It could take a decade to undo damage to the Republican Party caused by Fox News promoting election fraud claims, says former GOP official

You hit on part of the problem. Fox "NEWS", put on opinions that they pass off as news.

Fox News host Sean Hannity ... insisted his show “does journalism.”

But that's just his opinion, right?
You don't watch Fox, liar. Everyone knows the most popular shows on Fox are Carlson and Hannity both of which are OPINION shows. Hannity even divulges that he's a conservative and journalists can be conservative or liberal it's just that he lets listeners know where he stands. Carlson COMMENTS on the news. Greg Gutfeld has the highest rated late night political comedy show and does not do hard news either. Bret Baier is a hard news anchor and along with other journalists there who do not do opinions.

Meanwhile, everything at NPR, MSNBC, CNN, ABC, NBC, CBS is opinion masquerading as 'journalism.' And folks like you swallow that shit like mother's milk.
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“Republican former Lt. gov. of Georgia Geoff Duncan said it would take a decade to undo the damage to the GOP caused by Fox News in allegedly promoting conspiracy theories about the 2020 election.”

The problem is that Republicans don’t believe the GOP has been damaged by Fox ‘news’ promoting election lies.
Did the decade of recovery begin when the democrats were all in on Bush stealing the election? If so we must have recovered it’s been 13 years. Or maybe the recovery started after Trump won and all of the democrat insanity that went along with it. Is so we’re over half way to recovered.
“Republican former Lt. gov. of Georgia Geoff Duncan said it would take a decade to undo the damage to the GOP caused by Fox News in allegedly promoting conspiracy theories about the 2020 election.”

The problem is that Republicans don’t believe the GOP has been damaged by Fox ‘news’ promoting election lies.
take a long walk off a short bridge.
Not many people will admit they actually voted for Biden. Probably because they didn't.
You don't watch Fox, liar. Everyone knows the most popular shows on Fox are Carlson and Hannity both of which are OPINION shows. Hannity even divulges that he's a conservative and journalists can be conservative or liberal it's just that he lets listeners know where he stands.
Again, since you missed it

Fox News host Sean Hannity ... insisted his show “does journalism.”

Not OPINION, but journalism.

And that's straight from the Hannity's mouth.
Again, since you missed it

Fox News host Sean Hannity ... insisted his show “does journalism.”

Not OPINION, but journalism.

And that's straight from the Hannity's mouth.
Yea….until they show up in court
Then it is……I’m not a journalist
Just voicing opinions
No walking any of this back. The damage is done and there is no "repairing" it. The Republican party and conservatism (in its present iteration) are forever joined in their fates that culminated in Trump , his bleats of election fraud, and finally, January 6th. The Republican party in its current form is done. The only way to repair the damage is to start over with the people that the fringe now considers "RINOS". Reject and eject anything and everyone that smells alt-right (A tall task. The alt-right has just about consumed the party).
Well, that makes it a total of 4 thousand 3 hundred and 22 years that the Republicans will not recover. Whatever happens, happens. We will all be part of it though.
Yea….until they show up in court
Then it is……I’m not a journalist
Just voicing opinions
I loved when the Fox lawyers told the court in 2020, that their viewers don't take Tucker Carlson seriously.

From Instanton:

  • A federal judge on Thursday dismissed a lawsuit against Fox News after lawyers for the network argued that no "reasonable viewer" would take the network's primetime star Tucker Carlson seriously.
You just don't get it do you? Those are all cloned articles disseminated to Democrat leaning media. Besides, if you ever watched Fox, you would have known that the on-air 'personalities' referred to are opinion shows. Both Hannity and Carlson said ON AIR some of the same things the article claims they were withholding. Your assumption that people who watch Fox are a bunch of dummies is frankly insulting.

As far as the election, so far I cannot find many that will admit they voted for Biden. He didn't campaign, couldn't get many to his rallies and didn't get the overwhelming support of the Democrat constituency. In fact, he won on very slim margins.

Since he was elected, he has caused an economic crisis, we are in a war, many businesses have had to close, interest rates are sky high which is negatively affecting housing, inflation is sky high, the supply chain is broken and America is no longer a leader in energy. We depend on China for Biden's 'green' folly and car manufacturers have become partners of the government that is giving them dividends for building electric cars that really aren't selling.

Tell me did YOU actually vote for this shit?
If it is in evidence in court, it is in evidence, FOX lawyers unable to keep it out, jury taking it into account. I doubt FOX used the low caliber lawyer, trump used, as they are not trying to win in the public to a supporting audience, as this is court and there is a Billion Dollar$ on the line. So if the article came from the same souce, sources etc, it matters not.
I loved when the Fox lawyers told the court in 2020, that their viewers don't take Tucker Carlson seriously.

From Instanton:

  • A federal judge on Thursday dismissed a lawsuit against Fox News after lawyers for the network argued that no "reasonable viewer" would take the network's primetime star Tucker Carlson seriously.
Carlson is an OPINION show about hard news, always has been. Meanwhile CNN has been sued for millions because they paraded opinions as journalism.
Does Geoff Duncan's opinion even make any sense? It shows how desperate the left is for an issue while the Biden administration is crumbling.
If it is in evidence in court, it is in evidence, FOX lawyers unable to keep it out, jury taking it into account. I doubt FOX used the low caliber lawyer, trump used, as they are not trying to win in the public to a supporting audience, as this is court and there is a Billion Dollar$ on the line. So if the article came from the same souce, sources etc, it matters not.
No one with any sense of reality believes Fox news executives are pro Trump because they're all liberals. Fox retains conservative OPed shows for the audience much like the MSM parrots liberals for their audience. Time to put on your 'big boy pants' and check into the real world. BTW I have yet to see the actual sources for those private communications.
No one with any sense of reality believes Fox news executives are pro Trump because they're all liberals. Fox retains conservative OPed shows for the audience much like the MSM parrots liberals for their audience. Time to put on your 'big boy pants' and check into the real world.
Exactly on your first sentence, but that is just it. The are in the business. They too, know bullsht when they hear it, but they are playing to a segment, and not to be deterred by facts if it will be hated by that segment, so they have their people lie to the right wing, shamelessly to keep their support. That is why they are being sued. They knowingly supported the lies about these two companies and their place or lack thereof, in trump's 2020 loss, and these companies were supposedly brought to harm, loss of business confidence, and loss of dollars in sales in the marketplace. If you are caught telling lies that cost somebody money, the injured are entitled to damages, in court. FOX is Fkd. They are getting ready to pay out the ass for their lack of honesty in news reporting when they knew better, but the story was popular.

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