insurance companies are projecting big increases.
Has been working for some time now.

Could you define what you mean by "working?"

Consider the first word is affordable, is that working?

My assistant has a special needs child.
In a few years, the child will be over 18.
At that time, without the ACA, my assistant would have to purchase insurance out of her pocket.
Now, with the ACA, my assistant can keep the child on the company healthcare plan.
This will save her thousands of dollars per year.

For 8 years, then what? That aside are you telling us that there was no other help for the child? Such as SS disability? Any way that one section of the law could have been passed in one day and would have been passed bi-partisan.

As good as it is for your friend I don't believe you can say Obamacare is working when you point out it is working for a very small percentage of the people.,
Obamacare was implemented to reduce the number of uninsured Americans. A 4% drop is significant given that the program just started

Like it or not, Obamacare is here to stay

Time for Republicans to start calling it ACA

Has been working for some time now.

Bits and pieces have been working, you won't know if the whole thing will work till all the exemptions and delays have expired, can you? Then at what price, that has yet to be determined. Insurance companies are projecting big increases.

Kinda like saying your car is working even though the engine is blown, as long as the radio is working.
Obamacare was implemented to reduce the number of uninsured Americans. A 4% drop is significant given that the program just started

Like it or not, Obamacare is here to stay

Time for Republicans to start calling it ACA

Has been working for some time now.

Bits and pieces have been working, you won't know if the whole thing will work till all the exemptions and delays have expired, can you? Then at what price, that has yet to be determined. Insurance companies are projecting big increases.

The ACA has been working for some time. You are benefitting from it as well as I.
Has been working for some time now.

Bits and pieces have been working, you won't know if the whole thing will work till all the exemptions and delays have expired, can you? Then at what price, that has yet to be determined. Insurance companies are projecting big increases.

The ACA has been working for some time. You are benefitting from it as well as I.

Exactly how am I being benefited? I have already been told no more group coverage after 2014 because of Obamacare. They site statistics that say it will be cheaper but only if destitute. The rates that the insurance companies charge is not going down because nothing was done to curtail the cost that the medical profession charges, other then through Medicaid and Medicare.
Obamacare was implemented to reduce the number of uninsured Americans. A 4% drop is significant given that the program just started

Like it or not, Obamacare is here to stay

Time for Republicans to start calling it ACA

Has been working for some time now.

Bits and pieces have been working, you won't know if the whole thing will work till all the exemptions and delays have expired, can you? Then at what price, that has yet to be determined. Insurance companies are projecting big increases.

Well, if Obamacare really does prompt companies to kick employees off their provided healthcare plan to force them into the exchanges - then that's bad and should be fixed.

If it means fewer people use the emergency room as their primary care - then that's good.

If it means people who can afford to buy insurance (but haven't because they'd rather spend their money on something else and stick US with their healthcare costs) start contributing to their own healthcare costs - that's good.

I don't see how more customers and a bigger pool of insured is going to jack up premiums - I understand that those who bought insurance that really doesn't insure anything will have to pay a higher premium to get insurance that actually covers something - but I don't see that as a premium hike - I see it as a mandatory upgrade. The same level of coverage will cost more? I guess we will see.

Obama lied about the ACA. And FOX (aka Republicans) lies about the ACA.

It's hard to get the real facts about this one. And I don't believe we will see the realities for some time. Of course the partisans will STILL lie about it - but at least we will have a heck of lot more real-world evidence to weigh the pros and cons.
Could you define what you mean by "working?"

Consider the first word is affordable, is that working?

My assistant has a special needs child.
In a few years, the child will be over 18.
At that time, without the ACA, my assistant would have to purchase insurance out of her pocket.
Now, with the ACA, my assistant can keep the child on the company healthcare plan.
This will save her thousands of dollars per year.

For 8 years, then what? That aside are you telling us that there was no other help for the child? Such as SS disability? Any way that one section of the law could have been passed in one day and would have been passed bi-partisan.

As good as it is for your friend I don't believe you can say Obamacare is working when you point out it is working for a very small percentage of the people.,

Saving thousands of dollars for eight years is better than spending thousands of dollars during the same 8 years....would you agree?

As I understand, college kids who usually are uninsured or are covered at a higher rate once they leave the house and go away are benefitting as well. Don't have kids; don't know.

As for the GOP working with the President...yeah sure...what planet are you living on? Somehow, not one could see this benefit and bring themselves to vote for it...or publicly applaud it?

Sell crazy somewhere else.
Has been working for some time now.

Bits and pieces have been working, you won't know if the whole thing will work till all the exemptions and delays have expired, can you? Then at what price, that has yet to be determined. Insurance companies are projecting big increases.

The ACA has been working for some time. You are benefitting from it as well as I.

You said that already, now you care to address my question?
Bits and pieces have been working, you won't know if the whole thing will work till all the exemptions and delays have expired, can you? Then at what price, that has yet to be determined. Insurance companies are projecting big increases.

The ACA has been working for some time. You are benefitting from it as well as I.

You said that already, now you care to address my question?

Address your question? What was it? Wait until the end of exemptions and delays and then assess whether it worked or not? Sure... about 45% will say yes and 45% will say no. That is just what happens when you politicize it.

The non political reality is that you can keep your kids on until they are 26 and your PECs do not bar you from getting coverage. If you think those are bad things...well you're simply not intelligent enough to have a conversation with.
The 5 stages of Grief

Denial - Not going to work
Anger - Fuck you for working
Bargaining - Aiight we have a plan, we promise. Lets just repeal this first and we'll show you
Depression - but but but....Obama lied! How could people do this?
Acceptance - Fuck ACA I'll sign up but fuck it....Fuck it in the ASS!

Curious, have YOU signed up on the Obamacare exchanges?

Has been working for some time now.

Could you define what you mean by "working?"

Consider the first word is affordable, is that working?

My assistant has a special needs child.
In a few years, the child will be over 18.
At that time, without the ACA, my assistant would have to purchase insurance out of her pocket.
Now, with the ACA, my assistant can keep the child on the company healthcare plan.
This will save her thousands of dollars per year.

Really?? One of our neighbors on the street behind us still takes care of her special needs SISTER... she is in her 30's and is STILL covered under the regular health insurance under her plan from her employer as a DEPENDENT.... Absolute mythological horse shit that special needs persons would not be able to be covered, or were not able top be covered under the way things were
Could you define what you mean by "working?"

Consider the first word is affordable, is that working?

My assistant has a special needs child.
In a few years, the child will be over 18.
At that time, without the ACA, my assistant would have to purchase insurance out of her pocket.
Now, with the ACA, my assistant can keep the child on the company healthcare plan.
This will save her thousands of dollars per year.

Really?? One of our neighbors on the street behind us still takes care of her special needs SISTER... she is in her 30's and is STILL covered under the regular health insurance under her plan from her employer as a DEPENDENT.... Absolute mythological horse shit that special needs persons would not be able to be covered, or were not able top be covered under the way things were

Obviously different plans have different provisions.
Guys, I'm sorry to have to keep reminding you (not really :) ) but dimocraps are some lying scum.

It's what they do. ALL of them.

"If you like your plan, you can keep your plan." - Barack Obama - YouTube

If you're stupid enough to believe ANYTHING a dimocrap scumbag says, then you deserve whatever befalls you.

SHOCK! Hillary Clinton argues - What difference, at this point, does it make about how it happened? - YouTube

But, then again, dimocraps are some seriously stupid fucks

Obama Bucks! - YouTube

dimocraps lie. It's what they do.


Wow...such desperation

Obamacare must really be working if you have to dredge up the Obamaphone lady


This was the Republican alternative to the republican alternative.

[ame=]Sue Lowden's plan to pay for health care? "Bring a chicken to the doctor" - YouTube[/ame]

Bring a chicken!
More proof ObamaCare is working - The Week

The uninsured rate fell to 15.6 percent in the first quarter of the year, according to new Gallup data released Monday — the lowest it's been since 2008. And the rate has been falling since late last year, signaling that ObamaCare is indeed having its intended effect of extending insurance to more and more people. (The scale of the y-axis overstates the slope of the trend line, but you get the idea.)

Moreover, the rate fell precipitously in March, dropping from 15.8 percent at the month's outset to 14.7 percent come April. Such a steep drop is most likely an indication that many people raced to get insured right before ObamaCare's end-of-month enrollment deadline. And indeed, the administration reported that signups spiked in the month's closing days, pushing the total enrollments to 7.1 million.

Is that the same gallup poll that stated that Romney was going to beat Obama? You leftards love polls when they are in your favor!

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