It could take a decade to undo damage to the Republican Party caused by Fox News promoting election fraud claims, says former GOP official

Exactly on your first sentence, but that is just it. The are in the business. They too, know bullsht when they hear it, but they are playing to a segment, and not to be deterred by facts if it will be hated by that segment, so they have their people lie to the right wing, shamelessly to keep their support.
They're in the information business. And like any CEO, if they have a choice between providing a quality product that doesn't sell, and an inferior product that sells well, sales will always win.
I wouldn’t blame Fox News
They just reflect the MAGA Audience

Republicans cannot unring a bell
The damage is done

They have damaged America’s faith in our Government, a Free Press, Fair Elections, Science, Medicine……

There is no going back
So then all we will be stuck with is permanent far Left ONE PARTY Communist rule! Just what you scumbags want!
“Republican former Lt. gov. of Georgia Geoff Duncan said it would take a decade to undo the damage to the GOP caused by Fox News in allegedly promoting conspiracy theories about the 2020 election.”

The problem is that Republicans don’t believe the GOP has been damaged by Fox ‘news’ promoting election lies.

It’s going to take three or four generations to undo the damage leftism has created in just over sixty years.
They're in the information business. And like any CEO, if they have a choice between providing a quality product that doesn't sell, and an inferior product that sells well, sales will always win.
Until you get caught lying in public in your broadcasting that information, while calling yourself a news network in the name of the company, FOX NEWS. When they lose this one, they will be stuck with being called FAKE NEWS, as it will be apparent for all the world to see, even supporters of the Big Lie.
So then all we will be stuck with is permanent far Left ONE PARTY Communist rule! Just what you scumbags want!
It's more like the right put all their eggs into Trumps basket. And only now realized you don't put all your eggs in one basket.
Until you get caught lying in public in your broadcasting that information, while calling yourself a news network in the name of the company, FOX NEWS. When they lose this one, they will be stuck with being called FAKE NEWS, as it will be apparent for all the world to see, even supporters of the Big Lie.
Journalism is based on reputation. People listen to those with that reputation. Like a Waltre Cronkite, or Edward R. Murrow. Lose that reputation, and they turn into the boy that cried wolf.

And fox made the mistake of choosing to destroying dominions reputation in order to further their lies.
Journalism is based on reputation. People listen to those with that reputation. Like a Waltre Cronkite, or Edward R. Murrow. Lose that reputation, and they turn into the boy that cried wolf.

And fox made the mistake of choosing to destroying dominions reputation in order to further their lies.
They are not the first. CBS ran with a story on George W. Bush. They didn't suffer a lawsuit, as you can get away with saying a lot about a politician, but to this day, a lot of people do not trust them.
Exactly on your first sentence, but that is just it. The are in the business. They too, know bullsht when they hear it, but they are playing to a segment, and not to be deterred by facts if it will be hated by that segment, so they have their people lie to the right wing, shamelessly to keep their support. That is why they are being sued. They knowingly supported the lies about these two companies and their place or lack thereof, in trump's 2020 loss, and these companies were supposedly brought to harm, loss of business confidence, and loss of dollars in sales in the marketplace. If you are caught telling lies that cost somebody money, the injured are entitled to damages, in court. FOX is Fkd. They are getting ready to pay out the ass for their lack of honesty in news reporting when they knew better, but the story was popular.
No, the Fox higher ups are all liberals!! They believe the MSM bullshit but, rely on their OPed shows to keep audience. Their personal beliefs are meaningless and OPeds give opinions. Most of the rest of the MSM (CNN, MSNBC, the alphabet legacy media) are OPeds disguised as objective journalism. You can't rely on truth in their reporting...ever. You are trying to say they report fact but they don't. Again WHERE did those so called private emails and texts come from? A so-called 'leaker?' LOL Isn't it pretty unethical to take private communications and publish them?

Dominion's gonna lose.
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Again WHERE did those so called private emails and texts come from? A so-called 'leaker?' LOL Isn't it pretty unethical to take private communications and publish them?

Dominion's gonna lose.
They weren't leaked. They were obtained by discovery under the federal rules of civil practice. Dominion filed a lawsuit against Fox News, and entitled to depose, subpoena and discover evidence in their favor. That evidence when it's filed with the court, unless sealed by the judge, becomes a matter of public record.
“Republican former Lt. gov. of Georgia Geoff Duncan said it would take a decade to undo the damage to the GOP caused by Fox News in allegedly promoting conspiracy theories about the 2020 election.”

The problem is that Republicans don’t believe the GOP has been damaged by Fox ‘news’ promoting election lies.
The problem is Inflation under Democrats’ watch. You people were handed the Election and gave US inflation and high gas prices.
They're in the information business. And like any CEO, if they have a choice between providing a quality product that doesn't sell, and an inferior product that sells well, sales will always win.
it will take a hundred years for the democrat party to recover from all the damage the biden crime organization has done to the partys credibility
More than a decade.
We heard that after Watergate – that the GOP would wander in the political wilderness for decades; clearly that didn’t happen.

The voters have a bizarre, pathological relationship with the GOP: no matter the lies and corruption, no matter the criminality and the damage Republicans visit upon the county – whether it’s Nixon, Bush, or Trump – they end up demonstrating the definition of insanity, doing the same thing over again expecting different results.
LOL one only has to watch the Dem/MSM RIGGED election debates to see proof of Dem election RIGGING.
No proof of what you say, it seems. Same as that trump character. No proof of anything he ever said but you guys bought it, hook, line, and sinker
We heard that after Watergate – that the GOP would wander in the political wilderness for decades; clearly that didn’t happen.

The voters have a bizarre, pathological relationship with the GOP: no matter the lies and corruption, no matter the criminality and the damage Republicans visit upon the county – whether it’s Nixon, Bush, or Trump – they end up demonstrating the definition of insanity, doing the same thing over again expecting different results.
That's because the republicans, like any good con-man, sells them a bill of goods.

Remember how they sold how tax cuts would balance the budget.

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