IT BEGINS: Indiana Restaurant Reportedly Vows Not To Serve Gay Weddings

A family-owned pizza parlor is causing a media stir after reportedly becoming the first business to publicly vow to reject gay weddings in the wake of Indiana's controversial Religious Freedom Restoration Act.

The owners of Memories Pizza in Walkerton said theirs is a "Christian establishment" and that they agree with Indiana Gov. Mike Pence, who has come under fire after signing the bill, which allows business owners to cite religious beliefs as a defense when sued by a private party, ABC 57 reported.

That lifestyle is something they choose. I choose to be heterosexual," Kevin O'Connor told the news station. "They choose to be homosexual. Why should I be beat over the head to go along with something they choose?”

O'Connor's daughter Crystal said she didn't think that the bill was "targeting gays," adding, "It's supposed to help people that have a religious belief."

In a separate interview with The Daily Beast, O'Connor clarified that although he doesn't "have a problem with gay people," he does not condone same-sex marriage. Although he wouldn't cater to a same-sex wedding, he wouldn't turn anyone away from the shop itself.

“I mean, we don’t believe in murder. I also don’t believe in abortion,” he added.

More: Indiana's Memories Pizza Reportedly Becomes First Business To Reject Catering Gay Weddings

It's sad to watch religious bigots expose themselves.
Lakhota holy crap read their reviews on Yelp! :rofl:

Memories Pizza - Walkerton IN Yelp

Here comes the backlash! :rofl:

Nothing like a little mob violence to warm the cockles of the intolerant left.
I'm glad that the good people in this country are coming to the defense of the gay community. Which is a tiny community that could never fight the powerful Christian segment of this country on its own.

Who the hell in their right mind would have a pizza joint cater their wedding? lol

The only plausible explanation is that it would be a political publicity stunt aimed at ginning up media attention and frothing up the low info base.

I am hoping it is some form of an April Fool's Joke.
Notice the title folks?

"reportedly". ummmhummm

it could own by liberals who decided to put some stupid sign up to gain attention. good way to attract business OR NOT

Who careszzzzzzzzz

Vintage Stephanie. Truly vintage. Delightful.

"it could own by liberals"

Oh, I love it when you talk dirty English to us.

You see, you also missed the context of "reportedly".

Here, for your very slow mind, is the complete first sentence from the OP:

"A family-owned pizza parlor is causing a media stir after reportedly becoming the first business to publicly vow to reject gay weddings in the wake of Indiana's controversialReligious Freedom Restoration Act."

Reportedly refers to "becoming the first business", not as to whether or not this particular business has said what is being reported.

You do understand that, right?
A family-owned pizza parlor is causing a media stir after reportedly becoming the first business to publicly vow to reject gay weddings in the wake of Indiana's controversial Religious Freedom Restoration Act.

The owners of Memories Pizza in Walkerton said theirs is a "Christian establishment" and that they agree with Indiana Gov. Mike Pence, who has come under fire after signing the bill, which allows business owners to cite religious beliefs as a defense when sued by a private party, ABC 57 reported.

That lifestyle is something they choose. I choose to be heterosexual," Kevin O'Connor told the news station. "They choose to be homosexual. Why should I be beat over the head to go along with something they choose?”

O'Connor's daughter Crystal said she didn't think that the bill was "targeting gays," adding, "It's supposed to help people that have a religious belief."

In a separate interview with The Daily Beast, O'Connor clarified that although he doesn't "have a problem with gay people," he does not condone same-sex marriage. Although he wouldn't cater to a same-sex wedding, he wouldn't turn anyone away from the shop itself.

“I mean, we don’t believe in murder. I also don’t believe in abortion,” he added.

More: Indiana's Memories Pizza Reportedly Becomes First Business To Reject Catering Gay Weddings

It's sad to watch religious bigots expose themselves.
Lakhota holy crap read their reviews on Yelp! :rofl:

Memories Pizza - Walkerton IN Yelp

Here comes the backlash! :rofl:

Nothing like a little mob violence to warm the cockles of the intolerant left.
I'm glad that the good people in this country are coming to the defense of the gay community. Which is a tiny community that could never fight the powerful Christian segment of this country on its own.

That's all you can say because I'm so so right.
Amazing, a little ole pizza parlor in a town of 2,100 people has the left going bat shit crazy. LOL
On the one side, there is the commerce clause to the Constitution of the United States of America, upon which the public commerce laws are built.

Selling a pizza to someone in your pizza shop may be commerce, but it certainly isn't commerce among the several states.
God that's funny. They can't delete the pictures enough and I think they're stuck with the "reviews".

No doubt the "reviews" are just as "real" as the pictures, PaintChipEater.

Leftists are some hate filled motherfuckers.
What exactly were you doing when God passed out a sense of humor? The Internet is one big Whack-A-Mole. Try and keep your head down or your Yelp page will look like theirs.
OHDEARFrikkenGAWD. the world is now going to end...everyone get prepared

all of you hair pulling screeching people......worry about the damn STATES you all live in. Keep your noses out of the REST OF OUR states business

no go off your self or something for crying out loud. we are sick of you people
What state do you live in?

On the one side, there is the commerce clause to the Constitution of the United States of America, upon which the public commerce laws are built.

Selling a pizza to someone in your pizza shop may be commerce, but it certainly isn't commerce among the several states.

You are unfamiliar with public commerce laws, eh?

I accept your ignorance, rookie.

A family-owned pizza parlor is causing a media stir after reportedly becoming the first business to publicly vow to reject gay weddings in the wake of Indiana's controversial Religious Freedom Restoration Act.

The owners of Memories Pizza in Walkerton said theirs is a "Christian establishment" and that they agree with Indiana Gov. Mike Pence, who has come under fire after signing the bill, which allows business owners to cite religious beliefs as a defense when sued by a private party, ABC 57 reported.

That lifestyle is something they choose. I choose to be heterosexual," Kevin O'Connor told the news station. "They choose to be homosexual. Why should I be beat over the head to go along with something they choose?”

O'Connor's daughter Crystal said she didn't think that the bill was "targeting gays," adding, "It's supposed to help people that have a religious belief."

In a separate interview with The Daily Beast, O'Connor clarified that although he doesn't "have a problem with gay people," he does not condone same-sex marriage. Although he wouldn't cater to a same-sex wedding, he wouldn't turn anyone away from the shop itself.

“I mean, we don’t believe in murder. I also don’t believe in abortion,” he added.

More: Indiana's Memories Pizza Reportedly Becomes First Business To Reject Catering Gay Weddings

It's sad to watch religious bigots expose themselves.
Lakhota holy crap read their reviews on Yelp! :rofl:

Memories Pizza - Walkerton IN Yelp

Here comes the backlash! :rofl:

Nothing like a little mob violence to warm the cockles of the intolerant left.
I'm glad that the good people in this country are coming to the defense of the gay community. Which is a tiny community that could never fight the powerful Christian segment of this country on its own.

That's all you can say because I'm so so right.

No its bullshit, because the gay rights community is not some "poor minority" considering they are media darlings, and gays are on average more affluent than the average american.

And christians are the current whipping boy of the left/media, because you are too gutless to go after other religions (now).
The homophobic pizza parlor "Christian" won't cater your faggot wedding, but he will be happy to provide pizza and beer for your divorce finalization party. Because only fags go against God.
A family-owned pizza parlor is causing a media stir after reportedly becoming the first business to publicly vow to reject gay weddings in the wake of Indiana's controversial Religious Freedom Restoration Act.

The owners of Memories Pizza in Walkerton said theirs is a "Christian establishment" and that they agree with Indiana Gov. Mike Pence, who has come under fire after signing the bill, which allows business owners to cite religious beliefs as a defense when sued by a private party, ABC 57 reported.

That lifestyle is something they choose. I choose to be heterosexual," Kevin O'Connor told the news station. "They choose to be homosexual. Why should I be beat over the head to go along with something they choose?”

O'Connor's daughter Crystal said she didn't think that the bill was "targeting gays," adding, "It's supposed to help people that have a religious belief."

In a separate interview with The Daily Beast, O'Connor clarified that although he doesn't "have a problem with gay people," he does not condone same-sex marriage. Although he wouldn't cater to a same-sex wedding, he wouldn't turn anyone away from the shop itself.

“I mean, we don’t believe in murder. I also don’t believe in abortion,” he added.

More: Indiana's Memories Pizza Reportedly Becomes First Business To Reject Catering Gay Weddings

It's sad to watch religious bigots expose themselves.
The OP does know that the law was first written from the request of a Native American tribe so they could use mushrooms in their religious practices?
Only an ignorant rube would hire a pizza parlor for a wedding. What a joke.

Btw how do they know those pizzas they deliver aren't going to something gay? We better make gay people wear some kind of identifier. Maybe a tattoo on their foreheads. It's only fair to the Christians after all. We don't want them accidentally committing sacrilege. :cool:
I almost wish I lived in Indiana (not quite). Order a pizza and great the delivery guy wearing nothing but funny glasses and a jock strap.
A family-owned pizza parlor is causing a media stir after reportedly becoming the first business to publicly vow to reject gay weddings in the wake of Indiana's controversial Religious Freedom Restoration Act.

The owners of Memories Pizza in Walkerton said theirs is a "Christian establishment" and that they agree with Indiana Gov. Mike Pence, who has come under fire after signing the bill, which allows business owners to cite religious beliefs as a defense when sued by a private party, ABC 57 reported.

That lifestyle is something they choose. I choose to be heterosexual," Kevin O'Connor told the news station. "They choose to be homosexual. Why should I be beat over the head to go along with something they choose?”

O'Connor's daughter Crystal said she didn't think that the bill was "targeting gays," adding, "It's supposed to help people that have a religious belief."

In a separate interview with The Daily Beast, O'Connor clarified that although he doesn't "have a problem with gay people," he does not condone same-sex marriage. Although he wouldn't cater to a same-sex wedding, he wouldn't turn anyone away from the shop itself.

“I mean, we don’t believe in murder. I also don’t believe in abortion,” he added.

More: Indiana's Memories Pizza Reportedly Becomes First Business To Reject Catering Gay Weddings

It's sad to watch religious bigots expose themselves.
The OP does know that the law was first written from the request of a Native American tribe so they could use mushrooms in their religious practices?

the only thing the op knows: is what they swallow off leftwing hate sites and from their Masters in the Democrat party
I'm glad that the good people in this country are coming to the defense of the gay community. Which is a tiny community that could never fight the powerful Christian segment of this country on its own.

Why is it that two of the smallest minorities in the country (gays and MW workers) drive these right wingers absolutely fucking nuts?

Do you know?

Gays are gonna topple the Christian faith and marriage and an 8 dollar an hour worker is the most potent economic force in capitalism. Even a little raise in the MW earnings can bring down the economy. Yep.

We got REAL problems in this country and that is all they can focus on. Gays and MW people. Two very small portions of the population and they want to claim they can govern. They can't even get along with what about 9% of the population.
Seriously. Call the pizza parlor and ask if they will cater your divorce finalization party. See what happens.


How many kegs o beer you want?

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