It could take a decade to undo damage to the Republican Party caused by Fox News promoting election fraud claims, says former GOP official

Duncan was never a Gov…moreover he’s currently a employee of CNN…geez man…you lied

Might as well say CNN said….
The big lie is that the 2020 election was clean and pure.

If Americans believed 2020 was clean and pure the NWO wouldn't need to send out their shill bots to push the big lie
Yeah, like Trump's Justice Department, Trump's DHS, Trump's Attorney General, Trump's Supreme Court, Trump-appointed judges, Trump's White House staff, Trump's White House lawyers, Trump's campaign manager, Trump cybersecurity officials, several Republican lawmakers, Republican state and local election officials, state Supreme Courts and Republican State Attorneys General, and the GQP's very own handpicked Cyber Ninjas!

And don't forget STEVE BANNON!


You are correct…

It will take more than a decade to reverse the damage done to the Republican Party
THIS is the DAMAGE that needs to be corrected:

The slow creep of MARXISM in this country has manifested to this point of madness we are witnessing NOW.

YOU are an example of the damage done!
THIS is the DAMAGE that needs to be corrected:

The slow creep of MARXISM in this country has manifested to this point of madness we are witnessing NOW.

YOU are an example of the damage done!

Thanks for another example of how bizarre the far right has become

The damage is done
My only question was whether they really believed the Big Lie, or if they were just playing along for ratings.

Now I know.
fox has no problem lying to their viewers. They are very talented liars.
fox has no problem lying to their viewers. They are very talented liars.

On Election Night, Fox saw what happened when they pretended to be a legitimate network and told the truth.

Their audience was outraged and left Fox for a network that didn’t try to be legitimate.

Fox learned their lesson and returned to election lies Big League
Good Lord, Leo! Do you need a link to the story on multiple platform across the internet? Their messages to each other were collected and put into evidence in the FOX Lawsuit by Dominion and the other voting machine company company suing them for a Billion Dollar or so. It is common knowledge now, they are just lying c#cksucker for a buck, even when they are preaching the opposite of what they have proof of, or believe from inside contacts and person contacts with the people they put on the air. FOX NEWS is a shameless sham, not news, At All.
You provided no real evidence. Alluding to supposed private communications is not proof.
Thanks for another example of how bizarre the far right has become

The damage is done
No, fuck that. When the demented LEFT want to make an argument about DAMAGE and DECADES in the same sentence, I'm calling bullshit!
You go ahead and try to refute what Yuri accurately described and predicted.
You won't, because information that goes against your programming, that doesn't allow you to critically think about anything outside your predetermined narrative, will short circuit your subverted vacuous skull.

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