It could take a decade to undo damage to the Republican Party caused by Fox News promoting election fraud claims, says former GOP official

Except the election wasn't stolen. But enough Republicans bought into the Big Lie. Now, it's too late. They own it.
trump began a cult of seditious election deniers when he stood behind that podium and lied when he claimed "massive voter fraud." And maga ate it up....cause most of stupid beyond belief.
trump began a cult of seditious election deniers when he stood behind that podium and lied when he claimed "massive voter fraud." And maga ate it up....cause most of stupid beyond belief.
Did he get the idea from the Democrats? He did not lie either. There was massive fraud.
“Republican former Lt. gov. of Georgia Geoff Duncan said it would take a decade to undo the damage to the GOP caused by Fox News in allegedly promoting conspiracy theories about the 2020 election.”

The problem is that Republicans don’t believe the GOP has been damaged by Fox ‘news’ promoting election lies.

But FOX credibility is shot to sht, after the text messages of their talking heads and what they knew versus what they said on air. Simply, nobody at FOX can be trusted, if they will whore for corporation, putting out info they know or believe to be false, just to support the company, party, pander to viewership or just to make a buck. Those talking heads over at FOX are multimillionaires, yet they can't afford person integrity on the air.

These folks don’t still believe the big lie.

This is just their excuse for destroying the sandbox in impotent rage.

No walking any of this back. The damage is done and there is no "repairing" it. The Republican party and conservatism (in its present iteration) are forever joined in their fates that culminated in Trump , his bleats of election fraud, and finally, January 6th. The Republican party in its current form is done. The only way to repair the damage is to start over with the people that the fringe now considers "RINOS". Reject and eject anything and everyone that smells alt-right (A tall task. The alt-right has just about consumed the party).


Despite all the now-exposed media lies, all the investigations, recounts, audits, and court appeals, the Cry Baby Loser's cultists, toadies, lickspittles, and weird worshipers have not contrived a single instance of any state's certified electoral votes being bogus.

Not a one. (The Cry Baby Loser's bankrolling Cyber Ninjas' finding more votes for President Biden was a hoot!)

Objective, empirical data does not defer to bullshit. No matter how deeply one wallows in it, it's still

How can anyone believe the BS coming out from FOX, when they say one thing on air and another behind the scenes.

I wouldn’t blame Fox News
They just reflect the MAGA Audience

Republicans cannot unring a bell
The damage is done

They have damaged America’s faith in our Government, a Free Press, Fair Elections, Science, Medicine……

There is no going back

It could take a decade to undo damage to the Republican Party caused by Fox News promoting election fraud claims, says former GOP official​

Fun theory to tinker with…but first tell us…how long will it take to “undo damage” the Democrat Party caused with their media and social media arms pushing the acceptance of open borders, chicks with dicks, decriminalization and by pitching the defund the police movement?
The problem is that Republicans don’t believe the GOP has been damaged by Fox ‘news’ promoting election lies.
laughing hilariously.jpg

A ****** problem is that the vast majority of snowflakes don't believe Hillary's 'Russian Collusion' scandal, Obama's failed coup attempt, the FBI's violation of Constitution and Rule of law / defrauding the FISA Court to illegally spy on Americans for decades, the Democrats illegal failed coup ImpeachmentS, and Biden's violation of Constitution and law to facilitate the on-going illegal invasion is a big deal / a problem, don't believe any of it hurt this country, and believe it should all go unpunished.

Fun theory to tinker with…but first tell us…how long will it take to “undo damage” the Democrat Party caused with their media and social media arms pushing the acceptance of open borders, chicks with dicks, decriminalization and by pitching the defund the police movement?
Nice diversion
Has nothing to do with the thread though

It could take a decade to undo damage to the Republican Party caused by Fox News promoting election fraud claims, says former GOP official​

Fun theory to tinker with…but first tell us…how long will it take to “undo damage” the Democrat Party caused with their media and social media arms pushing the acceptance of open borders, chicks with dicks, decriminalization and by pitching the defund the police movement?
The Fox entertainers being exposed as not believing the Cry Baby Loser's Big Lie they promoted will not shake the blind faith of the weird worshipers.

Of course, the Trumpy repudiation of democracy is just the Cry Baby Loser's

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Trump (who appoints only the "best people") on Barr:

Like everything else we will be shown to be right.
No. You won't. So it's high time you come to accept it and move on.
If you don't, you run the risk of the electorate rejecting your ideology and belief system in the next election...again.

We already saw how crazy took a tsunami and turned it into a puddle last November.

It could take a decade to undo damage to the Republican Party caused by Fox News promoting election fraud claims, says former GOP official​

Fun theory to tinker with…but first tell us…how long will it take to “undo damage” the Democrat Party caused with their media and social media arms pushing the acceptance of open borders, chicks with dicks, decriminalization and by pitching the defund the police movement?
Everything you've listed here is a "culture war" distraction. Meant to distract the electorate from the fact that conservatism and its bearer, the Republican completely bankrupt of any new ideas that will move the country forward. We get it. You're out of ammo and searching for anything at the very bottom of the barrel you can fling and make stick.

It won't work. You did this to yourselves.
Everything you've listed here is a "culture war" distraction. Meant to distract the electorate from the fact that conservatism and its bearer
Hahaha…that’s some funny ass shit….haven’t you new-age Democrats built your brand on identity politics and a “culture war”?

the Republican completely bankrupt of any new ideas that will move the country forward.
”New ideas”… chicks with dicks being glamorized and the like? Didn’t all those pesky old ideas build and pillar the greatest nation the world had ever known in a short 150 years? What makes regressive fools think that “new ideas” are good ideas?
It won't work. You did this to yourselves.
Did what….preserved and protected the American Way?
Hahaha…that’s some funny ass shit….haven’t you new-age Democrats built your brand on identity politics and a “culture war”?

”New ideas”… chicks with dicks being glamorized and the like? Didn’t all those pesky old ideas build and pillar the greatest nation the world had ever known in a short 150 years? What makes regressive fools think that “new ideas” are good ideas?

Did what….preserved and protected the American Way?
Again, your constant beating on the culture war drum is why your ideology and belief systems are slowly being rejected. Your lack of acceptance and tolerance are going to slowly send your kind to the ash heap of history.

Again, you did it to yourselves.
“Republican former Lt. gov. of Georgia Geoff Duncan said it would take a decade to undo the damage to the GOP caused by Fox News in allegedly promoting conspiracy theories about the 2020 election.”

The problem is that Republicans don’t believe the GOP has been damaged by Fox ‘news’ promoting election lies.
Listen to the sound of RINOs bearing warnings :) They still think they can ride the MAGA party until it fails and they can go back to business as usual. The fact that Trump keeps climbing in internal Republican polls should be a clue to these corrupt a-holes that they can get on the Trump train or they can find another occupation that doesn't require intelligence but that pays huge. Organized crime maybe? That's about all they are trained for.
Listen to the sound of RINOs bearing warnings :) They still think they can ride the MAGA party until it fails and they can go back to business as usual. The fact that Trump keeps climbing in internal Republican polls should be a clue to these corrupt a-holes that they can get on the Trump train or they can find another occupation that doesn't require intelligence but that pays huge. Organized crime maybe? That's about all they are trained for.
Aren't you delusional.
The Trump Train is off the rails and headed for disaster.
Listen to the sound of RINOs bearing warnings :) They still think they can ride the MAGA party until it fails and they can go back to business as usual. The fact that Trump keeps climbing in internal Republican polls should be a clue to these corrupt a-holes that they can get on the Trump train or they can find another occupation that doesn't require intelligence but that pays huge. Organized crime maybe? That's about all they are trained for.
Will Republicans ever stop attacking our election system with misinformation and lies.

In 1957 and then in 1964, this crap was tried by the real group behind all this. It's the same group that hijacked the Tea Party that I am one of the earliest members. Then they hijacked the Republican Party. BTW, Rump was raised by this group. The Conservatives caved and in the first time in History, the John Birch Society was allowed to take charge. Yah, I know, they deny being JBSers just like they did in 1964. In 1957, they didn't lie about themselves, just everyone else. Conservatives need to send them back under the rocks where they crawled out of.

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