It appears that our FBI is a criminal enterprise

I agree and if we investigate the so called "1/6 Insurrection" we'll find the FBI's conspiratorial fingerprints all over it too.
Making the Jan 6th thugs out to be martyrs and heroes.....what a surprise......:heehee: thug-envy?
I guess you're offended that the FBI stopped a bunch of Trump supporters from creating more violence?
As I've said before, and it becomes more and more obvious, the Right is only upset that their insurrection FAILED. They would have been all in on a SUCCESSFUL insurrection. Now they are putting the Jan 6th thugs up on pedestals.
"It appears that our FBI is a criminal enterprise"

It appears the poster who posted the above may in fact be a "Russian” mole.
Granpa, my bet is the FBI now has you on their watch list.

What better way to groom the Right but destroy their faith in our institutions.....the FBI, the military, the police, doctors, etc.
heh....Lookit the moonbats carrying water for the police state....A Hollywood writer would have been laughed out of the room, were a script this absurd presented to producers a mere 20 years ago.

More than half of the so called conspirators were assets of the FBI.
The second in command of this conspiracy was an asset of the FBI.

It is CRYSTAL CLEAR to me that the plot to kidnap the governor was total bullshit.

What an asinine lie. Trump was giddy during the riot on the Capitol because they were doing it for him. He changed his mind when shots were fired and the optics were no longer good for him.

Trump has trashed the FBI, CIA, Justice, the Courts.. most governors etc. Is this the kind of man you support and even lie for?
heh....Lookit the moonbats carrying water for the police state....A Hollywood writer would have been laughed out of the room, were a script this absurd presented to producers a mere 20 years ago.

The US isn't a police state, you ninny.
Really, I spent a total of 26 years in the military, how about you commie?


Trump claimed that those who served in the military were suckers and losers and he insulted Gold Star families. Do you agree with Trump?

Do you even know what a "Commie" is?
What an asinine lie. Trump was giddy during the riot on the Capitol because they were doing it for him. He changed his mind when shots were fired and the optics were no longer good for him.
heh....Lookit the moonbats carrying water for the police state....A Hollywood writer would have been laughed out of the room, were a script this absurd presented to producers a mere 20 years ago.
So well groomed....another perfect Republican
Trump claimed that those who served in the military were suckers and losers and he insulted Gold Star families. Do you agree with Trump?

Do you even know what a "Commie" is?
You had to be "eligible" to serve in the military, perfect 20/20 vision especially for the Air Force, fully vaccinated as a child, don't score too high or too low on IQ or ASVAB tests, no LGBT.

If they turn you down it's essentially a dishonorable discharge on your record like a felony guns are banned for life no matter what.
As long as the FBI is held sacred by the media during a democrat administration there will never be any outrage no matter how the FBI trashes the Constitution. That's how the system works so get used to it.

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